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  1. Переведите письменно на русский язык найденную информацию.

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  1. I can’t go to the cinema with you as I... to stay in the office till 20.

1) must 2) have 3) am able

  1. Do you know when the Sellers ... to deliver the goods?

1) have 2) are 3) must

  1. Выберите нужное слово и переведите предложения на русский язык.

  1. The amount of responsibility depends on the position a ... member holds in the firm.

  1. store 2) shop 3) staff

  1. Companies which specialise in recruitment are called ...

1) retailers 2) wholesalers 3) agencies

  1. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопрос:

What seems to be wrong with marketers and their advertising agencies?

Переведите ответ на русский язык.

Are We Being Manipulated into Buying Brands?

Historically, building a brand was rather simple. Because shopping was still a local business and competition limited, a successful brand could maintain its lead and high prices for years. Now consumers are bombarded with choices. They are more cynical than ever about marketing and are harder to reach.

Some of the most cynical consumers are the young. College students take marketing courses and “know the enemy». Marketers have to take some of the blame. While consumers have changed beyond recognition, marketing has not. Even in the USA, home to nine of the world’s ten most valuable brands, it can be a shockingly old-fashioned business.

Marketing theory is still largely based on the days when Procter & Gamble’s brands dominated the USA, and its advertising agencies wrote the rules. Those rules focused on the product and where to sell it, not the customer. The new marketing approach is to develop a brand not a product- to sell a lifestyle or a personality, to appeal to emotions.

It is a much harder task than describing the features and benefits of a product. However, brands of the future will have to stand for all this and more. Not only will they need to be a stamp of product quality and a promise for a more desirable lifestyle but they will also have to project an image of social responsibility.


  1. Marketers attack consumers with advertisements.

  2. Marketers understand the necessity of adopting a new marketing approach.

  3. Marketers have to solve a very difficult task to be a success.

  4. Marketers largely concentrate on the product and the place where to sell it.

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  1. Просмотрите текст и запишите какому из абзацев текста (1,2,3,4) соответствует следующая идея:

It is a good idea to check what people have understood at the meeting.

Too Many Meetings Are a Waste of Time.

  1. Much of the time of corporate leaders is spent in meetings. Meetings are the cornerstone of teams, which are the basis of corporate existence. But meetings, like teams, do not necessarily achieve what they set out to do. Only 12% of managers think their meetings are productive.

  1. Running meetings well is clearly an art .Lots of meetings happen in the corridor, they are spontaneous, small and quick and that is why more efficient. Bigger meetings are usually more problematic. Unimportant ideas are often given too much time.

  2. Meetings tend to be held either to share information or to solve problems. For the first sort the manager should ask everyone to say at the end what they think they have heard, and correct their accounts if they are wrong. With problem-solving, the aim should be paying proper attention to putting soldtions into practice. It is wise to ask people what they liked about the things they heard.

  3. Meetings often waste huge amounts of time. The way to get a good decision is to frame the question carefully. If you want to invest in China, do not announce that you are planning to do it. Better ask your colleagues:» We want to be in the Chinese market: how do we get there?”

  1. Просмотрите текст ещё раз и найдите в нем абзацы, в которых говорится о том,:

  1. что является основой корпоративного существования;

  2. какие собрания эффективнее и почему;

  3. с какой целью проводят собрания;

  4. как достичь лучшего решения

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