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Кудинова Практическиы курс англиыского языка для студентов международник Ч.3 2014

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Reading and Writing: A Travel Blog

1.What is a blog? Do you read blogs? Why / Why not?

2.Read the information about travel blogs. Then discuss the questions.

Travel blogs are online travel diaries or journals. Blogs are often written and

published while the traveller (s) are still on their journey. They sometimes


maps and other visual

September 6, ...



Havana, Cuba – first impressions

a.Have you ever composed a travel blog? If so, what was it about?

b.Have you ever read a travel blog? If so, was it interesting? Why / Why not?

c.Why do people write travel blogs? Why do others read them?

d.Do you think it is better to read travel blogs or travel guidebooks before you visit a foreign country? Why?

3. You are going to read a travel blog about Havana, Cuba. What aspects of the city do you think the authors will mention (the people, shops, etc.)?

4. Arrange the paragraphs in the correct order, read the blog and check

your answers. Then discuss the questions.

a. Do the authors use a formal, neutral or informal style? Give reasons for


your answer.

b.What do the following expressions mean? Try to work out their meanings from the text: choc-a-bloc, drove like the wind, checked out, grabbed my wallet.

c.What information or incident in the blog is most likely to interest readers? Explain your answer.

5. Write a travel blog about one of these two situations. Remember, you write a blog when you are in the situation. Write 120-150 words.

a.Imagine that you are in a foreign country / place you have travelled to and know quite well.

b.Imagine that you are a foreign tourist visiting your country.

Listening and Speaking: Things I Miss from Home

1.In small groups discuss the following:

a.When did you spend time away from home?

b.Where did you go? Why?

c.Did you have a good time?

d.What did you miss from home?

2.Write down one thing that you missed on a piece of paper, and give it to your teacher. You will use these later.

3. Before you listen make sure you know the following words and expressions: a) aerial, to twiddle the knob, to tune into programmes;

b) hair straighteners, unruly;

d) a knack of doing sth, excessive, to be stuck up in the air, ear plugs;


e) to be attached to sth, presenter, odd, reassuring, fussy.

4. Listen to some people talking about the things they miss most when they are away from home (ts 78). Take notes and compare them in groups.

What they miss

Other information







5. Read the lines below. Then listen again. Who is speaking? What do the words in italics refer to?

a.That sounds very silly but I like to see them from time to time.

b.I can't bear to wake up in the morning and be without them...

c. ...it's all very reassuring, even if he's telling something dreadful.

d.And I am there, waving the aerial around and twiddling the knob...

e.They can be quite wonderful because you don't need to worry about traffic...

f. ...and spend...a large part of the day just sitting around reading the paper...

6. Read aloud the things that were written down in ex.2. Guess who wrote them. Whose is the funniest? The most interesting?

Writing: Describing a Picture

Look at the picture below. How does it reflect the main idea of globalization? Describe the picture in writing, using the active vocabulary of the unit. Write 150-180 words.


Reading and Speaking: Types of Tourism

1. Read the holiday brochure extracts below. Which of the holidays listed would be suitable for the people below? Discuss your ideas in pairs.

a.A wealthy older couple looking for a relaxing holiday.

b.An adventurous student of ecology with a limited budget.

c.A sporty group of friends in their 20s looking for fun and excitement.

d.A young professional couple who want peace and quiet.

e.A cultured holiday-maker interested in the environment.

A. Spend seven nights exploring the Caribbean aboard a state-of-the-art vessel: The Palladium. Offering the ultimate in five-star indulgence and boasting 11 decks, it still retains a unique and intimate atmosphere. Select a stateroom with balcony for awe-inspiring ocean views. With five restaurants to choose from, each meal is a gastronomic delight. In the evenings, choose from a comprehensive range of entertainment options. Pamper yourself with the wide variety of treatments available in the Palm Court Spa. Fully escorted excursions are available at each port of call. This is an experience not to be missed. Call now on ...

B. Valentine's Day special: Weekends for two in Paris. Explore the famous sights of the city of love – the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre, Montmartre and then sample the culinary skills of renowned Parisian chefs. Stylish boutique hotel in the heart of this chic, bustling capital. Unbeatable prices. For more info go to


С. Feeling restless? Itchy feet? An active two weeks in New Zealand, including a week of escorted trekking with breathtaking views, the opportunity to bungee jump and try paragliding. Experience a variety of exotic landscapes with a visit to a volcano, glacier hiking and white-water rafting. Local specialities and

hospitality as you’ve never experienced before. All flights and internal transfers included. DownUnder.com

D. Sri Lankan Odyssey. Fully guided holidays to explore the spectacular ancient monuments of an island rich in history. Enjoy baking temperatures, superb beaches and indulge in mouth-watering local delicacies prepared by top chefs. Our 'Green' hotels encourage visitors to calculate carbon emissions and will arrange for guests to plant trees if they want to offset their carbon footprint. Luxury holidays for the discerning and sophisticated traveller with an interest in sustainable development. An experience to savour. Flights not included. Single supplements apply. For further details go to Exped.com.

