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Ex. 2. Make sure you know the meaning of the following words and word combinations.

Dimensions, triangular formation, stove, fridge, sink, key work stations, to arrange, in circular fashion, in linear fashion, galley kitchen, to make small upgrades, evolved from, fixtures of bathtub, whirlpools and bidets, plumbing, pipes, to keep up with, finish, life span of décor, crib, diapers, to fold, durable, washable, non-slip, to crawl, vinyl tile, blinds and shades.

Ex. 3.* Find in the text the synonyms to:

1) device; 2) place; 3) in relation to; 4) arrow/abreast; 5) revamp; 6) ice-box/ice-chest; 7) shell; 8) fryer; 9) bar/upright; 10) powder room; 11) fastening; 12) crane/faucet; 13) swirl/whirligig.

Ex. 4. Match the words with their meanings.

  1. kitchen

a) piece of equipment used for storing food at low temperatures

  1. upgrade

b) the job of fitting and repairing pipes, water tanks, and other equipment used for supplying and storing water

  1. counter

c) when a type of plant or animal evolves, its physical form changes over a long period of time; to gradually develop particular physical features

  1. fridge

d) a wooden container for an animal’s food; a model of the wooden box that Jesus Christ was born in, according to the Bible; a sheet of paper or piece of work containing information that a student uses for cheating in an examination

  1. crib

e) a long flat surface where customers are served, for example in a shop or a bank

  1. plumbing

f) the kitchen on a boat or plane

  1. evolve

g) a thick piece of soft cloth or paper fastened between a baby’s legs to catch solid and liquid waste

  1. galley

h) to make a computer or other machine more powerful or effective; to improve the quality of a service or product

  1. diaper

i) a room where you prepare and cook food and wash dishes

Vocabulary Exercises

Ex.1. Read and translate the following materials characteristics. Think over what kind of material is good for the floor and wall finish in the kitchen, in the bathroom, in the living-room and other rooms.




Laminate most popular of all countertop materials; made of plywood, chipboard or medium-density fibreboard topped by thin plastic laminate

  • solid material with good durability;

  • wide range of colours, textures and patterns;

  • cleans easily with soap and water;

  • has some heat resistance;

  • water resistant;

  • resistant to most stains;

  • inexpensive

  • dark back may be visible at seams;

  • can chip or scratch;

  • cannot be used as a chopping surface;

  • cannot withstand very hot pots

Solid Surface made of cast plastics such as polyester, acrylic and mineral fillers

  • highly resistant to permanent damage markings can be sanded away;

  • seams are barely visible;

  • can be mounded into unified counter and sink;

  • cleans easily with soap and water;

  • durable

  • expensive;

  • heavy cabinets below may require reinforcement;

  • dark colours will show nicks;

looks artificial

Marble luxurious stone available in a variety of colours and patterns, surface suited to baking, candy making and rolling out dough, requires a sealant to prevent staining

  • water and heat resistant;

  • beautiful, natural material provides a smooth, cool surface;

  • hard wearing, durable;

  • cleans easily

  • expensive;

  • heavy cabinets below will require reinforcement;

  • not practical for entire kitchen, better for one work area;

  • stained by lemon juice, sugar, alcohol and oil;

  • cannot cut on, will dull knife

Granite elegant, polished stone available in shades of green, grey and pink, surface suited to baking, candy making and rolling out dough

  • water and heat resistant;

  • immune to stains, resistant to most alcohol, oil and lemon juice;

  • cleans easily;

  • aesthetically pleasing and functional

  • expensive;

  • heavy cabinets below will require reinforcement;

  • cannot cut on, will dull knife

Slate dense, fine-grained stone available in black and muted shades of green, grey, purple, red and blue

  • less expensive than marble and granite;

  • water and heat resistant;

  • surface damage can be removed with sandpaper;

  • clean, smooth surface for a variety of food preparations;

  • easy to clean

  • heavy cabinets below will require reinforcement

Wood – warm, natural material, hardwoods are best including: maple, teak and beech, surface should be finished with clear varnish or oil, wood cut across grain wears most evenly

  • excellent chopping surface;

  • easy on glassware and china;

  • resistant to moderate heat;

  • easily cleaned

  • avoid using near sink, moisture will blacken surface;

  • may contract in dry conditions;

  • can scratch and scorch;

  • wet metal kitchen equipment left on surface will leave rust stains

Ex. 2. Translate the authentic sentences into Russian paying attention to the italicized word-combinations. Memorize them and make up the sentences of your own.

  1. Changes in season often spur the desire to change our surroundings, and why not start with decorating those spaces in fun, warm, fall attire?

  2. Embrace fall by making small but noticeable changes in your homes like replacing light, airy summer fabrics and accessories with warmer fabrics, inviting colours and comfy textures.

  3. Adding an area rug instantly creates a warm, focused sitting area. While summer calls for exposed hardwood or tile, cooler months mean cooler floors on bare feet so add extra warmth and create an inviting sitting area by adding a plush, comfy area rug.

  4. Available at many retailers, thick, boxy floor cushions placed next to the fireplace will result in comfy, coveted seating.

  5. Depending on how your fireplace mantle is currently decorated, think about making some changes here too. Replace glass vases and white frames with chunky metal or mercury glass candleholders and black frames.

