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Готовые устные темы по разговорному курсу.doc
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17. Future of toys & games, cars & transport.

Do you remember your childhood? We had a lot of teddy bears, constructors, little cars. Some of us had Tetris, Dandy or Sega. For hours we could sitting in front of this platform games. The most of people had Russian or Soviet cars and only the richest could afford foreign ones. Everybody wore the same clothes. We all were alike. But now many things have changed cardinally.

Computer games have replaced many usual toys. The present latter ones are more colorful, nicer. Our transport is more comfortable, faster. A lot of us possess foreign cars. And what can we say about our clothes? It’s so different that we try to find something interesting for ourselves.

My opinion about the future isn’t new. Different toys and games will be replaced by the virtual reality: cars will be considerably faster and clothes – more various & comfortable.

18. Rules of professional behaviour.

So, you’ve come to your new job. At first you must meet your boss. You may ask him different questions about the job, company, teem etc. you must keep good impression for him. This is very important as it is your relationship that your success depends on. At second, you need meet colleagues. They can say much important information to you: about boss, job, dress-code and so on. You should remember, you will be working with them for a long time and good relations are more necessary than the same with your boss. You must feel comfort at your workspace. If not, your work won’t be so productive as your company wants.

I think the rules of professional behavior must look this way. But it’s only my subjective opinion, because different jobs need different demands.

19. My achievements & projects (планы).

During all our life we reach success in different fields: studying, science, sport etc. The cleverest pupils reach victories on different fields: physics, math and so on. The best scientists make investigations. The sportsmen set fantastic records in athletics, skiing, skating.

As for me, I have a few achievements. When I was in the 9th form, I won the town Olympiad on Physics. And after that I got only the 3rd place on English language in the 10th form and the 4th – in the 11th form. At sports I had little success in football. I got the first and the second places in the competition between our town schools.

I also had some achievements in music but they are very small. I can say about myself only that I have developed in different ways which helps me feel comfortable in various situations.

20. Likely and unlikely situations.

What shall I do if I find myself on a desert island (необитаемый остров)? First of all, I suppose this would never occur. But in reverse situation I would hardly be in a panic. Then I would light a fire on a coast and would wait for a ship passing nearby. Probably, I would be able to call in a rescue service with my mobile phone.

One more unlikely situation is my election into president. If I were him I would reduce fines, increased salaries for civil servants and make reforms in educational system. But I think this occupation requires a lot of knowledge and a strong will.

This summer our family is planning to go to Egypt. If I close the current session in the Institute then I will join them. So it will become possible to spend 2-months vacation with unforgettable pleasure.

If I earn 500,000 dollars I will buy a cottage in my city and the rest of that sum will be spent on charity and put in a bank account for the future.

In conclusion t should notice that we must get out from different situations in spite of any thing.