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3ий курс / English / Class 3. Lecture II-Hepatitis Syndroms..pptx
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Percutaneous liver biopsy with or without ultrasonic guidance

standard diagnostic approach for establishing the presence of chronic hepatitis

Laparoscopic liver biopsy, which is used in large referral centers, has the advantage of minimizing the sample error by facilitating gross inspection of the liver and thus ensuring an adequate biopsy sample size.

Alcoholic hepatitis: liver biopsy

Major features found include

marked variation in cell size

evidence of cell necrosis and variable inflammation with a mixture of polymorphonuclear and mononuclear cell

there is evidence of variable sinusoidal compression

pericellular fibrosis is an important feature

In many pts eosinophilic inclusions (Mallory bodies) are found

Often the most intense alcoholic-induced injury is in Zone III (centrilobular)

Treatment of severe alcoholic hepatitis

Administration of prednisolone in moderately large doses may be helpful in patients with encephalopathy

However, the use of glucocorticoids in acute alcoholic hepatitis remains controversial and should probably be reserved

Maintenance therapy with colchicine (0.6 mg PO bid) has been shown to slow disease progression and increase longevity of the patient with alcoholic liver disease in one long-term study.

Причины смерти при алкогольном гепатите

Печеночная недостаточность (кома) 56%



Гепаторенальный синдром




Alcoholic cirrhosis

The typical alcoholic patient with cirrhosis has had a daily consumption of a pint or more of whiskey, several quarts of wine, or an equivalent amount of beer for at least 10 years.

The amount and duration of ethanol ingestion, rather than the type of alcoholic beverage or the pattern of ingestion, appear to be the important determinants

Alcoholic cirrhosis

historically referred to as Laennec's cirrhosis

is the most common type of cirrhosis in North and South America and in western Europe

It is characterized by diffuse fine scarring, fairly uniform loss of liver cells, and small regenerative nodules

may be clinically silent and 10 to 40% cases are discovered incidentally at laparotomy or autopsy

In many cases symptoms are insidious in onset, occurring usually after 10 or more years of excessive alcohol use and progressing slowly over subsequent weeks and months

Alcoholic cirrhosis: clinical manifestations

Easy bruising

Increasing weakness and fatigue

Hepatocellular dysfunction and portal hypertension

Anorexia and malnutrition lead to weight loss and a reduction in skeletal muscle mass

Progressive jaundice

Bleeding from gastroesophageal varices, ascites


Progressive renal dysfunction often complicates the terminal phase of the illness.

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