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  1. Translate the sentences paying attention to different functions of the Infinitive:

Their partners wanted to provide some technical assistance in deve­loping the new product. 2. To be the project leader means to control, direct and plan the activities of a number of people. 3. We are glad to receive some information about our competitor. 4. The company is to be run by a Board of Directors. 5. To investigate customers' needs Mr. Hurrell was offered to go abroad. 6. We have met to discuss how to support our rapidly growing business. 7. To cope with this task it is necessary to train and retrain the qualified personnel in the field of accounting and audit, statistics and management.

  1. Speak on the situations:

  1. Would you like to own your business? Why yes or why not? If so, would you prefer to buy an existing business or start from scratch? Explain.

  2. What product or service would you provide?

  3. What talents, interests, skills and abilities do you have, or likely will have, which would make you successful in this business?

  4. Where would you want to locate the business and for what reasons?

5. What type of business organization would you prefer? (sole proprietor­ship, partnership, corporation)? Explain your choice.

VIII. Read and translate the meanings of the following terms. Translate the sentences with them.

Credit - 1) is an arrangement where goods and services can be received now and paid later, within an agreed period; 2) is a sum of money paid into a bank account; 3) is a sum of money gained by a business, shown on the right-hand side of list accounts.

1. Buy now on credit and pay later. 2. The bank statement shows several credits to the account. 3. The account doesn't balance because a credit has been wrongly entered in the books.

Liability - 1) is the responsibility to settle a debt or to make good a loss or damage; 2) is money owned by a company; a debt; 3) is a person or thing that brings loss rather than gain.

1. The company has accepted liability for the damage to the cargo. 2. The company does not have enough money to meet its liabilities. 3. An unhappy workforce is a liability.

Bill - 1) is a written or printed list of charges or money owed for goods and services; 2) is a banknote; 3) is a bill of exchange; 4) is a proposal for a new law to be discussed by parliament.

1. They send him a telephone bill. 2. This banknote (bill) is false. 3. The bill of exchange was sent to this foreign firm immediately. 4. The opposition is trying to stop the bill being passed.

IX. Translate into English:

1. Підприємці - це люди, які мають власний бізнес і керують ним, сподіваючись одержати прибуток. 2. Кожна компанія розробляє свою власну політику. 3. Акціонерне товариство - це компанія з обмеженою відповідальністю, фінансова відповідальність членів якої обмежується законом. 4. Корпорація завжди матиме переваги над одноосібною власністю та партнерством. 5. Близько 50% підприємців розпочали свій бізнес у тих галузях виробництва, в яких вони вже мали певний досвід. 6. Компанія, в якій більша половина капіталу належить іншій компанії, називається холдинговою компанією (материнською компанією). 7.Великий і малий бізнес для досягнення своєї мети організовують свою роботу по різному. 8. Акціонерне товариство, одноосібне підприємство - це різні види бізнесових організацій. 9. Одноосібне підприємство - це бізнес, яким керує одна особа.

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