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Готовые устные темы по разговорному курсу.doc
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14. Food that I like to cook and to eat.

I am rather good at cooking and I have to cook practically every day, and there are several dishes that I can and like to cook. My favorite dish is pizza.

Cooking pizza is a very interesting and easy process. I use all the products that can be found at home. This makes my dish very tasty.

I also like to cook potato mash (карт. пюре) with meat. Firstly, I peel potatoes in a saucepan (кастрюля). Then they are boiling until they become soft. Finally I add milk into the mixture. That's enough. It takes about 1 hour.

My friends like it when I am cooking. We cook some tasty dishes on holidays. For example, we make cakes after passing the exam.

Sometimes I have a bad mood and so I begin cooking. It brings me to life. I like to cook salads. I write a new technology of cooking salads in my notebook. Also I like to go home and eat everything that my mother cooks. My mother is very good in cooking because she likes this work.

In eating I prefer usual food: potatoes, fish and cutlets. They can be found in our student's dining hall. I am not a lover of exotic dishes like soup from shark (акула) or ....!

15. Describe the airport you have ever been to.

I visited airports only several times during my life. Moreover, in Russia I was only in airport "Domodedovo". It's said to be one of the best airports of our country in a view of security. It is true, for example, that you must lay off your belt (пояс), watch, rings and even ear rings (серёжки) to pass the detector on metal. It is tiresome (утомительно) but necessary.

I liked this airport. It is tidy, cozy, organized. People in the airport are very polite and patient. Also Domodedovo airport is located not far from my home because I live near the "Kashirskaya" metro station and it is not far from station "Domodedovskaya".

I want to France very much & was in many countries & in many airports therefore (соответственно). But most of all I admired Ben-Gurion Airport in Tell-Aviv. This is a great building, very beautiful and large. Our flight arrived at night and the airport was all in fires. Illumination amazed imagination. The only non-pleasant thing for me was it is uncomfortable. The coziest airport in which I was is in Vienna. It’s small & comfortable. It seems to me that in it is possible for hours and not to be tired as at big one.

16. Fame (слава) and success.

Whether a star is born or made? I think that there is no a single answer on this question. Several years ago there was quiet another situation. To become a star and a favorite of public one had to have a good part (voice) and hearing in actor talent and a charm. Those people became stars due to their abilities.

Nowadays the majority don't have such characteristics in comparison with old artists. Their fame and success depend on money of their producers and their appearance. Of course, it is not about all of them, there are persons who achieved their success by themselves. Unfortunately, the number of them is rather small. It's a pity that situation with artists became so unpleasant, but I believe that all really gifted (одарённый) people will find their public and will make glad it with their creative work.