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Готовые устные темы по разговорному курсу.doc
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3. Advantages and disadvantages of being “right-handed”, “left-handed” and ambidextrous.

Is it comfortable to be a “left-handed” person? On the other hand, it is not, because many of domestic things are oriented on right-handed people. Usually, all switches and handles are disposed on the right side of domestic devices and it’s uncomfortable to operate them by left hand. It’s impossible to cut with scissors by left hand. Some details of clothes are also oriented on the “right-handed”, for example, zippers or inside pockets. And it’s difficult to write with left hand because we do this from left to the write. It’s uncomfortable to enter the metro because of disposition of turnstiles. But on the other hand, sometimes it’s good to be “left-handed’. For example, it’s more comfortable to open the washing machine with left hand. It’s very advantageous to be “left-handed” in some kinds of sports, for example, in boxing or in baseball. And as for me, I would like to be an “ambidextrous”. It’s very comfortable, for example, if you need to write a lot: when right hand is tired, you can write with left one.

4. My work experience (or experience in applying for a job).

I would like to tell you about my first job experience. This happened after I finished the 9-th form. I decided to work at the post office for 3 weeks. I hoped to earn some money to buy what I liked. All I needed to get this job were carefulness and politeness and well-knowing of my town layout (план) so I didn’t have any problem with it. The first crucial step to get a job was actually (по сути) talking to my familiar (знакомый) who had an experience already.

I was assigned an interview with a manager of the post office, during which I passed through a short test on required knowledge and my character. That wasn’t something difficult but I should keep myself.

My responsibilities were delivering mail to residents (жители). I got envelopes and a log book (журнал учёта) and left for task (задание). Work began at 9 o’clock and finished at 15 o’clock with a 1-hour break for dinner. As a hole, job got interesting and didn’t cause inconvenience (доставлять неудобство) so I also could spent the rest of the day on meeting with my friends or playing games at sports ground. I helped people to learn (узнавать) about their relatives or official notifications from different town services. Sometimes I needed to contact with people, just when it was a registered article (заказное отправление).

It was rather unusual to be not a student, but a worker and it appeared to be even fun.

I can’t say I got a lot of money eventually, but I really enjoyed it.

5. Describing a place I travelled to.

Not so long ago I went to Ilmensky reserve, situated in the Urals, among the finest of the Ural Mountains. Ilmensky reserve is world famous for its flora and fauna. Also it’s famous for its huge variety of minerals and colored stones.

In Il'men Reserve there are over 5000 species of plants, 1500 of animals and 700 different mineral and precious stones. There is the perfect lake, called the same, with very clean water.

The air in these places an unusually fresh and pleasant, and most importantly very useful to human nature organism. Harmony nothing breaks, namely, in Il'men preserve banned all the good of civilization. There is no electricity in the most distant and wild areas is prohibited riding mashine. And that's right!

Ilmensky Reserve has a century history. The first decree on the construction of the reserve has signed yet tsar Alexander the First. Most number of foreigners consider it necessary to visit this wonderful place. For more than a hundred years in the reserve had been created all conditions for the reception of thousands of tourists. Rock climbing, hiking, fishing, fire is only a small part of what may try the tourists.

Currently, reserve protected by the government and UNESCO. Most of the plants and animals listed as endangered. I really liked this wonderful place and I hope in the future again to visit it.