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35. Please Do Not Erase

M iss Lewis’ Class

Whom did you see yesterday?


John / did see / whom



John - subject

he - who

him – whom

Assignment for Monday:

Write a three paragraph composition

on one of the following topics. Under-

line each subject once and each

object twice.

What It Means To Be the American

Sewage Disposal

Autumn Sunsets

DO NOT This Atomic Age

ERASE!!! The Family Farden

Miss Barrett’s classes:

Do not ERASE!

Miss B- I am here so don’t count me absent,

the reason I’m not here is

because I am in the office


Do not erase

Suggested Supplementary Reading lists

are on my desk. Please take one

before leaving.




Write a brief statement on

how you personally feel about

the problem of integration

in the schools


36. Integration

Although I personally am white and therefore out of this, I believe in integration. I think we should go along with the times and be more tolerant of other races. They have just as much right to be human. After all, they are voters too. The G.O. of which I am President of, is proud to live in a democracy.

Harry A. Kagan

(The Students Choice)

1. How stuppid can you get?

A. Bussing kids to school miles away.

1. Just to juggle it around.

2. Then go back to the filthy slums.

(After school)

2. Can't be juggle like diferent color marbles.

3. It takes time.

A. Lincoln. (Slaves)

B. Rome.

(Wasn't build in a day)


I'm proud to be of African decent but I can't stand the Portoricans.



Good morning, all of a sudden they woke up! It's about time! But they're doing it from the wrong end! Well, well, it's all in fun anyways and gives kids a chance not to do any work. They should give Boycotes every day to stay away from school! (Ha-ha, joke!)

Lou Martin

I think what they're afraid of is if we sit close to one another in school we’ll intermarry and what about the color of the children. But that's dumb because it's all personal magnetism.

Linda Rosen

What's the good of it, there still prejudice on the outside, it's in the cards. At lease in my old school it was close to where I live so I could catch up on some extra sleep but got nothing out of it.

Edward Williams, Esq.

A lot of feeling is flying around loose and they've got to pin it down. It just let's off steam.


This school is about 65-35 in favor whites but if the score was 50-50 and with more colored


teachers then maybe it would tip the scale the other way, but if it gets to 35-65 in favor us then we got to start all over again to get it back on a even kiel.

We had a knifing on this subject on our block. It only makes us lose respect for school more and brings out more fuly words like nigger kike and spick which are not a good vocabullary.

The world is too complicated and my whole future is a mess. You should see our kitchen. Going to a different school is no use. Pairing us off like buddies in the water for swiming. Suppose you don't care for that type of a person, why should you sit with them? They just want their name in the papers.


Why are there no Puerto Rican teachers? Why is there no Puerto Rican President? (the G.O.) Or Principle? The answer is Integration!

An American Citizen


Non whites

Also have rights

But not with fights.


People are inborn with hate for certain people and you can't force people to be more tolerant by legal laws, only by wishes. This country is a melting Pot with many opportunities to win respect from the class.

Jose Rodriguez

With the "bomb" going up and our "morals" going down what's all the fusst?

Charles H. Robbins

I think all whites blacks and browns and yellows should get together and intergrate against the reds (Commies) and pinkos.


The trouble starts with where we live and not where we go to school. I mean crumbly tennements.

Frank Allen

G.D. (a Negro in our Home Room) was huging J.N. (a White on the stairs) and C.B. (a Porto Rican) with C.R. (a White). I don't mind but my parents are against it.

Guess Who


Intergration is a Big Joke, who they think they kidding? What about Jobs? As far as the Future, forget it!


God made us all alike inside. It's only the skin that counts. We can all try to look better in spite of obstickles. Some races are more thinner than others. That's where a teacher comes in, to make us feel equal by looking up to her. The above is my reason for being an English teacher.

Vivian Paine

It's not up to me, I have enough problems without it.


I have this colored friend Betty well, I never thought about it one way or the other until one day I went over her house for the first time and her father opened the door and I was surprized to see he was colored. Because, to me I was so used to her she always looked normal.

Lazy Mary

Compared to the school I came from which was Unintergrated it's like night & day here. We have teachers here that really try to teach you whenever they can and books they give out we can take home with us. And the classes in different rooms to go to, all the comforts of home.



If they just leave it up to kids it wouldn't even arise.

Carole (used to be Carmelita) Blanca

They should keep themselves to themselves. We don't need them. We have our own life to live. We did without them for a long time, why should we change now? They only cause trouble.

A Negro Student

In Social Stud. we discust it to death, I'm sick and tired of the whole thing. Last time I'm writting!

Personaly I got intergrated a long time ago by swaping homework with all the kids in my class.


Can you guess by my hand writing if I'm white or not?

A Bashful Nobody


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