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IX. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian:

1. We foresee that our competitor has a different policy. 2. The company realizes its policy and always sticks to it. 3. A policy is a document containing the contract made between an individual and an insurance company. 4. Our Production Manager is busy talking to the Executive Vice-President. 5. The clerk was busily engaged in writing business letters. 6. I am occupied with the translation of the article "Priority of Working Relationship". 7. The head of the Supervision Council was occupied in supervising the activity of these bodies. 8. They do only good for people. They have never done any harm to the business. 9. The Manager said that the Research Department had already performed the marketing research concerning this new product. 10. It motivated the Chief of Credit Department to execute the plan. 11. Michael got a promotion because he always executed commands, orders and the will of the Chief Executive.

X. Read and translate the sentences with the emphatic construction:

1. It is the creditor who wants to obtain security. 2. It is the unsecured credit transaction that involves a maximum of risk to the creditor. 3. It is a contract for security that minimizes a creditor credit risks. 4. It was John Maynard Keynes who advocated stabilizing the economy by the use of fiscal policy. 5. It was capital that made such gains possible.

XI. Translate the sentences. Pay attention to the singular and plural forms of the underlined nouns:

  1. Under the contract the prices for goods and services were stipulated. 2.Factors of production are used to produce goods and services to meet our requirements in everyday life. 3. Supply refers to the quantity of products that manufacturers or owners are willing to sell at different prices. 4.Demand refers to the quantity of products that people are willing to buy at different prices. 5. A free market economy is one in which decisions about what to produce and in what quantities are decided by the market, that is, by buyers and sellers negotiating prices for goods and services.

XII. Read the text and answer the questions.

1 .What is statistical method?

  1. Who are users of statistics?

Statistics for all

Statistics. Numerical facts systematically collected; science of collecting, classifying and using statistics (Oxford Dictionary).

The term "statistics" is used to denote collections of numerical data and to refer to the technique of statistical analysis.

Statistical method is a branch of mathematics, using the processes of reasoning which make up scientific method in general. Many expert statisticians are mathematicians by training.

A knowledge of statistical method is not only essential for those who present statistical arguments. According to R.G.Allen it is needed by those on the receival end. The economist, administrator or politician requires statistics to support his arguments and to illuminate the problems he handles.

The ordinary citizen may also refer to many books and articles which employ statistics. It is more than reading the text or looking at statistical tables and charts. The ordinary readers must be able to understand what statistical data mean, appreciate their limitations and criticize their use. As R.G.Allen in "Statistics for Economists" points out such readers must follow the middle course between the extremes of the cynic who thinks statistics can prove nothing and the uncritical believer in the veracity of every figure.

The ordinary user of economic and social statistics gets material ready made from an official and private publication. In most cases he gets it in the rough and adapts to his needs. Very seldom the ordinary user collects his own data at source.

It is like buying a suit in a shop or making it through a tailor, not going back to the sheep or by weaving wool yarn into cloth.

But, unlike the purchaser of the suit, the user of statistics must know how his material has been collected and processed. Not to make errors he has the right to discover how the data needed by him are being made, classified, put up into tables and presented to him, in a word, the ordinary user wants to have reliable statistical data.

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