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  1. Make up sentences.

  1. is, called, marketing, sometimes, distribution.

  2. the business, all, includes, marketing, activities.

  3. is, to recognize, the ability, important, very, early trends.

  4. in the USA, has been to high, the trend, consumption, mass.

  5. expensive, are, marketing, operations, very.

VII. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words:

predict, influence, promote, marketing, distribution, market research, product planning, consumer, trends, a market, standard of living, technologies, promotion, productivity, firms capacity, employers, goods and services.

l. One of the aims of market research is to indicate new ... among people. 2. Advertising must ... the consumer and make him buy the goods produced. 3. Marketing is often called ... . 4. In order to sell a new product a producer has to consider how to ... it. 5. The goods of this company are not sold very well, they must think about ... . 6. Sometimes it is difficult to influence a ... through advertising. 7. If you want to produce something new you should start with ... . 8. A producer wants to ... the new trends and then tries to influence them. 9. ... includes product development and pricing among other things. 10. ... is a measure of how efficiency we work. 11. New ... can be used by business to improve productivity. 12. A nation's ... is measured by the amount of goods and services available to its citizens. 13. ... is a key part of marketing because it is the way business get their messages to consumers. 14. Societies obtain ... either by producing them themselves or by trading what they produce. 15. ... is where buyers and sellers come together. 16. ... is the maximum number of units it can produce. 17. ... are able to employ the optimum number of workers and productivity increases.

VIII. Ask for your friend's opinions concerning the following statements:

1. The main aim (goal) of any business is to get profit, first of all. 2. Both production and distribution are equally important for business. 3.Some people prefer to work with partnership, some other prefer to work with corporation. And some like to go into their own small business. What is better? 4. Some people think that the most responsible job is that of a director of a firm, who is a senior manager. There is an opinion that the most responsible job is that of the chief executive officer (CEO).

IX. Read and translate the meanings of the following terms. Translate the sentences with them.

Purchase - 1) is the action of buying something; 2) is the thing bought.

1. This receipt is your proof of purchase. 2. Choose carefully before making a purchase. 3. Employees are encouraged to purchase shares in the firm. 4. I have some purchases to make in town. 5. In Riverside's centralized accounting system, all purchases must be authorized and placed by the central accounting office.

Bargain (verb) - 1) is to discuss or argue the price of something; 2) is to discuss or argue the terms and conditions of something;

1. They bargained all day about prices. 2. The dealers bargained over the share price. 3. The union bargained for better pay and working conditions. 4. 1 shall bargain with the trader.

Bargain (noun) - 1) is an agreement, made between two people or groups, to do something in return for something else; 2) is something bought cheaply or for less than its usual price.

1.1 might buy a TV, if I can find a bargain in the sales. 2. These shoes are a bargain at $ 22. 3. We've made a bargain that he'll do the shopping and I'll cook.

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