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Готовые устные темы по разговорному курсу.doc
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25. Describe symptoms of illness.

Nobody likes to fall ill. It’s so disgusting to take a lot of medicines, to lay all day long in the bed and to feel bad. People fall ill for a number of reasons: someone has weak immunity, another one contacts sick people, etc.

Diseases are different and so are their symptoms. For example, for chill (простуда) they are cold, cough and temperature. Some illnesses possess hidden symptoms and, as a rule, they are the most dangerous ones. For example, AIDS, hepatitis C are called plagues of the 21st century. The person can be infected for some years, but don’t know it. These illnesses don’t show themselves and can be revealed only by special analysis.

But usually illnesses have visible symptoms. For example, meningitis. It’s very dangerous disease, connected with a brain inflammation (воспаление). Symptoms of meningitis are: very high temperature, headache and throat inflammation.

Common diseases have symptoms such as appetite loss, increasing of temperature, headache and inflammation of mucous membranes (слиз. оболочек). They are natural reactions of an organism to destroy viruses. Inflammation is the nastiest symptom because it results in cough, rhinitis and sore throat (боль в горле). When you are coughing or sneezing (чихать), you are very dangerous to other people. You can infect them.

And in general, whatever illness were: with hidden or visible symptoms – each can lead to fatal effects if timely measures for its treatment (терапия) are not taken.

26. Life 2500 years ago.

Imagine, you are in ancient Greece or Rome. How can you describe their life? We should remember that these are vey hot countries. Everyone wears very free clothes. The main business of that time is trade. You can sell or buy some food, clothes from other countries or even other men called slaves. People of this age were heathens (язычники). They believed in a large number of Gods. For, Zeus – the god of lightning in Greece, Apollo – god of vine etc. Food in Greece was very various. You could eat different fruits, vegetables, meat and fish.

And what can we say about culture of that time? Their creatures of art are so beautiful and solid that we can enjoy them in the present time. I think people of that time lived not so bad as some of present people. At least, they lived under twelve-month sun.

27. Describing friendship.

Friendship is something that cannot be bought or sold. It happens naturally between people having something in common or being close to each other. There are some factors which influence the quality, nature or depth of friendship. Having some kind of thing that you can laugh about really keeps people together.

Every summer I attend a large gathering. I’m sure to see many of me friends each year as we find this to be very useful. Among them I think of the good times we have spent together. I still have feelings of love and warmth towards my friends.

A lot of people think that in order to keep friendship strong it’s important to live in close intimacy with each other to be able to meet regularly. There is something about old friends, maybe over a long time trust builds up. Even if a person does wrong or selfish you can forgive him because you know his temper and habits.

I must say that it’s rather difficult to make friends with some people even if we have similar interests. Although people mostly find friends of around their own age it’s not important how old they are. The real are equal relations and possibility to talk about feelings, problems and hopes.

To sum up, I must say that friend is a man who will understand you and tell you everything and he doesn’t have any secrets from you.