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10. Faculty Conference Minutes notes for faculty conference minutes

met: On Monday, Sept. 28

At 3:06 p.m.

In: School Library

Attendance: 100%

Dr. Clarke's after-summer greeting: "Shoulder to wheel & nose to grind stone" 11/2 min.

Bea Schachter brought up urgent problems left over from last term: the burden of the teaching-load and of clerical work, and inadequate fa- cilities 1 min.

Above problems postponed for time being. Two Feuding Floaters sharing same room were given floor:

Floater #1: When enters classroom, finds writing on black- board with "Do not Erase" over it; feels it's unfair usurpation of valuable blackboard space.

Floater #2: Desk dictionary found in back of room; ob- viously taken by kid!


Dictionary not to be re- moved from desk at any time!

Floater #1: No room left in left- hand desk drawer.

Floater #2: Left-hand drawer not #l's but #2's.

Subcommittee of Grievance Com. on Rotation of Teachers to more Equita- ble Room Assignments formed to look into above. 6 min.

Bea Schachter raised question of stu- dent dropouts.

McHabe: Must stick to mime- ographed procedure. 1/2 min.

Main topic for discussion: Marks to be entered on the left or the right side of blue line on PRC?

Various Pro's and Con's. Which is

best way to save time?

Committee formed to look into. 81/2 min.

Barringer suggested abolishing after- noon homeroom. Vetoed by McHabe 1/2 min.

Discussion on School Aides:

Aides were finally assigned to us to relieve teachers of non-teaching chores, but now teachers have been assigned other non-teaching chores. Also, Aides turned out to be in the way: they are not allowed to take over a class; not allowed to work on records; not allowed Late Room or Health Room. Also, cafeteria workers resent them for just sitting around.


Conclusion: School Aides to guard exits of building and challenge visitors. 101/2 min.

Problem raised re dope addiction among students, and "pushers" in school area.

Shelved for lack of time. 1/2 min.

McHabe warned re smoking in lava- tories. Urged rereading of Smoking Circular. 11/2 min.

Manheim: re inadequate Science Lab. equipment. Had made several req- uisitions.

McHabe: Must go through chan- nels. 1/2 min.

Miss Egan (School Nurse): Urged importance of hot breakfasts. Start day by stoking engine. Affects marks.

Dr. Clarke: "Mens sana in corpore sano." 1 min.

Mrs. Wolf (Librarian): When return books to library shelves, put in straight. Otherwise wastes time. Warn kids re crooked placing of books. 2 min.

Teacher (? gray suit, mustache): suggested adjourning. McHabe: Not time yet. 1/2 min.

Bea Schachter: re problems of inte- gration.

Dr. Clarke: Due and orderly process. Patience and Fortitude. Professional


Dignity. Brother's Keeper. The Constitution. 21/2 min.

Mary Lewis: re plaster falling from ceiling of her room. Grayson not cooperative.

McHabe: Must go through chan- nels. 1/2 min.

McHabe: Urged cooperation on late- ness. Epidemic of. Strict observance late procedures. Parents to be noti- fied by Letter #3. "Academic marks are affected when report cards are distributed" (sic). 8 min.

Miss Finch (School Clerk): "Teach- ers should function according to instructions." Means: Hand in on time! 1 min.

Miss Friedenberg (Guidance Coun- selor): Need more accurate CC's on PRC's. (Means: "Capsule Char- acterizations" for each student en- tered by teacher on Permanent Record Card.) One phrase enough, provided it's in depth. Example: "Latent leader; needs encourage- ment." Study previous PPP's (Pu- pil Personality Profiles). 31/2 min.

Barringer: Suggested abolishing morning homeroom. Vetoed by McHabe. 1/2 min.

Mary Lewis: Now that reading from Bible on assembly days has been declared unconstitutional, any ob- jection to a minute of silent prayer?

McHabe: OK if word "prayer" is


not mentioned, and if don't move lips during. 1 min.

Teacher (? gray suit, mustache): sug- gested adjourning. McHabe: Not time yet. 1/2 min.

Displaced Teachers: Because Fire Dept. found 5th floor Science Office a fire hazard, it was moved to 3rd floor Math Book Room and math books were left in Shop Closet for time being, while Shop Teachers' Supplies were moved to 2nd floor Storage Closet, the contents of which were moved to Main Office for time being. In the shuffle, 5th floor Social Studies Teachers who used Science Office for marking pa- pers, etc. were displaced. Where can they go? Committee formed to look into. 5 min.

Dr. Clarke's conclusion: Education is necessary for growth in democ- racy. 2 min.

Problems of instructional load, bur- den of clerical work and inade- quate facilities were postponed for lack of time. 1/2 min.

Teacher (? gray suit, mustache) sug- gested adjourning. 1/2 min.

Faculty Conference adjourned at 4:06 p.m.

total: 60 min.

(Rewrite, type up in triplicate, and respectfully submit)


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