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XII. Read the text and answer the following question:

  1. What is the power of accounting?

  2. What is the goal of accounting?

Accounting in the Information Age

Accounting is an information and measurement system that aims to identify, record, and communicate relevant, reliable, and comparable information about economic activities. It helps us better assess opportunities, products, investments, and social and community responsibilities. The power of accounting is in opening our eyes to new and exciting opportunities. The greatest benefits from understanding accounting often come to those outside of accounting. This is because an improved understanding of accounting helps us better compete in today's world.

There are both internal and external users of accounting. Some users and uses of accounting include: (a) management for controlling, monitoring, and planning; (b) lenders for measuring the risk and return of loans; (c) shareholders for assessing the return and risk in acquiring shares; (d) directors for overseeing management; and (e) employees for judging employment opportunities. Other users are auditors, consultants, officers, regulators, analysts, unions, suppliers, and appraisers.

The goal of accounting is to provide useful information for decision making. For information to be useful it must be trusted. This demands ethics and socially responsible behavior in accounting. Without these, accounting information loses its reliability.

Opportunities in accounting and related fields are numerous. They include traditional ones like financial, managerial, and tax accounting. They also include accounting-related fields such as lending, consulting, managing, and" planning. We can even identify nontraditional opportunities with accounting knowledge including careers as a community activist, political consultant, reporter, salesperson, union official, entrepreneur, programmer, engineer, and mechanic. There are millions of individuals employed in accounting and accounting-related fields.

XIII. Read and remember some English idioms useful for businessmen:

  1. Cook the books - to falsify the accounts for a dishonest purpose; фальсифікувати рахунки.

  2. Creditor side - the credit side of an account; кредит рахунку.

  3. Catch someone off balance - to surprise someone; здивувати когось; заскочити когось.

Lesson 7

I. Read the following words and word combination and learn their meanings by heart:

Audit, auditing - аудит; an auditor - аудитор; an evaluation - оцінка; confidence - довір'я; a presentation - представлення; complete - повний, закінчений; exact - точний; reliable - надійний; departure - відхід, відхилення, відступ; judge - судити, суддя; fair - справедливий; to appoint - призначити; to approve - затверджувати; to link (with) - з'єднувати; joint-stock - акціонерний капітал; to run - управляти; running - управління; to entrust - довіряти; staff - персонал; assurance - гарантія; prevention - запобігання; a fraud - шахрайство; an investigation - розслідування, дослідження; an error - помилка, огріх.

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