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54. Greetings on Your Illness

Greetings on your illness and best wishes for coming back soon. This sub we made her so miserable I bet she'll never show up around here again. While she's having histerics in the office we're all passing around this Round Robbin in rows alphabetically even though a lot of us are absent, to tell you your method of teaching was fair and square. If there is anything I can possibly do about it I would do it. Have a Happy New Year always.

Frank Allen

Elizabeth Elis said we should sign our real names to show that you thaught us to have the courage of our convinctions. So here goes. A man's reach should exeed his gasp is a statement true to life and I am using it daily. This proves your lessons sunk in and you didn't drum it into our heads for nothing. Hoping you will get well soon and enthuse about books once more.

Andrew Alvarez

(Use to sign Anonimus)

Some one told us a terrible rumor that you're not coming back to us. We miss you something terrible. Even tho it's just before Xmas the whole


class can't enjoy it. Please please come back & I'll do anything for you, even read a Julius Ceasar.

Janet Amdur

A Xmas present doesn't have to be only a thing. It can also be by telling you how you helped us this term, which is what we decided to do. How you helped me is in giving me a liking for school which I previously lacked. It's awful you got hurt but they say you'll be OK soon. If Alice was in front of me she would sign her name too so I'll sign for her.

A Merry Xmas from Carole Blanca


Alice Blake

I refuse to sign this robin.


Excuse my english if I would of studied harder I could now be riting you a nice letter like the others, if you can read my riting you would know your class was my happist time of life.

Real name Marvin Chertock

I can't believe you're not coining back. School wouldn't be school without you. Every time you came into the room (304) I always looked you over, no offence I hope. When I told my friends about you they all envied me. You don't make the


subject too confusing, also not too hard on the eyes, which adds to my knowledge. Myself and my whole family is praying for your speedy recovery to English.

Gary Daniels

(A Bashful Nobody. Now you know!)

Some things can't be expressed in words. Even though I want to be a writer, I know this. But I think you know what I mean when I say only "Thank you".

Elizabeth Ellis

You and Roseanne (my imaginary twin sister) are my only friends and both beautiful to look at. Don't let anything Bad happen to you in the hospital. When I used to have my other English classes I used to have those excrushiating headaches. But since you, I don't mind if they give me English 20 times a day and I mean it.

Your Admireress

Francine Gardner

Though I made a funny face when you said you would read poetry I really disliked it. In case I don't see you in person, I hope they can save your foot, I knew some one (R.L.) who got into a foot accident and is on cruches.

I used to sign Guess Who—did you guess who?

Rachel Gordon?

I wish you a complete cure and New Years. You gave me a deeper understanding of people like Pygmallion and others.

Sam Harper

(Formally I signed )


You are my most memorial teacher, you teach a subject as fast as it can enter and stay put in the brain. And you're a person with a good sense of humor and a touch of teacherly love.

Jerry Hyams, former Cutter

To Miss Barrett, who helped me in education as well as my personal and business life, best wishes of the season.

Harry A. Kagan

(The Students Future Choice)

= Ronald Lipp

Now it can be told, that's who I am!

I want to join this r. robin to tell you how I feel. You are like the gems in the ocean. I’ll tell my children about you and my days with you. My motto is "never forget". The day is dragging out without you but you made the period fly like wings, even a long Home Room like this. Even the way you dressed made everything clearer and up to date. For the rest of my life I will try to grab higher than my reach.



Your not as bad as them.

Yr Freind

Use to be Yr Emeny S. Marino

A Happy Holiday! And Yuletide! A Happy New Year! And many more Happy Returns of English! You're the first teacher that got something into this wooden head of mine, Ha-ha! "This was the most unkindliest cut of all" (when you left us) I'm quoting from your boyfriend Shakesper (Jul. Caeser) in case you don't know! So get well right away! And come back healthful and happy to teach us some more things! Now how you helped me—I don't horse around so much, though I still do. Sometimes!

Lou Martin

If God only makes you well I would never again be unprepaired (Homework). I didn't mean it when I was writting those things in the Sug. Box. From the first day when I fell off my seat (remember?) I fell for you but couldn't show it.

(I'm really Lennie Neumark)

How you helped me was you didn't try to act like a King.


Jill Norris


I still hate females but not you. This goes for me and the whole class including 16 who are absent. You can come back. But I don't know if I will.

Rusty O'Brien

Calvin Coolidge's New Year could be happy if only you return to teach us again. I never met any one like you in my whole life. I awaited every tomorrow just to see what you were going to wear or do. You made me come out of my shell to a size 14. My sister is size 11 but she's got skinny legs. I will love you till the day I die.

Vivian Paine

They hogging the entire paper. I want to say is I complaned a lot. but I didn't know how lucky I was to have you. until we got this jerky sub. she don't know a thing and she's trying to teach it.


Miguel Rios

I would swim across the Chanel like "Hero and Leander" just to see you teaching again. And that's no "myth," it's the truth. "Merry Xmas" and Love

Chas. H. Robbins

(I can now write without having quotion marks pile all over me and I'm trying to not think about the "atom bomb". I hope this makes you feel better in the hospital.)

C. H. R.


1. How You Helped Me

A. Apreciation of Life

1. The Road Taken

a. (choice)

2. Julius Ceaser

a. (was Brutus right?)

3. Spelling (Improved 99%)

4. Browning (a man reaching high)

5. Letters of the alphabet put together make up all lit.

B. I often think of these problems

2. Merry Xmas!


Alias Ricky Roche

You helped me with better knowlege also respect. You gave me a push to take out a Librarry Card and get more meanings from my readings. You have been as wonderful as my own mother to me and I loved my mother very much while she was here. I guess I love you just about the same. You are the neatest teacher in the school.

Love and Xmas

Jose Rodriguez

Don't think me unscrupulous but I feel towards you like a friend. You tried to make even Shakesp. understandable. Also I dress more conservitive, I wear my eyelashes only on dates now.

Maybe it's none of my bussiness but you are young and I hope you don't make teaching a profession. I would like to see you married soon so you would take care of your husband and children, teaching takes everything out of your life. If you stay home and raise a familly you will be very happy and you will see your husband quite often.

Linda Rosen


A hospitle teaches you a good lesson. Only it's worst for the color people. Like today I was marked late even if it's almost Xmas. Is that fair? No mater what I do I'm always the last one, I'm next to the last one to sign this sheet.

Edward Williams, Esq.

If you read this and I hope you do you will know I'm crazy about you and if I ever did anything to show the opposite I'm sorry. It may surprize you because I kept quiet and never even wrote in the Suggestion Box but I want you to know more than anything how I think you're the most beautiful person I ever met as a teacher. I have to leave you to find a job next term but maybe I’ll catch a glimmer of you sometimes as I don't live too far away, having looked up where you live.

Katherine Wolzow


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