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Готовые устные темы по разговорному курсу.doc
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8. If I won first prize in a lottery.

If I won first prize in the lottery, the first thing I would like to do is to buy a gift for my mother, something about she always wished. And then I would start to think what I can do with money. It depends on amount of it. If it’s not a large sum, I would organize a party for my friends, because it’s very important to keep a good and cheerful mood. I would also make presents for all my good friends and relatives because I love them and I’m glad when they are happy. If the sum is large enough to buy an apartment or a house, I would do it without any delay because I would need it after graduating from the university. Then I would buy everything that is necessary to develop. Then I would buy a car, a cottage. Also I would buy some less significant (important) things like books or engineering techniques, and so on. If I had all the enumerated things, I would go for a journey. I think that needs of a person grow with increasing of his possibilities, so I could imagine a lot of applications (использования) of money. But at this moment I think that my present financial position is enough for me.

9. A day trip.

Once I had a trip to village Konstantinovo, a motherland of great Russian poet Sergey Yesenin. It was a wonderful and really beautiful place. Konstantinovo is situated on a high picturesque bank, where a magnificent sight appears from. There were very nice cottages and streets, a lot of beaches and bushes [bu:] (кустарник). And I also liked that there were a lot of wattle (плетёных) fences. I visited a house of Sergey Yesenin. It was very interesting to look how his family lived. The manor (особняк) was a log house (бревенчатый) and situated in the centre of village. I also visited a house of Lidiya Kashina, who was the prototype of the main heroine [hәrәuin] of Yesenin's poem "Anna Snegina". There was an interesting planning of a building. There was one central room with stair and other rooms were displaced around it. In the village there is a museum exposion devoted to work of a poet.

And, of course, there was a wonderful countryside. Oka river has a very beautiful bank there. There were also hills from which I could see unbounded spaces of fields and meadows. I was admired of the Konstantinovo and I thought that if I lived there I would write poems too.

10. Relationships and marriages.

For a long time marriages were inviolable (нерушимый). Weddings made in churches and marriages were considered to be made on heaven. Nowadays people don’t consider marriages to be so serious and there are many divorces at present. As for me, I think that marriage is a very responsible step because you must care about your wife or husband and honor of the family. You should pay attention to one another so that people live in harmony and take a care. Marriage is a serious step in life and requires a lot of courage and responsibility from the person who makes such a decision. The majority of couples think that the desire and passion in love are enough reason to turn a new unknown page in there future.

You also need to have a good job as a source of profits to keep your family. And, of course, you must be not too young for a marriage.

To my point of view young couples who decide to marry early don’t have enough consciousness (осознание) to realize what they are doing. Only some young people can say that they are ready for a long relationship with the beloved one. I think that an optimal age to get married is 23 – 25 years old.

I hope that my future marriage will answer all my wishes and I will have an enduring happy family.