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VI. Translate the sentences from Ukrainian into English.

1. Статистика - це наука про різні соціально-економічні явища та процеси. 2. Кількісна характеристика є визначною рисою статистики. І Слово "статистика" походить від латинського слова „статус", що означає стан речей. 4. Кількісна сторона суспільних явищ пов'язана з їх якісним змістом. 5. Статистика вивчає явища, які повторюються у просторі або з плином часу. 6. Статистика вивчає масовий характер суспільних явищ. 7. Статистика - це суспільна наука, що обробляє і вивчає кількісні показники розвитку суcпільного виробництва та суспільства, їх співвідношення та зміни. 8. Розвиток статистики починається з утворення держави. 9. Статистика займається кількісною характеристикою речей. 10. Статистична теорія розглядає категорії цієї науки, методи і засоби аналізу. 11.Економічна статистика вивчає явища і процеси, які відбуваються у народному господарстві.

VII. Read and translate the meanings of the following terms. Translate the sentences with them.

Capital - 1) is the total value of the land, building, machinery, etc. (assets) belonging to a business less the sum of any debts it has; 2) is money that is used to start a business; 3) is money that is lent or borrowed with interest charged on it.

1. The company has grown rapidly but needs more capital to obtain further growth. 2. They set up business with a starting capital of $ 200.000. 3. How much capital do you need to borrow?

Benefit - 1) is money that the government gives to people who are ill, disable or unemployed; 2) is money, goods given to an employee in addition to his/her normal salary; 3) is a profit, gain, future good.

1. Are you entitled to claim benefit? 2. He has got job with a good salary and a range of benefits. 3. I've had the benefit of a good education. 4. A charge in the law would be to everyone's benefit.

VIII. Translate the following extract in written form:

History indicates that no single indicator is able to accurately forecast the future direction of the economy. However, several economic variables tend to reach high or low prior to the peak of a business expansion or the trough of an economic recession. Such variables are called leading indicators.

To provide more reliable information on the future direction of the economy, economists have devised an index of 12 leading economic indicators. The indicators included in the index are: length of an average work week in hours; average weekly claims for unemployment compensation: new orders placed with manufacturers; percent of companies receiving slower deliveries from suppliers; net new business formations; contracts and order for plant and equipment; permits for new housing starts; change in manufacturing inventories; change in sensitive material prices; stock prices; money supply; change in credit outstanding.

Each component in the series is standardized and weighted. The weight attached to each variable is based on its past performance as an indicator of macroeconomic turns.

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