- •Кафедра «Английский язык»
- •Дубинина Галина Алексеевна Драчинская Ирина Федоровна
- •Полное и частичное воспроизведение или размножение каким-либо способом допускается только с письменного разрешения Финансовой академии при Правительстве рф
- •Contents
- •Who’s Who in the Company
- •Ian Hampden, Ian - Personnel Manager Green, Jack - Shop steward
- •Phrase list
- •Exercise 4
- •Phrase list
- •Listen to the introduction to the unit. Answer the following questions and be ready to give a story line. Use the word combinations in brackets.
- •Listening
- •Exercise 2
- •Post-listening
- •Phrase list
- •1. What is the purpose of Mr. Duncan’s telephone call to Harper & Grant?
- •Listening
- •Exercise 2
- •Exercise 3
- •Post-listening
- •Sum up everything you came to know from the unit about
- •Phrase list
- •2. What does the General Office deal with?
- •Listening
- •Exercise 2
- •Exercise 3
- •Exercise 4
- •Exercise 5
- •Post-listening
- •Phrase list
- •1. What are Peter Wiles’ plans for the day in question?
- •Listening
- •Exercise 2
- •Exercise 3
- •Exercise 5
- •Post-listening
- •1. Consider the following points. Share your ideas with a partner or a small group. Be prepared to explain your answers to the class.
- •Phrase list
- •1. How would you describe the system of advertising used in Harper & Grant Ltd.?
- •Listening
- •Exercise 2
- •Exercise 3
- •Post-listening
- •1. Consider the following points. Share your ideas with a partner or a small group. Be prepared to explain your answers to the class.
- •Phrase list
- •1. Why does Hector Grant intend to undertake a work study survey?
- •Listening
- •Exercise 2
- •Exercise 5
- •Post-listening
- •Consider the following points. Share your ideas with a partner or a small group. Be prepared to explain your answers to the class.
- •Phrase list
- •1. What do we call a pension? Is it a compulsory scheme?
- •Listening
- •Exercise 2
- •Exercise 3
- •Exercise 5
- •Post-listening
- •Consider the following points. Share your ideas with a partner or a small group. Be prepared to explain your answers to the class.
- •Phrase list
- •1. Do Harper & Grant make it a condition of employment that a worker must belong to a certain trade union? What does that mean?
- •Listening Exercise 1
- •Exercise 2
- •Exercise 5
- •Post-listening
- •Consider the following points. Share your ideas with a partner or a small group. Be prepared to explain your answers to the class.
- •Phrase list
- •2. Why does Harper & Grant Ltd. Belong to private companies?
- •3. What can the death of Ambrose Harper lead to?
- •5. Do the management of Harper & Grant Ltd. Welcome the possibility of a take over?
- •6. How did h.G. Manage to raise a loan?
- •Listening
- •Exercise 3
- •Post-listening
- •Consider the following points. Share your ideas with a partner or a small group. Be prepared to explain your answers to the class.
- •Phrase list
- •1. Is the situation with the new export market in Abraca encouraging?
- •Exercise 3
- •Post-listening
- •1. Consider the following points. Share your ideas with a partner or a small group. Be prepared to explain your answers to the class.
- •Phrase list
- •1. What changes occurred in the structure of the capital of Harper & Grant Ltd. After Hector Grant postponed the possibility of a takeover?
- •Exercise 2
- •Post-listening
- •1. Consider the following points. Share your ideas with a partner or a small group. Be prepared to explain your answers to the class.
- •Illustration 1
- •Phrase list
- •1. What is the main task of the auditors?
- •2. Why has h.G. Changed the firm auditing the firm’s accounts?
- •3. What is w. Buckhurst responsible for?
- •4. Which three documents are in the focus of the auditors’ attention?
- •5. What does the Balance Sheet show?
- •6. Why is stock valuation a mixed blessing?
- •Exercise 2
- •Post-listening
- •1. Consider the following points. Share your ideas with a partner or a small group. Be prepared to explain your answers to the class.
- •Phrase list
- •Listening
- •Exercise 2
- •Post-listening
- •1. Consider the following points. Share your ideas with a partner or a small group. Be prepared to explain your answers to the class.
