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37. Neatly, in Ink


Alice Blake Calvin Coolidge High

Home Room Teacher: Home Room—304

Miss Barrett

Keep all material in note-book. Write neatly, in ink. 11/2 inch margins.

"I'm a stranger and afraid

In a world I never made"

How true, how true! How did the author know?....

Correct the following for Fri.

1. Rowing on the lake the moon was romantic.

Correction—While rowing on the lake the moon was romantic?

Or—Rowing on the lake, the moon, was romantic?

2. Looking out of the window was a tree.

Correction—Looking out of the window a tree appeared in view.

  1. I found a pencil loitering in the hall.

Correction—A pencil loitering in the hall was found by me.


Active vocabulary—Use three times to make the word yours.

Passive vocabulary—Don't use three times.

Bring in own sentences illustr. vocab. words:

enigmatic — She was very enigmatic,

vindictive — She was very vindictive,

vacillating — She was very vacillating.

Hand in tomorrow—History & Math

Look up and memorize dates & events leading up to war

Chapt. 14 Ans. quest. 1-10 back of book

May have test tomorrow. (Be absent!)

"April is the cruellest month mixing something and desire . . ."

Note to myself—Memorize all poetry lines Barringer reads.

His voice . . . the way his eyebrows goes up . . . the hair on the back of his hands ... it is too much . . . too much to bear . . .

Have Ma sign this—




TO PURCHASE TICKETS FOR _______________. I UN-





Carole—Did you read Fanny Hill yet?


I read Topic of Cancer, nothing to it.



Let's see your Math.


I didn't do it. I'm 4 days late and Frantick!


Who you kidding? You're only a virgin! A.

That's what you think! Is this a long Home Room? C.

I can't make out your handwriting . . . whisper instead of marking up my note-book. A,

Can't—Miss Barrett is looking this way! C.

She's alright. A.

I think you hate her. C.

You're nuts! A.

She likes Barringer. C.

You're nuts! A.

Do you think she's sexy? C.

She's not even married. A.

Don't be a dope! C.

She's cute looking. A.

You hate her. C.

You're nuts. I like the way she smiles . . . it's not put on. A.

You hate her anyway. Did you do ex. 9? What does X equal? C.

5.3 gallons. A.

How did you get it? C.


It's in the back of the book. A.

Oh, my beloved . . . Only know me . . . Understand me ... The first time I walked into 309 my heart told me it was fated to be ... When you looked at me. ... No one else in the World understands this feeling deep within me except you . . . my only love . . . If only . . . Last Sunday I took the subway to your

Carole—Do you like her dress? Miss Barrett's. The color. Alice

It's sexy looking. Carole

She uses too much make up. A.

Only Lipstick. She likes Barringer. C.

You're ruining my note-book.... A.

You started it. C.

Because we're sitting alphabetical . . . No one else is behind me. A.

You must be a genius, you know Blanca comes after Blake! C.

Whisper instead. A.

Note to myself: Look up T. Elliot, a poet.

Look up word darkling.

Je veux tu veux il veut

nous voulons vous voulez ils

Assignments: Math—p. 51 ex. 3

p. 60 ex. 1, 7, 10

French—Traduizes 2nd paragr. and


review verbs for test (Be absent!)

Physics—??? Manheim forgot to give assignment again!

(Put in my Diary about seeing Paul & Barrett in Coffee Shoppe & the anguish of it... Also how he held the door open for me and how his sleeve touched my arm . . . How to describe the ecstacy of it?....)

Get— 3 different note-books. In math he wants hard cover 6 by 4 and with no lines and in pencil only. In Eng. must be loose-leaf 8 by 10 and French cahier she wants soft cover for declensions. In Soc. Studies—different color tabs.

"April is the cruellest month . . ." (Look up for myself & memorize)

A+ = 98-100 (Fat chance!)

A = 94-97

A— = 90-93

D = 66-69

F = 0-65

When will the bell ring? Carole

What's your hurry? Alice

This Home Room is cruddy. C.


You're nuts. A.

This whole school is cruddy. C.

The boys are cruddy. Especially Farone. A.

He's crazy about Barrett. C.

You're nuts. Don't scribble in my book. A.

The books they make us read in school are cruddy!

Sale of Two Titties

Silly Ass Marner

Reminder: Open School Day Thurs. (Tell ma not to come!)

Did you ever think, like on a subway platform you see some one and maybe they're just the one for you but he's going the wrong way in the train? And you never meet? Alice

Do you believe in Fate? Carole

In Kismet I do. A.

Me too. C.


Decline et ecrivez en francais

Look up & be prepared to discuss McCarran Bill

Alice Blake — Marriage

Paul Barringer — Friendship


Alice Blake—Marriage

Pauly Barringer—comes out Marriage too!!!


Mrs. Pauly Barringer. Alice Barringer

Mrs. Alice B. Barringer

Barringer, Alice

List of my Best Books:

1. This is My Beloved

2. Catcher in the Rye

3. Love Poems of the Ages

4. Marriage Manuel

5. Zen

New moons, darks of the moon

Full moons—watch for full moon and write poetry!

My birthday—Taurus the Bull. Paul's birthday?

April birthstone—diamond. Flower—sweet pea.

May birthstone—emerald. Flower—lilly of the valley.

They're always interrupting when she talks to us.

Are you buying a ticket for the Thanksgiving Dance from Kagan? Alice

Who elected Harry Kagan anyhow? He's a pain in the ass. Carole

He's a fat pain in the ass. Are you going? A.

He's a big fat pain in the ass. Frank is taking me. Are you going? C.

Every day you're ruining my note-book! A.

