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  1. Make a translation of such words and word-combinations:

to start one's business, to finance, advantageous form, sole proprietor­ship, partnership, to face with, personal property, owner, employee, profit, losses, a computer service business, trade name, to register, income tax, salary, wage, relationship, advantage, to be liable for debts, limited liability.

  1. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words:

experience, creditors, stockholders, managers, business, companies, a sole proprietorship, a partnership, owner

1. About 50 percent of entrepreneurs start their ... in industries in which they have some ... .2. People who come from families whose members were in business themselves are more likely to start their own ... . 3. In a large business the tasks of organizing and operating are done by many hired .... 4.... is a business owned by one person. 5. All debts and all problems associated with the business belong to the ... . 6. ... is a business organization that is owned by two or more persons. 7. If the business were to fail, its ... would have the right to recover their money from any, or all, of the partners. 8. Ownership of a corporation is represented by shares of stock, and for that reason corporate owners are known as ... .

  1. Translate into English:

1. В стародавні часи слово „бізнес" означало обмін речами, які були необхідні людям. 2. Слово „бізнес" вживається в багатьох сучасних мовах. 3. Торгівля товарами і послугами - це обмін товару або послуги на гроші. 4. В будь-якій підприємницькій діяльності основною метою є одержання прибутку. 5. Кожен тип бізнесової структури має певні переваги і недоліки. 6. Одноосібне володіння означає ведення самостійного бізнесу. 7. Партнерство - це союз двох або більше людей, зайнятих однією бізнесовою діяльністю. 8. Прибуток визначають як гроші, які залишаються в бізнесі після сплати всіх витрат. 9. Розподіл - це рух товарів від місця виробництва до ринку. 10. Виробництво - це створення речей, виготовлення товарів і надання послуг.

  1. Read and translate the meanings of the following terms. Translate the sentences with them.

Business - 1) is a line of work; a profession; 2) is work as opposed to leisure; 3) is commercial activities in general, such as trading, buying and selling, manufacturing, arranging deals; 4) is a person or group of people making, distributing, buying or selling goods or providing services: a firm or company; 5) is the level of commercial activity; 6) is something that needs to be discussed or dealt with.

1. Banking has always been my business. 2. She always puts business before pleasure. 3. We're in business to make a profit. 4. The business started 100 years ago. 5. How is business? 6. If there is no more business. I'll close the meeting.

Transaction - 1) is the act of doing business or carrying out a business deal; 2) is a piece of business done.

1. The transaction of business was concluded recently. 2. He hoped to make a 5% profit on each transaction. 3. Banks are open for the transaction of business from 09.30 nr. to 15.30 from Mondays to Fridays.

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