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III. Retell the text according to the following questions:

l. What is an exchange? 2. What two types of exchanges do you know? 3. Why were commodity exchanges established? 4. What are stock exchanges? 5. What is the difference between commodity and stock exchanges? 6. What is dealing? 7. What are the most famous stock exchanges? 8. What is the governing body of a stock exchange? 9. What is a stock? 10. What types of shares do you know? 11. What is the difference between ordinary and preference shares? 12. Do you see the difference between partly-paid and penny shares? 13. What is the idea and purpose of the Unlisted Securities Market? 14. Who issues gilts?

IV. Learn the following groups of:

  1. synonyms:

Trade - commerce, stocks - shares, types - kinds, main - chief, to deal with - to be connected with, goods - commodities, to unite - to amalgamate.

  1. antonyms:

Same - different, fluctuation - stability, to allow - to forbid, to govern -to submit, famous - unknown, to establish - to abolish, to lose - to acquire, to amalgamate - to disintegrate, profit - loss.

  1. Translate into Ukrainian. Define the forms and functions of Participle II:

1. These are the shares (stocks) bought last week. 2. Some securities were sold at the Exchange. 3. The broker has broken some rules of such exchange businesses. It's unfair. 4. The found penny was nothing, but it was like a good omen for him. 5. Gilts are securities issued by the British Government. 6. Preference shareholders are paid first. 7. These shares earn a fixed income.

  1. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words:

govern, are divided into, exchange, ordinary shares, penny shares, fixed, commodities, influence, stock exchanges.

I. Frequently product markets ... two classes: goods and services. 2. An organized meeting of people in an appointed place to buy and sell is ... . 3. Fluctuations of prices on exchanges ... the prices of various commodities on the world market. 4. If you invest in the stock market, you will be dealing with ... .5. Preference shares earn a ... income. 6.... are shares which have a low price. 7. Commodity exchanges were established with the aim of trading ... . 8. Securities, stocks and bonds are sold and bought on ... . 9. Certain rules ... the trading on an organized exchange.

VII. Translate from Ukrainian into English:

1. Діяльність фондової біржі припинилась два роки тому. 2. На фондовій біржі залишилось десять її членів. 3. Ніхто не мав права припинити діяльність цього товариства. 4. Наші працівники вивчили правила торгівлі на товарній біржі. 5. Річард підготував доповідь „Умови допуску цінних паперів на фондову біржу". 6. Ти знаєш щось про нову систему інформаційного забезпечення біржі праці? 7. Я чув, що вони виключили когось із членів біржі. 8. Мій друг нічого не знав про умови відвідування біржі. 9. Хто може визначити поняття фондової біржі? 10. Розрізняють ринки товарів і ринки послуг. 11.Товар — це щось матеріальне, що виробляється та споживається, часто те, що ми можемо придбати на ринку. 12. Послуга - це щось не матеріальне, що виробляється та споживається, що ми також можемо придбати на ринку. 1З. Ресурси - це те, що використовується для виготовлення товару та надання послуг.

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