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3ий курс / English / engl вопросы к занятию 12

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  1. Acute and chronic leukemia may be distinguished by clinical presentation

  2. True

  3. False

2. What is the name of a disparity between blasts and mature cells in bone marrow smear in a patient with acute leukemia?

3. The WBC count in acute leukemia is:

1. Increased

2. Decreased

3. Not changed

4. All answers are possible

4. Name the group of disorders with tumor cells proliferation in lymphoid tissue ?


5. What is the most likely cause of anemia in acute leulemia?

1. Hemolysis

2. Blood loss

3. Supression of normal erythropoiesis

4. Decreased production of erythropoietin

6. Choose the signs that distinguish acute myeloid leukemia from chronic myeloid leukemia

1. Splenomegaly

2. Blasts in peripheral blood

3. Hiatus leukemicus

4. Haemorrhagic syndrome and anemia

5. Enlarged lymph nodes

7. In a 28-year old female with enlarged solid cervical and supraclavicular lymph nodes and intermittent fever, a lymph node biopsy revealed Sternberg-Reed cells. Name the disease ___________________________________________________________________________

8. Philadelphia chromosome is typical for:

  1. Acute lymphoblastic leukemia

  2. Chronic lymphocytic leukemia

  3. Chronic myeloid leukemia

  4. Erythremia

  5. Hodgkin lymphoma

9. Which bone marrow abnormalities are typical for acute leukemia?

1.Adipose tissue predominance

2. >20% of blasts

3.Megaloblastic hemopoiesis

4. >30% of mature lymphocytes

10. 58-year old male complaints of fatigue, low-grade fever, sweating, heaviness in the left hypochondrium, pane in bones. In CBC WBC are 110,1х109/l, 5% of promyelocytes, 25% of myelocytes, 22% of metamyelocytes. Philadelphia chromosome is detected. What is the possible diagnosis:

  1. Chronic myeloid leukemia

  2. Acute myeloblastic leukemia

  3. Hodgkin lymphoma

  4. Chronic lymphocytic leukemia

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