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  1. Give English equivalents of the following words:

Приватна власність, прибуток, можливі витрати, недостатня кількість, окремий споживач, досягнення мети, зробити вибір, задовольняти чиїсь потреби, ресурси, витрачати гроші, зіткнутися з проблемою, виробляти товари.

  1. Read and translate the sentences paying attention to the functions of the Infinitive:

1. There is no better way to learn about business than to start one. 2. Many people don't have money, time, or desire to run a business of their own. 3. Often it is difficult to save enough money to start a business and keep it going. 4. Often it is much easier to own and manage the business with one or more partners. 5. For business to grow, prosper and create abundance, many people would have to be willing to invest their money in business.

  1. Read and translate the meanings of the following terms. Translate the sentences with them.

Proprietor - is an owner, especially of a business or hotel.

1. All complaints should be made to the proprietor.

Property - 1) is a thing or things owned, whether material or abstract;

2) is land and buildings;

3) is a house, factory, etc. and the land around it.

1. Please take care of personal property. 2. The site was bought by a property developer. 3. He has bought a property in the south of France.

Loan - is something lent, usually money, on the condition it will be paid back after an agreed period with interest.

1. He asks the bank for a loan. 2. I'm only asking for a loan. - I'll.pay you back. 3. We're repaying the loan over a three-year period.

Import - 1) is an item, a service, an idea or a person that is brought into one country from another; 2) is the action of importing goods.

1. The government eventually banned the import of all electrical goods. 2. An increase in food imports is obvious. 3. The country increases tariffs on the import of manufactured goods. 4. We import tea from India. 5. A provision closely connected with the taxing power is the import-export Clause. 6. Import revenues were to be the major source of revenue of the federal government and should not be reverted to the states.

Export - 1) is an item, an idea or a person that is sent from one country to another to be sold; 2) is the action of exporting goods.

1. There is a ban on the export of ivory. 2. This size is made specifically for export. 3. We export merchandise of all kinds to many countries. 4. Great Britain exports machinery in return for food stuffs. 5. Export-Import Clause prohibits both the federal and state governments from directly taxing exports.

  1. Change the sentences into the Passive voice:

1. Adam Smith describes the principal elements of the economic system in his book "The Wealth of Nations'1. 2. Everything concerning the American economic system interests me. 3. They consider Adam Smith "the father of modern economics". 4. Economic incentives influence our decisions in the world of business. 5. Prices direct market economies.

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