- •1. How can a firm insure itself against loss or damage to its property?
- •Exercise 2
- •Exercise 3
- •Exercise 4
- •Post-listening Consider the following points. Share your ideas with a partner or a small group. Be prepared to explain your answers to the class.
- •Explain why and how hi-jackers stole office-furniture.
Exercise 3
Act as an interpreter.
Grant: |
Come in, John. Well, you seem to have covered a lot of ground in Abraca. What about an agent? |
John Martin: |
Думаю, что я нашел хорошего (агента). Думаю, что он будет вести наши дела хорошо. |
Grant: |
What's his financial position? |
John: |
Когда я был в Джемзе, я навел справки в Национальном Банке Абраки, и они считают его (агента) надежным. |
Grant: |
Did you agree a commission if we decide to employ him? |
John: |
Да. Десять процентов, как обычно. |
Grant: |
How are we going to arrange payment from Abraca? I'm against sight draft. |
John: |
Да, я согласен. Это должен быть безотзывный аккредитив. Расчеты будут осуществляться через лондонское отделение Национального Банка Абраки, по получении ими наших коносаментов и всех прочих документов. |
Grant: |
Well, I'd like a more detailed report from you on paper, plus your long-term assessment. |
Exercise 4
Listen to the following conversation between John Martin and Fenella. Look at their remarks given below at random. Put them in the order they appear in the Unit. Supply the remarks with the name of their authors.
A ... |
Oh, Fenella! Don’t weep all over my letters, they’re so nicely set out. You can easily correct the spelling mistakes. Do cheer up. I’m sorry. I expect I’m a bit tired too. It’s been a hectic day for both of us. |
B ... |
Yes, of course. I shouldn’t be able to manage without you. |
C ... |
Look. I really am sorry. I shouldn’t have expected so much from you. You’ve done splendidly. I know … pass me my brief case. I bought this ash-tray in the souk in Djemsa. Would you like it? |
D ... |
Fenella, these letters are full of spelling mistakes. |
E ... |
Oh, yes, Mr. Martin. Thank you ever so much … and can I work for you tomorrow if Sally is still away? |
F … |
Oh, Mr. Martin, I did try to do my best. Honestly I did. |
G … |
Oh, dear! |
1. |
2. |
3. |
4. |
5. |
6. |
7. |
Exercise 5
Match each of the phrases on the left with an appropriate explanation on the right. Fill in the grid below.
1. |
forwarding agent |
A |
A form giving relevant information about freight, goods, being shipped. They are made out in sets of two or three copies. One copy is signed by the captain of, or agent for, a ship to acknowledge that the goods have been placed on board a ship. |
| ||||||||||
2. |
to clear |
B |
An experienced guess at what the sales or expenditure, etc., will be in the future |
| ||||||||||
3. |
irrevocable letter of credit |
C |
A note to help memory; or a short note of instructions or information for internal office use |
| ||||||||||
4. |
Bill of Lading (B/L) |
D |
To consider a person honest: in this case sound financially, i.e. having a good reputation with his bank manager |
| ||||||||||
5. |
date of clearance |
E |
To get goods through customs. Clearing agent: one who supervises and helps goods through customs, paying duties, etc. |
| ||||||||||
6. |
memo (memorandum) |
F |
A Bill of Exchange attached to shipping documents. The goods are only released to the buyer when he pays the amount on his bill. The exporter does not receive the money so quickly because it is paid in the buyer’s country. |
| ||||||||||
7. |
to rate someone as sound |
G |
Anything which checks progress |
| ||||||||||
8. |
sight draft |
H |
A firm responsible for transporting and delivering goods which are being exported. A forwarding agent is sometimes called a clearing agent. Someone importing speaks of a clearing agent and someone exporting uses the term a forwarding agent. |
| ||||||||||
9. |
long-term assessment |
I |
This document means that the buyer cannot change his mind if he decides that he does not want the goods. |
| ||||||||||
10. |
along the line |
J |
Date the goods left docks |
| ||||||||||
11. |
a hold-up |
K |
Between place of dispatch and place of arrival |
| ||||||||||
1. |
2. |
3. |
4. |
5. |
6. |
7. |
8. |
9. |
10. |
11. | ||||