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Кондратева Импрове ёур Енглиш 2011

1.2 Mб

take notice of — заметить, обратить внимание на take steps to do — предпринимать меры

take advantage of — использовать take measures — предпринимать меры

make measurements — проводить измерения

make an attempt tp do smth — попытаться что-либо сделать

Ex.4. Translate into Russian.

1.Special attention has been called to the research work.

2.Use is made of a simple model of a molecule.

3.Steps are taken to diminish friction.

4.Account should be taken of the low melting point of this substance.

5.Advantage is often taken of the effect of temperature on solubility.

6.Care is taken not to heat the substance.

7.Attention was also given to the electron microscopic observation.

8.Emphasis is made on the evolution of the method.

Ex.5. Translate into Russian.

1.It is believed that in many instances the explanations have been clarified.

2.None of the data on this state have been presented at the conference.

3.The experimental facts can be explained by this supposition.

4.A discussion of X-ray spectra has been omitted, as it can be found in almost any advanced text on physics.

5.The importance of water to living things is so evident, that it need not be insisted on here.

6.The invention of the nitrogen-filled lamps has been followed by the argon and neon lamps for special purposes.

7.The behaviour of a gas stream during expansion is influenced by a variety of circumstances.

8.The presence of slight traces of this substance in the atmosphere is accounted for by the action of ultraviolet light upon moist oxygen.

9.Many methods for detection of uranium have been proposed for use under various conditions and only a few can be referred to here.

10.The recognition that isotopes could exist was first forced upon chemists from the study of the radioactive elements.


11.Care must be taken in handling radioactive materials as painful and even dangerous burning may result from prolonged exposure to the rays.

12.Care should be taken in the laboratory not to inhale hydrogen sulphide.

13.Steps are taken to increase the production of our plants.

14.Different kinds of automatic devices have been dealt with at length in this paper.

15.Neutron capture by a nitrogen nucleus is sometimes followed by the immediate emission of proton.

16.The inhomogeneity of the specimens used can’t be avoided.

17.Chemical methods of purifying water are given much attention to at present.

18.The rate at which radioactive elements decompose is unaffected by changes in temperature.

19.Attention should be called to the fact that radioactive phenomena are so completely spontaneous that they are in no manner affected by any sort of physical or chemical changes in the elements involved.

20.The process of separating or concentrating small amounts of radioactive elements may be very conveniently followed by measurements of the activity.

Verbals (Отглагольные формы)

Неличные формы глагола (инфинитив, причастие, герундий) только называют действие, без указания лица и числа, и поэтому служить сказуемым в предложении не могут.

INFINITIVE (Инфинитив)

* Perfect Infinitive выражает действие как предшествующее по отношению к действию, выраженному глаголом в личной форме.


Parts of the sentence

Инфинитив в начале предложения

В начале предложения инфинитив употребляется:

а) в функции подлежащего и переводится инфинитивом или отглагольным существительным.

To deal with this substance will be really important.

Иметь дело с этом веществом будет действительно очень важно.

б) в функции обстоятельства и переводится инфинитивом с сою-

зом для того чтобы или существительным с предлогом для.

To understand this phenomenon the laws of motion should be considered.

Чтобы понять это явление, нужно рассмотреть законы движения.

Ex.1. Translate into Russian.

1.To see the difference, look at the graph.

2.To test the accuracy of the method they conducted a number of


3.In order to understand the procedure, consider the following anal-


4.To give a true picture of the surrounding matter is the task of natural science.

5.Not to fail in our experiment we must pay attention to the preliminary stage.

6.To explain this simple fact is not easy.


Инфинитив в составном именном сказуемом (to be + Infinitive)

Переводится на русский язык инфинитивом, а глагол to be пере-

водится заключается в том, чтобы, состоит в том, чтобы или совсем не переводится.

Our aim is to prove this hypothesis.

Наша цель заключается в том, чтобы доказать это предположение. Наша цель — доказать эту гипотезу.

Сочетание to be с инфинитивом в роли составного именного сказуемого следует отличать от совпадающего с ним составного модального сказуемого.

