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Being ill and seeing a doctor


“You know Howard has fallen ill.”

“What’s the matter with him?”

“He’s got everything: a sore throat, a sharp pain in the side, a headache, and a bad cough. He’s running a temperature, too.”

“Too bad. You’d better take him to hospital.”

“That’s what the doctor recommends. I’ve just called an ambulance.”


“How do you know John has been operated on today?”

“I called up the hospital.”

“How is he after the operation? Is he still unconscious?”

“The nurse said he’s just come round.”

“Let’s hope he’ll be up and about soon.”

“I believe it’s a matter of time now.”


“What are you doing here?”

“I’ve got an appointment with the dentist.”

“Got a bad tooth?”

“Yes. I’ve got to have it pulled out. It’s so painful.”

“Why not have it filled?”

“Too late.”


“You don’t look well. I hear you’ve been working hard recently.”

“As a matter of fact I have. I’m completely run down.”

“You had better take a holiday. Also see your doctor and have a thorough check-up.”


“How’s everybody at home?”

“The children are all right but my wife is laid up with the flue.”

“I’m sorry. Has she been staying in bed long?”

“Nearly a week now.”

“Tell her she has my sympathies.”


“How are you today?”

“Very much the same.”

“I am all right. You keep well too.”


“How’s the sick man? Not getting worse I hope?”

“He’s much better today.”

“I wish him a speedy recovery.”

“Thank you.”


“What’s the matter with Jack?”

“He’s got poisoned.”

“Too bad. See to it that he keeps to a diet, otherwise he may have complications.”

Speech Exercises

Ex. 1. Answer the following questions.

  1. Which doctor treated you when you were ill last? Why did you consult the doctor? Did you go to the clinic or did you call the doctor in? Why was it necessary for you to see a doctor? What were your symptoms? What did the doctor say? Who had the prescription filled? Where is the nearest pharmacy in your neighbourhood? How long were you ill? Why didn’t you take a holiday after you recovered?

  2. When did you see the dentist last? What was the matter with you? What did the dentist say? What did the dentist do? Was it painful?

  3. I’ve been working hard for the past few months, I’m completely run down. What would you suggest I should do? Would you do the same?

  4. What would you do if you fell ill? Would you follow the doctor’s recommendations if he advised you to stay in bed for a couple of days? It would be very annoying to stay in bed long, wouldn’t it? Who would take care of you if you were very seriously ill?

  5. Do you have health insurance? Are you taking any medication? Have you ever had any operations? Are you allergic to anything?

Ex. 2. Complete the micro-dialogues.

1. Doctor: What illness did you suffer from in your childhood?

Patient: ___

2. Doctor: Have you got any ailments to complain of now?

Patient: ___

3. Patient: Doctor, I’ve been regularly suffering from pains in my stomach of late. I’m afraid to have caught some disease.

Doctor: ___

Ex. 3. Make up the micro-dialogues. Expand on the dialogues.

Ask your friend:

  • why she/he looks so pale;

  • if she/he considers ringing up the friend at such a late hour ill manners;

  • what disease she/he was taken ill with last;

  • what he/she would recommend you to take for airsickness;

  • if he/she is not sick of listening to the same recording all day long;

  • if she/he has ever been treated for quinsy;

  • what treatments she/he took to stop putting on weight;

  • where she/he was cured of pains in the stomach;

  • if aspirin can be used to treat a three-year-old child for fever;

  • if she/he knows any remedy to cure you of headaches.

Ex. 4. Think of some of the illnesses you (or members of your family or friend’s) have had. What were the symptoms and what did the doctor prescribe?

Ex. 5. Act out the following situations.

  1. You have met the friend who, as you know, was sick. Express the pleasure concerning his recovery, ask him questions about his state of health at present, how he was treated. Advise him to take holiday and to have a rest after illness.

  2. You have come on the reception to the doctor. Tell him, of what you complain (a headache, cough, etc.). As now you do not have time to have a thorough medical check-up, agree with the doctor, for what day it is possible to enter the name on the reception.

Ex. 6. Compose the report basing on one of the following topics for oral composition.