E. 7 nights on the picturesque Greek island of Kefalonia (as seen in the film

Captain Corelli's Mandolin) in an isolated, restored cottage. Experience the stunning views and secluded beaches and unwind in this off the beaten track location, far from the stresses and strains of the rat race. Steer clear of the tourist


traps, recharge your batteries and return completely refreshed. All-inclusive deal. Special offer price includes flight (budget airline), accommodation, Jeep

hire. Athena travel

F. The holiday of a lifetime. Ten nights in the Badumbas National Park. See the big game and get back to nature. Staying at the exclusive Masai Game Lodge with three-star facilities, you will also spend two nights under canvas out in the bush. Stunning flora and fauna. A visual feast of wildlife all experienced at close quarters, including lions, elephants and rhinos. All travel is in airconditioned off-road vehicles. No single-room supplement. ZebraTourZ

2. Which holiday would you like? Why?

3a. Match the brochure entries to one of the holiday types below. Some of

the choices are not needed.

an adventure holiday, a city break, a cruise, a resort holiday, a sightseeing tour, a working holiday, a safari, a self-catering holiday, backpacking

3b. Can you add any other types of holiday to the list?

4. What do you know about some of the specialised types of tourism below? How do you feel about them? In small groups, discuss your ideas.

battlefield, culinary, eco, disaster, celebrity,

health / medical

(including 'surgery safaris') volunteer,


Reading, Listening and Vocabulary: The Galapagos Islands

1. Look at the photos below and quickly read the description of the Galapagos Islands. Choose one or more photo(s) for the webpage.

2.Read the website and answer the questions below.

1.Where are the islands?


2.How many islands are there?

3.What area is covered by the islands?

4.Why are they so special?

5.What can you see there?

6.What is the tour company's attitude to tourism?

3.Read the website again. Answer the following questions.

1.What words does the writer use to encourage you to visit the Galapagos Islands?

2.What sort of people would be attracted to the islands?

3.What kind of problems might the Galapagos have?

4.Would you like to go there? Why / Why not?

5.What might you expect to do as an 'environmental ambassador'?

4a. Dr Graham Watkins is the Executive Director of a conservation charity and is an expert on the Galapagos Islands. Listen and say whether the following statements about him are true or false. Correct the false information.

a.His father was a conservationist.

b.He studied biology at Oxford University.

c.He worked as a guide in the Galapagos Islands.


d.He studied zoology and evolution at the University of Pennsylvania.

e.His first job after the University of Pennsylvania was in the field of conservation biology.

4b. Now listen to Part 2 of his interview and answer the following questions:

1.Does Graham think tourism is a bad thing? Why / Why not?

2.Give examples of negative consequences of tourism that are a) direct and b) hidden

3.What are 'invasive species'?

5a. In Part 3 Graham is asked whether we should stay away from conservation areas. Predict what he will say.

5b. Now listen to Part 3 and check your predictions. Then answer the following questions.

1.How can the impact of tourism be minimised?

2.What are the best forms of tourism?

3.What is 'sustainable development'?

6.Complete the gaps in the sentences below with the words in the box.

biodiversity emissions endangered irreversible renewable sprawl

1.This charity is working to preserve the amazing __________ of tropical rainforests.

2.Many animals are becoming __________ because of the destruction of their natural habitats.

3.The government has set the goal of cutting carbon __________ by 15 per cent by 2020.

4.Urban __________ is the spreading of a town or city into the rural area around it.

5.The report says that humans have already done __________ damage to the planet.

6.Examples of __________ energy are sunlight, rain and geothermal heat.

Reading and Speaking: No Time to Waste

1. Read this article quickly. Explain the title.

For hundreds of thousands of years, the human race has thrived in Earth’s environment. By 1800 there were 1 billion people on the planet. That number had doubled by 1975. If current birth rates hold, the present population will double again in 40 years. The frightening irony is that our success as an organism could condemn the Earth as a human habitat. We have upset nature’s

sensitive equilibrium – disgorging noxious gases into the atmosphere, dumping toxic waste into rivers and oceans and tearing up the countryside to

accommodate our rubbish.

