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  1. The synonyms to:

tense, disease, overcome, achieve, determine, strengthen, eliminate, purify, cause, harmful, get rid of, improve, attitude, participate, recommendation, healthy life style.

  1. The antonyms to:

fashionable, increase, balanced meals, noise, to take care of, to keep fit, a diet, essential, to strengthen the organs, raw food, dangerous.

Ex. 3. Paraphrase the following sentences using the text.

  1. Many factors including social, ecological, economic influence people’s life.

  2. For anyone who really wants to be as sound as a bell, fitness has become an integral part of their lives.

  3. To prevent dangerous diseases you should curb overeating.

  4. To be as fit as fiddle, people should get rid of their pernicious habits.

  5. Fitness clubs are all the rage now.

  6. How much do you want to feel ease of body and mind?

  7. Everyone should remember that cigarettes, alcohol and drugs are detrimental both to body and brain.

Ex. 4. Answer the following questions.

  1. What are the main problems people living in big cities face nowadays?

  2. What factors influence our health?

  3. Would you explain what heredity is?

  4. What is your personal opinion of a diet? Is there any sense in them?

  5. What food do you find healthy?

  6. How does will influence our life?

  7. What sports do you prefer and find optimum?

  8. Do you and your friends attend fitness clubs?

  9. What are your own principles of being healthy?

Vocabulary exercises

Ex.1. Translate the authentic sentences into Russian paying attention to the italicized word-combinations. Memorize them and make up the sentences of your own.

  1. А program comprises 20 lessons of teaching how to raise self-esteem in school students, and covering topics of relationship with parents, daily schedule, nutrition hygiene, information about alcohol, and about everything else that teenagers might hear about: from drugs to anatomy and physiology of reproductive system, including sex.

  2. Activity is a fundamental element of fitness and health. From increasing your daily activity and providing specific workouts to getting you motivated and turning up the intensity, we’ll keep you moving!

  3. Learn to nourish your body with everything it needs while letting your adventurous spirit entice you into trying out new foods.

  4. Weight management isn’t about feeling deprived, restricted or following the latest fad diet. Learn effective techniques and tips to help you keep your weight under control without taking all the fun out of life!

  5. There are so many types of fitness equipment available on the market it can be downright mind-boggling!

  6. A healthy lifestyle is a composite of choices, behaviors, and attitudes that transform us into energetic, healthy, and motivated people.

  7. Knowledge is a powerful tool for making sound and informed decisions that positively affect your life.

Ex. 2.* Make up sentences out of the following word-forms:

  1. beets, loaded, 58, per, cup, are, have, with, and, iron, and, potassium, calories;

  2. source, are, a, rate, of, apples, fiber, first;

  3. are, high, protein, in, muscular, and, are, to, beans, beneficial, the, system;

  4. properties, valued, are, laxative, beets, for, their;

  5. broccoli, helps, loaded, with, which, is, vitamins, a, and, c, colds, ward off;

  6. as, a, are, particularly, in, the, carrots, noted, high, of, source, beta, which, carotene, converts, to, body, vitamin, a;

  7. brain, high, eggs, cholesterol, are, considered, in, by, many, to, be, for, although, the, and, nervous, excellent, system.

Ex. 3. Use the following words in the sentences and write down small situations of your own:

  1. to survive/to handle/to manage the stress; to respond to stress; to keep the effects of stress to a minimum; to release intense emotions; laughing; watching a funny movie; to maintain emotional equilibrium; to eat well; to get extra sleep;

  2. to develop a fitness habit; an effective exercise program; weights and cardiovascular training; to go to a gym; aerobic exercise; to give smb. a good start; to build some muscle; to change from a sedentary lifestyle to an active one.

Ex. 4. Translate into English.

1. Обратите внимание на то, что вы едите. Правильное питание повышает защитные способности организма. 2. Сопротивление организма инфекции стимулируют и пара долек чеснока или луковица, а также овощи и фрукты, богатые витаминами А (морковь, капуста, шпинат) и С (клюква, смородина, киви, авокадо и цитрусовые). 3. Не забывайте и о меде: из двадцати четырех элементов, необходимых нашему организму, в его составе – двадцать два. 4. В кончиках наших пальцев тоже заключена волшебная сила. Достаточно несколько раз в день помассировать биологически активные зоны нашего тела  и вирусы отступят. 5. Содержащиеся в ананасе витамины, минеральные соли, органические кислоты и ферменты укрепляют иммунную систему. 6. Ужаснувшись при виде своего отражения в зеркале, попробуйте применить диету, которая поможет не только сбросить несколько лишних килограммов, но и на два-три года помолодеть. 7. Когда мы чувствуем слабость, ничего не хочется, а за окном сыро и холодно, без колебаний возьмем сладкую шоколадку, и ее компоненты, особенно магний, поправят наше настроение и состояние.