  6. Lightweight duvets can be replaced with cooler-weather or heavier weight feather or down comforters.

  7. Light-toned duvet and comforter covers can be replaced with warmer coloured covers and textures.

  8. For a trendy change, try dressing your table with candleholders in great textures like leather, suede or wood. Available at many retailers, they can add a wonderful earthy, warm element to any kitchen or dining room.

  9. A cotton shower curtain can be replaced with wonderful lightweight velvet or deep earth-toned linen for the fall and winter seasons. Dress an all-white bathroom with white velvet or thick cotton terry cloth.

  10. Sea-themed tables: White pillar candles set in sand are perfect for clear hurricane vases. Place pretty seashells on the sand around the candle, and sprinkle a few more on the table around the hurricanes for an airy, seaside centrepiece. Yellow lemons and scarlet lobster will provide delicious colour.

  11. Whether entertaining indoors or out in the summer, choosing summery table settings will create the perfect mood for breezy, chic dining.

Ex. 3.* Make up sentences out of the following word-forms.

    1. be, finish, flooring, should, slip-resistant;.

    2. non-slip, of, should, as, shower, be, and, wide, as, floor, possible;

    3. be, walls, shower, must, around, using, ceramic tile, plastic, laminate, or, waterproof, fibreglass;

    4. waterproof, used, floors, must, be, durable, easy, on, and, to, clean, material;

    5. to, floor, area, make, look, select, larger, a, or, medium, pale, colour.

Ex. 4. Translate into English.

  1. Первым производителем ламинированных полов стала фабрика Pergo AB. Существует даже версия, как возникла сама идея их создания. В соответствии с ней рабочий фабрики случайно поставил на стол с ламинированной поверхностью горячий чайник и был очень удивлен отсутствием следов. Решив продолжить эксперимент, он стучал по столешнице молотком, пытался резать ножом – безрезультатно, стол выглядел так же. Тогда-то у «экспериментатора» и возникла идея делать покрытия из ламината для пола.

  2. Для создания такого «городского» садика подойдет терраса, лоджия или просторный балкон. А если вы счастливый обладатель уголка на плоской крыше дома, тогда сад может получиться просто замечательный. Такие «островки природы» достаточно распространены в Париже, многие из них скрыты от посторонних глаз и почти незаметны со стороны улицы.

  3. Почему, собственно, окно принято занавешивать какой-нибудь одной тканью, максимум двумя? А если использовать сразу четыре? На нашей картинке шторы состоят именно из четырех слоев ткани (или из восьми парных полотен) высотой от пола до потолка. Три слоя – хлопчатобумажные, светлые, хорошо сочетающиеся друг с другом по цвету. Четвертый, дальний слой – из плотной светонепроницаемой серой ткани.

  4. Стремление к столь модной сегодня открытости пространства в интерьере превращает кухню в часть жилого помещения, которое сегодня принято называть общественной зоной. Уберите стены между комнатами, объедините их с коридорами и кухней, и вы получите совершенно новое помещение.

Ex. 5.* Match the names of the materials in the right column with the appropriate group name in the left.

Group name

Names of the materials

  1. Building and binding materials

a) ceramic tile, siding, gypsum board, decorative coating, plaster, paint & varnish products

  1. Finishing and facing materials

b) cements, dry mixes, additives and raw materials for their manufacture; concrete and ferroconcrete articles and constructions; granite, marble, stone and equipment for their working

  1. Roofs and facades

c) decor of walls and ceilings, wall coatings, built-in furniture, stairs, fireplaces, partitions; interior lighting (lights, chandeliers, lamps, wiring accessories, new technologies of lighting)

  1. Air-conditioning & Ventilation

d) wire, mesh, ironmongery and tin-plate, metalware; metalworking equipment and tools, forged and foundry pieces

  1. Metal articles

e) roofing and water proofing materials, sealants, mastics, deck, tile, accessories, anticorrosive protection; translucent roofs, drain-pipe systems; ventilated facades; effective technologies of roofs and facades water and heat insulation

  1. Interior furnishing

f) air-conditioning, ventilation, cooling and air-purification

  1. Security and fire-fighting equipment

g) gates, fences; side-walk plates, border stones, stair steps, small architectural forms, log houses, summer garden houses, fountains, landscape design and planting with trees and gardens, planting seeds, lawns, watering equipment, lawn mowers, gardening tools and machines

  1. Landscaping

h) audio and video home communications, access control systems, anti-burglar doors, protective grills and rolling shutters; garage gates, automatic equipment

Ex. 6. Use the following words in the sentences and write down small situations of your own:

1) possess real estate in Greece, no restrictions, for buying realty by foreigners, prices for dwelling, prestige regions, value of an apartment, a sea-view, a large balcony or a terrace, a parking or an underground garage, depending on the floor;

2) as for the price, elite regions, free from the annual tax on real property, make a purchase, profitable, to buy plots for future construction, spacious drawing-rooms and dining-rooms, 2-3 and more bedrooms, 2 toilet facilities, large verandas, a conditioner, marble decorations, fire-places, underground garage, a swimming-pool, average price.


Read the text about one of the most outstanding Russian architects.