What would happen if we did nothing about the threat to the Earth? Computers project that an accumulation of carbon dioxide in the

atmosphere could drive up the Earth's average temperature from 3°F to 9°F by


the middle of the next century. Sea levels would rise by several feet, flooding coastal areas and ruining vast tracts of farmland. Huge areas would be infertile and become

uninhabitable. Water contamination could lead to

shortages of safe drinking water. Now, we are at a crucial

turning point. The actions of those now living will determine the future and possibly the very survival of the species. Spurred by

poverty, population growth, ill advised policies and simple greed, humanity is at war with the plants, animals and elements that make up the planet and provide for our continued existence.

We only have a few years to attempt to turn things around. We must review our wasteful, careless ways; we must consume less, recycle more, conserve energy and adapt our lifestyles for the sake of those who will inherit the planet

2.Translate the italicised words and word combinations into literary Russian. Learn them.

3.Give three examples of ways in which the increase in human population has hurt the environment.

4.What environmental issues does the author point out? Range them in the order of importance. Exchange your ideas with a partner. Account for your choice.

5.Do you agree with the point the author makes in this text? Discuss your ideas in small groups.

Reading and Speaking: Earth Day – Environmental Update

1a. Read this page from the magazine “Teen” carefully. Split into two


Group A: Concentrate on the information about the topical environmental issues. a) Make the list of them and be ready to speak about each of them briefly. b) Prepare a list of words and expressions necessary to discuss this topic. Group B: Concentrate on the information about the ways of solving the problems. a) Make the list of them and be ready to speak about each of them briefly. b) Prepare a list of words and expressions necessary to discuss this topic.

1b. Exchange the information with the other group.


What’s one of the most important days on the planet – perhaps the most important day? We're talking Earth Day, which celebrates its 25th birthday this April 22.

Earth Day is a great time for you to think about making the planet a better place. Here’s the scoop of the hottest causes and the coolest things you can do every day.

Waste not, Want not

Almost everything is recyclable today. Aluminum cans, glass bottles, newspaper, foil, even some plastics. Recycling is a great way to reduce waste. Here are some others:

Don’t accept plastic bags at the market. Instead, carry your own tote bag. The ideal choice is a canvas bag made from organic cotton. The cotton is grown from seed without pesticides and the fabric is processed without toxic dyes, bleaches, and unnecessary chemicals.

Use a tote bag to carry your lunch to school each day instead of a paper bag.

Pack your lunch sandwich in an empty food container instead of using plastic sandwich bags.

Instead of buying prepackaged ‘single’ servings of juice or yogurt, buy the larger containers and serve up your own ‘single servings’. All that extra packaging just makes for more trash.

Here’s a bright idea

Did you know that the production of electricity causes not only air pollution, but acid rain and global warming? Sulfur dioxide, a major cause of acid rain, is produced when electricity is generated. So are massive quantities of carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide is the number one cause of global warming.

Did you also know that your school is probably contributing to the problem by using energy-eating fluorescent lamps? You can reduce your school's energy consumption by up to 40 percent by persuading your school to change to energy-saving lamps that greatly reduce the amount of energy being used. Most public schools, however, don't even know about them.

Protecting our forests

Every year the earth loses 20 million

million people depend on the

acres of tropical rain forests. Only

tropical forests for shelter and food.

half of the world's original tropical

The extinction of the rain forests

forests still stand. This is a disaster

also means the possible extinction of

in the making! More than 200

thousands of species that live there.



The United States doesn't have tropical rain forests. However, our trees are also being cut down at an alarmingly high rate. Any tree cut down is a loss for all of us. You can help by doing the following:

Reuse notebook paper and computer paper. Using paper again reduces our need for forest products. According to The Institute of Scrap Recycling, paper

recycling saves the United States 200 million trees per year.

Plant a tree. Or "adopt" a tree that needs a friend to water and protect it.

Adopt a rain forest.

Cut back on or avoid eating beef. Forests are often cut down or burned so that cattle can be brought in to graze. Cutting back on meat consumption cuts back on the cattle that need to be raised.

Protecting our oceans

Seventy percent of the earth is

If you don't live by a beach, you may

covered by oceans. Oceans are vital

think what you do doesn’t affect the

to life on earth. They provide homes

ocean. Not true. The United States is

for millions of plants and animals,

made up of rivers. All rivers end up

provide people with food and help

in the sea. In fact, pollution that

regulate the climate, just for starters.

finds itself into any body of water

But the bummer thing is, our oceans

will eventually make its way into the

are currently a big dumping ground

ocean. But don't despair. You can

for tons of toxic waste and sewage.

help keep our oceans clean:



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