You started it. C.

My height—5 ft. 2 in.

My weight—should be 110, is 112


Color hair—brownette

Color eyes—gray-blue or blue-gray

My name My address My telephone My next of kin My school My Home Room Teacher My blood type My allergies My favorite color My lucky number My likes My dislikes

Calories: Bacon 95 cal. hamburg 245 baked pot. 145 ice cream (vanilla) 200 coke 80 pizza—?

Note to myself—Improve posture. Look up darkling.

World's largest cities Tokyo London N.Y.

World's best dressed woman

World's best movie stars

Oh, my beloved, if you but knew ... I am so near, and yet so far ... in this very room, a heart-throb away ... So ready ... so ready for you & all you stand for ... Last Sunday I took the subway to your stop (Your address is on the Time Card) and I walked back & forth across the street from your house . . . back and forth . . . just to see where you live. For a moment I saw you in the window. . . . But perhaps it wasn't even you. My heart was throbbing with love and sadness ... If I could die for you! . . . Like the Lady of Shalot you read to us, floating dead on the river under his window, and Lancelot never knowing . . . never knowing . . . saying only "She has a lovely face, the Lady of Shalot . . ."

I wonder if I’ll ever dare to give you this letter ... for you to take into your hand . . . My Real Self in your keeping . . . Maybe then you


will look upon me and know me . . . know me!!!! "Alice", you would say—"lovely Alice, the first time you walked into Room 309 I felt it ... It was meant to be . . ." Paul, my beloved, I feel it too and my pulses are throbbing with all that is inside me. Remember when you held the door open for me and my elbow touched your suit?

Sometimes I feel I'm the only person in the World or even the Universe . . . There's no one but I and I want to jump up to the sky higher and higher and throw my arms and yell like I'm crazy or maybe cry and weep . . . I don't know what it is but I can't bear it. "I am half sick of shadows, said the Lady of Shalot. . . ." That morning when you were talking to Miss Barrett in the Coffee Shoppe I wanted to die or kill her, although she's a very nice teacher. In my bed at night I pray to the ceiling, Dear Ceiling, make him love me or notice me in class where I sit . . . Make me worthy of him . . . Make him take me in his bold and throbbing embrace! . . . When I look at the cracks in the ceiling and how ugly everything is I think it's unreal, my house and my parents . . . Real life is someplace else . . . on moonlit terraces . . . in tropic gardens . . . foreign cities . . . darkling woods. . . . We are standing on a darkling hill together and your hungry lips seek

Acetalyn in water plus what?


Oxalic acid

Boyles Law

My Spelling Demons—

Write in note-book three times, neatly in ink:





Je me porte tres bien et vous?

Merci. Je aussi.

Note to myself—Rewrite letter to Barringer on new pink stationary, use best handwriting and put in his letter-box. I dare me!

Tues. Assembly postponed to Wed. Music program. Listen courteously. No stamping of feet for applause.

Quotation marks when talk to a person

No quotation marks when talk to a thing (indirect)

Bring money for Scholastic. (Get from WHO ?????????)

Carole—What did I miss yesterday? Alice

Dr. God E. Clarke gave a speech. Same thing. And Dr. Bastard observed us in English and we missed half of Physics because of Shelter Drill. You didn't miss a thing. Carole

Guest Speaker on Vocations for Young People:








Religious Work


Dear Beloved . . . Last Sunday when I took the subway to your stop, little did you know

Note to myself: don't forget skirt & shoemaker

Put letter in P.B.'s Box tomorrow

and be absent!


Alice Blake Barringer—A.B.B.

(A.B.—same initials as before marriage!!!!)

Carole—Did you do Totalitarian Countries?


McHabe is a Dictator! Carole

He's a crud. A.

Pastorfield is a crud. She's crazy about you know who! C.

But he's only a kid in her class! A.

What the diff? She's desparate! C.

I thought Bob was Linda's boy-friend. A.

One of hers. She's crazy. C.

She's alright. A.

I think P.B. is crazy about S.B. C.

You're nuts! And stop writing in my book! A.

Dearest Beloved, My heart is throbbing with the loneliest

American Labor Party

Laissez-Faire Capitalism


If X = — what does



Note to myself: Stop carrying it around and Do It!!!

Alice—What's the matter with you? Were you sick when you left the room? Carole

I had to go down to the Letter Box & get something back. Alice.

Did you? C. It was too late. A.

Oh my God, dear God, what did I do! He's got my letter now . . . My soul lies naked in his hands . . . I'll die . . . I'll just die. . . . . . . . . .

Answer the following questions at the end of the chapter


Dear Mr. Barringer,

Last Sunday I took the subway to

your stop having looked it up on your

Time Card…. I hope you don’t mind

the presumtion …. I walked back and

forth across the street from your house

back and forth …. And I thought I saw

cliché you and my heart was throbbing with

omit this love I bear for you ….

no caps I feel so deeply the Beauty and

cliché Truth of the poetry you read in class ….

I alone …. Especially such lines like

“ She has a lovely face, the Lady of

Shalot. ….”

I think of you all the time ….

word? at night, darkling, I pray to be worthy

not clear of you and all that you stand for ….

I believe we understand each other and

awkward no one else ….And if ever you need me

to die for you I will gladly do so ….

I hope you don’t think me

presumptious but I have to speak out

the truth …. the only truth ….

Sincerely yours,

Alice Blake


Thank you for your note. Watch spelling and

punctuation; you tend to use a series of dots

to avoid it! Watch repetitions and clichés.

You might look up the spelling at the

Lady in Tennyson’s “Idylls of the King” –

P B.


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