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Part XII


58. Hi, Pupe!

Is this 304?

Hey, she's back!

You out of the hospital?

Hurray, we got Barrett!

How's your foot?

Let's give her a round of clap!

Thank you for the applause, but that's enough. That's enough, thank you. I'm glad to see you again too. And now, please fill out these Delaney cards while I call the roll

What's the date?

February first, you moron!

There's not enough seats!

Hey, we got a lot of new kids here!

I'm not late—the bell is early.

You gonna be our English too?

Is Lou Martin here? Oh, there you are.

Who, me? I didn't do it! Honest—cross my—

Stop clowning, Lou. I just want you to know you were right. You were absolutely right.

You got a cold?

Who's got a pen to loan me?

You want my Kleenex?

Quit pushing!

I don't need a Delaney, I'm dropping out.

See me after school, and we'll talk about it.

Can I have a pass? I've got to leave the room—

I've got a doctor's note to prove it!

Hey, the window's broke!


Pipe down, you guys, you know she means business!

Acevedo, Fiore?


Adamson, Ruth?


Please come to order. I can't hear you when you

Put that chair down! Amdur Janet?


Good morning, Rusty. Why are you late?

I'm not late—I had my English changed. I wanted you.

I'm glad. Well—find a place to stand. Axelrod, Leon?No, Don't bother me with these circulars until I'm through with attendance. Axelrod, Leon? Is he absent?

Him? He's always absent!

You're lucky he's not here!

Boy, will he give you trouble!

Hey, I'm too crowded!

My desk is full of holes!

Is this the right room?

Hi, teach!

Hi, pupe! . . . Belgado, Ramos?


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