Read the text and make assignments after it.


Researchers now tell us that grandma was right when she said an apple a day would keep the doctor away! The apple is now being called the all-round health food.

Nutritionists suggest that eating two or three apples a day can boost the body’s protection against heart disease, thanks to the fruit’s amazing ability to reduce blood pressure and lower dangerously high cholesterol levels. In fact, they say, the higher the cholesterol, the greater the benefits will be if you increase your consumption of apples.

Apples are known for many potent healing powers and they contain chemicals scientists believe may fight certain types of cancer. The reason appears to be that apples are loaded with natural acids that have successfully blocked cancer formation in laboratory studies. Remember that to get the best health benefit, you have to eat the whole thing, skin and all. The skin contains the high level of pectin fiber, which seems to be the basis for the fruit’s amazing power to lower cholesterol or blood pressure, balance blood sugar content and fight off cancer. They rank high among foods that best control blood sugar. Even though the apple is a rich source of natural sugar, something about its content does not cause a rapid, often dangerous rise in blood sugar. Also, it prevents the body from pumping out too much insulin, which, in turn, helps bring down blood cholesterol and blood pressure.

Whole apples (as opposed to just the juice) are great for dieters. They suppress appetite without robbing the body of necessary nutrients. The rise in blood glucose levels that occurs when you eat an apple makes you feel fuller.

Apple juice also helps keep you healthy and helps the healing process – especially if you’re suffering from colds or viruses. People who eat apples regularly have far fewer colds and upper respiratory problems. And researchers have noted that apple eaters also suffered far fewer stress-related illnesses.

First apples or applesauce have been used for centuries to help people get back on a regular diet after suffering bouts of diarrhea. The pectin in the apple fiber apparently is the healing factor, which explains why it is included in one of the popular over-the-counter diarrhea remedies. Also, that same fiber is what dietitians have been telling us for decades is necessary to keep us regular and to prevent constipation.

Finally, apples are not only a super healing food, but, as nature’s original toothbrushes, they may even prevent cavities, a fact that many of our ancestors probably learned through trial and error, but that modern day researchers have confirmed in the laboratory.

One group of scientists doing a recent study found that apples actually helped clean teeth among a control group of children and therefore significantly cut down on the risk of tooth decay.


Ex. 1. Make sure you know the following words and word combinations. Explain their meaning in English.

All-round health food; to boost the body’s protection against; to reduce blood pressure; to lower dangerously high cholesterol levels; healing powers; to be loaded with natural acids; health benefit; pectin fibre; a dieter; to suppress appetite; to rob the body of necessary nutrients; upper respiratory problems; stress-related illnesses; to prevent constipation; to prevent cavities; ancestors; to learn through trial and error; to cut down on the risk of tooth decay.

Ex. 2. Complete the sentences using the words from the box.

people (a), mushrooms (b), blood pressure (c), colds (d), freshener (e), substances (f), benefits (g)

    1. ___ only have 20 calories per cup, we need to be aware of the fact that they quickly absorb any oil that may be used in cooking. Mushrooms are a terrific source of Vitamin B. They increase the oxygen efficiency of the body, counteracting the effects of pollutants on the body and increasing the body’s resistance to disease.

    2. Onion is low in fat and help to prevent or fight cancer. It contains ___ that might prohibit blood clots, which are often a major factor in heart disease and strokes.

    3. Oranges have lots of Vitamin C, which might help prevent ___. In addition, orange juice provides calcium to fight osteoporosis.

    4. Parsley is a rich source of Vitamins A and C and has a lot of potassium and iron. It is also a natural breath ___.

    5. Peppers are high in Vitamin C and help protect your heart. The capsicum ingredient which comes from peppers is currently being studied and is believed to have many health ___ .