New sources of energy are to be found.

Необходимо найти новые источники энергии.

Ex.1. Translate into Russian.

1. The method is to show the dependence of temperature on solubili-


2.Little or no oxygen is to be found there.

3.The only way to get more reliable results is to have coefficients of greater accuracy.

4.Mention is to be made of the equation involved.

5.Care is to be taken that the substances be not overheated.

6.Close contact of the substances that are to react is absolutely necessary.

7.Our goal is to cause a catalyst to speed up a reaction.

Инфинитив в функции определения

Стоит после определяемого существительного и выражает действие еще не реализованное, возможное или необходимое, которое подлежит осуществлению в будущем. На русский язык обычно переводится придаточным предложением, сказуемое которого имеет значение долженствования, будущего времени или возможности.

образуется −

существительное + to Infinitive

переводится −

который нужно сделать;


который предстоит сделать;


который можно сделать


Ex.1. Translate into Russian.

1.The information to be given in the next journal is of interest.

2.The new material to replace the old one is more reliable.

3.The subject to be dealt with is rather unexpected.

4.The results to be obtained can explain much in particle physics.

5.The first scientist to discover this phenomenon was Lavoisier.

6.The method to be followed is based on some peculiar properties of these rays.

7.The research to be described in this paper is a continuation of the program started many years ago.

Ex.2. Translate into Russian.

1.lf fuels are to be burnt efficiently it is necessary to mix air with the


2.The problem that was too difficult to be solved a decade ago is now on the agenda.

3.It is to be noted that at ordinary temperature this substance dissolves only slightly.

4.lt is to be emphasized that the electrical conductivity of beryllium is by no means as great as was formerly assumed.

5.Our task has been to determine the effect of X-rays on the substance under test.

6.The next step will be to produce a diagram of the system.

7.A weighed quantity of the material to be tested is placed in cap-


8.To explain the pressure of gases and their diffusion, it is generally supposed that all substances are made of very minute particles called molecules.

9.To find the mass of the electron was then of prime importance.

10.To be fully effective control must start with the production of raw materials.


11. To consider the special properties of matter in this state would be outside the scope of this book.

Инфинитивная конструкция с предлогом for

for + существительное/местоимение в объектном падеже + инфинитив

Такой оборот употребляется почти во всех синтаксических функциях и на русский язык переводится придаточным предложе-

нием с союзом чтобы (для того чтобы).

The temperature was too low for the substance to decompose.

Температура была слишком низкой, для того чтобы вещество распалось.

Ex.1. Translate into Russian.

1.For the observation to be of service two facts must be known.

2.Two conditions must be met for the reaction to take place.

3.Here is one more important point for the speaker to explain.

4.The time for equilibrium conditions to be set is small.

5.The motion took place long enough for the bodies to become heated.

6.Much energy is required for a proton or neutron to leave the nuc-


2. Translate into Russian.

1.It is not unusual for the phosphatic uranium minerals to be used as a commercial source for uranium.

2.Rusting represents the tendency for the iron to revert to the unstable condition.

3.A slow molecule is a nearly stationary target for other molecules

to hit.

4.For breeding to succeed, more than one of the remaining neutrons must be captured by U-238.

5.The time required for the amount of radiation to be reduced to half the original amount is different for different materials.

6.The tendency for a substance to come to a metastable state must be taken into account.


7.It is possible for the substance to be compressed.

8.A certain period of time must be allowed for the oil drops to be removed by the electric field.

9.The lithium nucleus is too small for so many collisions to occur.

10.It will be necessary for the observer to remain in the dark at least ten or fifteen minutes to accustom his eyes to darkness.

Complex Object with Infinitive

Инфинитив в составе сложного дополнения

На русский язык сложное дополнение переводится дополнительным придаточным предложением с союзами что, как, чтобы.

We expect them to test the device on time.

Мы ожидаем, что они проверят прибор в срок.

They observed the students make the experiment in the lab.

Мы наблюдали, как студенты проводят эксперимент в лаборатории.