  1. An accident you witnessed.

  2. A visit to a throat (nerve, lung, etc.) specialist.

  3. Coming back to the University after being ill.

  4. The way someone attended to you when you were ill.

  5. At the hospital.

  6. The system of Public Health in Russia and in the United Kingdom.

  7. The problem “Health and Sport”.

Ex. 7. Read the expressions used to describe healthy life style of people. Make up short situations or a story illustrating as many expressions and word-combinations as possible.

Wholesome/healthy food/fresh air/climate

полезная еда, полезный свежий воздух, климат

Junk food

нездоровая пища

A sound mind in a sound body

в здоровом теле – здоровый дух

As strong as a horse

здоров как бык

For reasons of health

по состоянию здоровья

To drink one’s health

пить за чьё-либо здоровье

As yours please!

на здоровье!

Way/mode of life

образ жизни

To harm, hurt, injure, damage

вредить, причинять вред



Healing nature/properties

целительные свойства

Peace of mind

душевное спокойствие

To release stress

снять стресс

Absorption of nutrients

усвоение питательных веществ

To stay hydrated

поддерживать водный баланс

Digestion of food






To flush out fat

разгонять жир

Ex. 8. Read and memorize English proverbs. Find the appropriate Russian equivalents. Use them in the dialogues or in the situations of your own.



An apple a day keeps the doctor away

If you eat reasonably and moderately you won’t have to consult a doctor

Desperate diseases must have desperate remedies

In extreme situations extreme means are necessary

While there is life there is hope


It’s a great life, if you don’t weaken

It’s great to live if one can put oneself together

Never say, die

While I live I hope

Prevention is better, than cure


What can’t be cured must be endured

There is no sense to grieve for what cannot be turned back

Let the dead bury their dead

It’s no good recollecting old forgotten things

Better die standing, than live kneeling

It’s better to die with pride than to live with humiliation

  1. .

Health is above death

Health is one’s main concern

  1. .

Early to bed and early to rise makes man healthy, wealthy and wise


Ex. 9. Render the texts in English.


Когда сыну было лет шесть и он первый раз заболел ангиной, врач выписал антибиотик. Я прихожу с рецептом в аптеку, и выдают мне два пузырька. Один пузырек с лекарством, а второй пустой, но с наклейкой, на которой все расписано: как, когда и сколько принимать. Я стою, держу эти пузырьки в руках, и, видимо, у меня было весьма выразительное выражение лица, потому что аптекарь решила объяснить, что к чему, думая, что я сразу и пойму... И она мне говорит, что пустой пузырек – это для школы. Тут у меня лицо совсем, видимо, длинное стало... Пришлось ей объяснять и все остальное. Оказалось, что в США дети должны сидеть дома, только если у них температура выше 38 (если родитель может сидеть дома, то ребенок будет болеть дома, а если нет, то пойдет в школу). Если ниже 38-ти, то иди в садик или в школу. При этом им с собой выдаётся пузырек с лекарством, на котором должно быть все написано. Ребеночек этот пузырек должен сразу отдать медсестре, а уж забота медсестры вовремя и согласно инструкции выдать лекарство и проследить, чтобы оно было выпито. Вот такая жизнь...


Медсестра спросила меня, ожидаю ли я доктора Грея, и пригласила меня к нему в кабинет.

Доктор Грей улыбнулся мне и спросил, что меня беспокоит. Я сказал, что ужасно переутомлён. Он спросил меня, поздно ли я ложусь спать, и я сказал, что да. Он поинтересовался, почему я не соблюдаю нормальный режим, и я объяснил, что почти каждый вечер я встречаюсь с друзьями. Доктор захотел узнать, как я провожу время, и я сказал, что в основном я хожу на вечеринки. Доктор спросил меня, удаётся ли мне отдохнуть в выходные дни, но я вынужден был признать, что в выходные дни наши вечеринки длятся всю ночь.

Он спросил меня, курю ли я, и когда я сказал, что курю, доктор спросил меня, сколько сигарет в день я выкуриваю. Он был поражён, когда услышал мой ответ. Тогда врач спросил меня, занимаюсь ли я гимнастикой для поддержки своего здоровья. Я ответил, что для этого у меня нет времени. «Вы поджигаете свечу (burn the candle) с обоих концов,  сказал доктор Грей и добавил,  но я завидую, что вы так весело проводите время».