    6. Potatoes are an excellent source of carbohydrate and fiber. They help relieve stomach gas and help to lower ___ . They are also low in calories, sodium and fat while being high in protein, Vitamin C, thiamin, riboflavin and niacin, among other nutrients.

    7. The protein from soybeans lowers blood-cholesterol levels in ___ whose genes appear to predispose them to high cholesterol and premature heart disease.

Ex. 3. Answer the following questions.

  1. What fruit is often called the all-round health food?

  2. What are the benefits of apples eating?

  3. What are the healing powers of apples?

  4. What useful elements are apples rich in?

  5. Why do people say that apples are good for dieters?

  6. What are your favourite kinds of fruit and vegetables and how often you eat them?

Ex. 4. Read and translate the following receipts to cook apples. Add the examples of your own ones.

1. Snickers salad

3 middle apples, peeled and chopped; 1 can mandarin oranges, drained; 1 banana, sliced; 3 snickers candy bars, chopped; 1 lg. container Cool Whip; pecans, optional.

Chop up all fruits; mix together in a bowl. Add chopped up candy bars. The candy bars are easier to chop if they are slightly chilled. Stir in Cool Whip. Sprinkle it with chopped pecans on top.

2. Apple salad with honey dressing

1 small head lettuce; 3 middle apples, unpaired, sliced; 1/2 cup of walnuts, chopped. Dressing: 1/2 cup of sour cream, 2 tbsp. lemon juice; 1 tbsp. honey; 1/2 tsp. dried tarragon; 1/4 tsp. salt.

Tear lettuce, add apples. Chill while making dressing. Add walnuts after dressing. Dressing: Blend together and let set 30 minutes. Whisk briskly before adding to salad.

3. Stuffed apple salad

Ripe red apples; 2 tbsp. lemon juice; 1/4 tsp. salt; 2 tbsp. mayonnaise; 2 tbsp. chopped nuts.

Hollow out apples, leaving thinnest shell possible. Cut one half-inch petals halfway down shell. Let stand in ice water to curl back. Cut pieces of apples in cubes; marinate with lemon juice and salt. Mix with mayonnaise. Add nuts just before serving. Fill shells and serve on lettuce.

Ex. 5*. Match each item of food to its effects basing on what you know and what you read.

Types of food

Probable effects on health

1. Yogurt

a) helps lower cholesterol levels. It also has beneficial effects on coagulation, which might help reduce the risk of heart attack or stroke. It may also help to lower blood pressure

2. Skim milk

b) although high in cholesterol, they are considered by many to be excellent for the brain and nervous system. They help wounds to heal with less pain, plus they are an excellent source of protein

3. Lemon juice

c) is highly recommended as a fighter of yeast infections and it is an excellent source of calcium

4. Garlic

d) high in calcium and a primary source of Vitamin C, which might help prevent colds

5. Eggs

e) provides protein and calcium without the unnecessary fat. Calcium builds strong bones and teeth and helps in the fight against osteoporosis

Ex. 6. Translate the following sentences into English.

  1. Он испытал все способы, чтобы сбросить вес: низкокалорийные диеты, раздельное питание, но ничто не давало хороших результатов.

  2. Мой диетолог предписал мне овощную диету, и без всякого вреда для здоровья я сбросил лишние килограммы.

  3. Чтобы вести здоровый образ жизни, нужно избавиться от вредных привычек.

  4. Продукты, содержащие много жира, оказывают пагубное влияние на сердечно-сосудистую систему.

  5. Массаж головы помогает избавиться от головных болей, снимает стресс и возвращает вас к жизни.

  6. Чтобы избежать появления преждевременных морщин на лице, нужно делать массаж лица нежными поглаживающими движениями снизу вверх, от подбородка вверх к вискам, от крыльев носа вверх.

  7. Сидячий образ жизни и неправильное питание ведут к развитию многих заболеваний.

  8. Чтобы справиться со стрессом, постарайтесь сохранить спокойствие, побаловать себя чем-нибудь вкусненьким, принять ванну с травами и заняться аутотренингом.

  9. Овощи, богатые клетчаткой, способствуют пищеварению.

  10. Есть одно и то же каждый день скучно. Покупайте каждый день что-нибудь новенькое, не забывая о продуктах с высоким содержанием витаминов и минералов.