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Готовые устные темы по разговорному курсу.doc
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6. About sports I’m most keen on

Sport is an important part of our life. It allows us to have a healthy body and spirit, makes us to develop a strong will and helps to have a good time. In my life there were many interests, including sports. I am keen and fond of still different kinds of sports, from football and chess and ending poker. No most interesting and fascinating view sport for me was, is and will be football.

I love to play it with friends, and sometimes even stuffed a ball when nobody net. I have, incidentally, pretty well .In basically I put on a defender or goalkeeper, as I protect unstoppable.

Basically I play football in the summer, a large stadium near house. No winter and I have an opportunity to play when my friends call me to the gymnasium .obtained that I play football all year round!

In football more than a century history. Its common knowledge that he was born in England in 19 century. The first balls were made from bovine bladder , instead of spikes hammered into the boots are the real nails. So time football has developed and now we have the balls for the last word technology and comfortable sports gear. Once every 4 years the football fever seizes the entire world, when the championship of the world and Europe .Its real football feast!

Football is a fantastic and dynamic game, connects millions of people across planet. It gives people the sea of emotion and positive. To play this incredible (потрясающую) game is nothing but a ball do not is what makes her so accessible to many people.

Football is a great sport that unites generations. So, I’m not a sportsman, but sport is important for me.

7. My former and present habits.

Absolutely everyone on this planet has various habits. Each person has their own, certain habits, unlike the habits of other people. Habit emphasizes (подчёркивают) individuality, it can tell a lot about person’s character, his behavior in society. We don’t choose these or other habit, they come with us on an unconscious (бессознат.) level.

And I have a few habits, perhaps useful, perhaps amusing (забавный) to others. For example, I like very much to drink tea and I do it up to ten times a day.

My first habit is something I always like to re-check the work done. Maybe it takes away precious (драгоценное) time, but it saved me not once from accidental (случайные) errors, and warned me of the different effects.

The second my habit probably developed by my parents is accuracy. I will stand on a spot (не сойду с места) unless I reach a goal. Yet it can be called a sense of purpose (целеустремлённость)... Many people call it a character trait (черта характера), but I call it a habit, a very useful habit for me!

And the last one of the most essential (важных) and mattered (значимый) habits is love of cleanness. I always follow the order, don’t like when an excess speck (лишняя пылинка) detects. I make my neighbors to respect my habit, and they help me to wash our flat, so we live in full.

I’ve told you about my habits! I have some other good and bad ones, but I haven’t noted them, as they are too usual and ordinary.