Сложное дополнение чаще встречается после глаголов: 1) выражающих мнение, суждение, предположение:

to assume (считать, полагать), to find (находить), to believe (полагать), to consider (считать), to expect (ожидать, полагать), to think (думать, полагать), to know (знать), to prove (доказывать), to show (показывать);

2) выражающих чувство и волеизъявление:

to want/to wish (хотеть, желать), to require (требовать); 3) физического восприятия и ощущения:

to see (видеть), to watch/to observe (наблюдать), to hear (слышать), to feel (чувствовать);

4) выражающих приказание или разрешение совершить действие:


to allow (позволять), to permit (позволять), to cause/to make (за-

ставлять), to enable (давать возможность).

Примечание 1. После глаголов-сказуемых to see, to observe, to hear, to watch, to feel, to make инфинитив в составе сложного дополнения употребляется без частицы «to».

Примечание 2. Инфинитив в активном залоге в составе сложного дополнения, стоящий после глаголов to let, to enable, to allow, to permit и глаголов to cause, to make следует переводить без придаточного предложения, сохраняя порядок слов английского предложения.

My scientific adviser made me give a talk on innovations.

Мой научный руководитель заставил меня выступить с докладом по инновациям.

Ex.1. Translate into Russian.

1.We know gravity to act on every particle of a body.

2.We assume the vacuum tubes to have been made for different purposes.

3.We watched the salt melt.

4.The reaction causes some metals to become brittle.

5.The experiments have proved the pressure of a gas at fixed temperatures to depend on its concentration.

6.One may safely expect this prediction to be quite reliable.

7.New techniques allowed the properties of this substance to be changed.

8.The device permits some new calculations to be made.

Ex.2. Translate into Russian.

1.Many different sources consider innovation to be the act of introducing something new.

2.They expected the acceleration to have been changed but this was not the case.

3.Our scientists assume innovation typically to involve risk.

4.Let them take the volume of this body to equal 0.

5.Most precise physical and chemical experiments require the temperature of the object to be constant at the moment when the readings or any other kind of observation are made.


6.The presence of a body in a stream causes energy to be redistributed between the two forms so that where pressure is high, velocity is low, and vice versa.

7.The equipment design is quite flexible and will allow pulse width and repetition rates to be varied to suit the needs of any particular test.

8.They considered that type of contamination to be completely negligible.

9.It is customary to consider the electric current to flow in the opposite direction to the motion of the electrons that constitute it.

10.Judging by this trend we can expect the laser to play an important role in the communication systems of the future.

11.In solids molecules have fixed lattice sites but their thermal motion causes them to vibrate around these equilibrium positions.

12.They found radon to be 3 times as heavy as hydrogen.

Complex Subject with Infinitive

Инфинитив в составе сложного подлежащего


В роли сказуемого обычно выступают глаголы, выражающие мнение, суждение, предположение в страдательном залоге (см. таблицу а), в действительном залоге (см. таблицу b, c). Предложения такого типа переводятся на русский язык сложноподчиненными предложениями. Перевод предложения следует начинать со сказуемого и переводить неопределенно-личным предложением: «Известно…, Находят…» и т.д., за которыми следует придаточное предложение с союзом что. Первый элемент сложного предложения (именной) переводится подлежащим придаточного предложения, а второй (инфинитив) сказуемым.

Ex.1. Translate into Russian.

1.Water is known to occur everywhere in nature.

2.The problem is not supposed to have been solved.

3.Heat was for a long time considered to be an invisible fluid.

4.In ancient times light was thought ot be a property of the eye.

5.The substance is unlikely to possess valuable properties.

6.The technique proves to be too complicated to be really useful.

7.Mars is likely to have lost most of its atmosphere.

8.The device is likely to give the results required.


Сложное подлежащее с отрицанием:

активное сказуемое — «не» в переводе относится к инфинитиву;

пассивное сказуемое — «не» в переводе относится к сказуемому.

He does not appear to know them.

Кажется он их не знает.

This substance was not observed to exhibit radiation.

Не наблюдалось, чтобы это вещество демонстрировало излучение.

Ex.2. Translate into Russian.

1. Many substances are known to dissolve in hot water.


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