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У роботі побудовано феноменологічну модель відгуку ферозонда з обертальним перемагнічуванням дискового осердя з магнітом’якого матеріалу при його збудженні від джерела гармонічної напруги та реєстрації вимірюваного поля за амплітудою другої гармоніки сигналу струму, що протікає в котушці збудження, та отримано вираз для чутливості ферозонда у такому режимі роботи. Побудовано макет ферозондового магнітометра та проведене експеримен­тальне дослідження залежності його чутливості від амплітуди та частоти поля збудження. Результати експерименту якісно і кількісно добре співпадають з передбаченнями моделі в інтервалі полів збудження, що перевищують поле насичення осердя.


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Analysis of Gesture Recognition Methods Based on Features Detection

Olena Lomakina

Department of Phonics and Information Registration, The National University of Ukraine “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”, UKRAINE, Kyiv, Peremogy avenue 37, E-mail: leleka85@rambler.ru

This article describes one of the most perspective concept of information technology development based on the deep research of new means of human-machine interface. It should be stressed that this concept includes development and implementation of control systems based on gesture recognition. The main aim of the development of gesture recognition system (GRS) focuses on gesture identification to control various devices.

System operation consists of the following main stages:

  1. image acquisition, data collection - the object (hand) is recorded with the help of cameras connected to PC;

  2. localization of the hand on the image and fingers selection - hand area is detected on the received image;

  3. gesture recognition based on features detection (hand contour, skin color);

  4. gesture classification. Recognized gesture refers to a certain command.

It should be mentioned that one of the most important GRS operation stage includes detection of gesture features such as hand contour and skin color.

Methods based on features detection take into account image features which are used to determine hand position.

Attribute vectors have much smaller dimensions than image matrix that results in reducing of calculation volume during image feature analysis and recognition.

Methods based on features detection are used if it is possible to identify characteristic points or object areas, and the object can be represented as a combination of these areas. In this case, some set of specific areas are modeled instead of object modeling.The advantage of this approach is that it is resistant to deformation and other changes of input data. Object is securely identified provided that sufficient number of characteristic points is detected.

These methods are perspective for the gesture detection and recognition in real-time.

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