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Gender on Screen

Many (0) researchers have suggested that the media portray men and women in different and often (1) ...................... ways, arguing that this can lead to the (2) ...................... of gender stereotyping. (3) ...................... films are sometimes considered to be a 'male' genre with a limited range of characters for audience (4) ....................... Stallone, Schwarzenegger, Willis and Van Damme are (5) ...................... names, whose character types are fairly (6) .......................The subject (here) of such movies will usually be male, white, young, aggressive, vengeful, strong, invulnerable and (7) ......................, using weapons and moving the narrative along. It is (8) ...................... the body of the masculine hero that provides the focus of the spectators' gaze and visual pleasure.

      1. RESEARCH

      2. LIMIT

      3. PRODUCE

      4. ACT

      5. ENJOY

      6. HOUSE

      7. PREDICT

      8. EMOTION

      9. PRIMARY

Afraid of giving

Just as women are afraid of receiving, so men are afraid of giving. To extend himself in giving to others means to risk (9) ............, correction and disapproval. These consequences are most (10) ...................... because deep inside his unconscious he holds an (11) ...................... belief that he is not good enough. This belief was formed and reinforced in (12) ...................... every time he thought he was expected to do better. When his (13) ...................... went unnoticed or were (14) ......................, deep in his unconscious he began forming the belief that he was not good enough. A man is particularly vulnerable to this belief. It generates within him the fear of failing. He wants to give but is afraid he will fail, so he doesn't try. If his biggest fear is (15) ......................, he is naturally going to avoid any (16) ...................... risks.

      1. FAIL

      2. PAIN

      3. CORRECT

      4. CHILD



      7. ADEQUATE

      8. NECESSARY


Male and female conversational styles

Tips: Try to work out what the important or key words are to help you focus on what to listen for as you read through statements or multiple choice options.

Section A. Listening for key information

You will hear someone talking to an author about two of her books.

Task 1. Before you listen read the statements carefully and notice how the important information in 1-4 is highlighted in bold. What words would you highlight in 5-7?

  1. Deborah's first book highlights the differences between the way young and old people speak.

  2. Deborah's second book reminds us how easy it is for communication to break down.

  3. The question-and-answer technique prevents us from appearing too vague.

  4. Men often ask too many personal questions.

  5. The British are happier using a person's first name.

  6. Americans like being asked personal questions.

  7. You should analyse your own style of speaking carefully.

Task 2. Now listen for the information targeted in bold and decide whether the speaker makes these statements or not.

Task 3. In pairs correct the statements in Task 1 which are not accurate, using the following expressions.

Which expression sounds abrupt and rude? Which expression sounds too formal?

Actually, that's not quite right...

Surely that's not right?

That's absolute rubbish!

I don't think that's correct, is it?

In fact, it's exactly the opposite.

Forgive me if I contradict you, but. . .

Section B. Listening for key information in multiple choice questions

Task 1. You will hear part of a radio programme about how to communicate with people. Before you listen, read through the multiple choice questions. The key information in 1 and 2 is highlighted in bold. Highlight what you consider to be the key information in 3 and 4.

1. Conversation is a tool used by …

A men and women for the same purpose.

B women to maintain a relationship.

C men to create connections between people.

D men and women to create a sense of community.

2. When a cake shop owner asked her male manager to do something, he …

A forgot all about doing it.

B refused to do it.

C decided he hadn't time to do it.

D quarrelled with her about doing it.

3. When a mother asked her adult son, who had a full-time job, to contribute to the household expenses, what did he do?

A He rented a place of his own.

B He reluctantly agreed to pay rent.

C He pretended he had not heard her.

D He left the matter open.

4. What is the difference between girls' and boys' conversational styles?

A Boys give girls direct commands.

B Girls get their own way by making suggestions.

C Boys give each other options when deciding what to do.

D Girls are more likely to be assertive than boys.

Task 2. Now listen to the tape and put a pencil mark beside the most likely answer. Then, referring back to Section A Task 3, tell a partner why you think the other options are not correct. When you have finished, listen to the tape again to check that your answers are correct.

Section C. Listening for key information in multiple choice questions

Task 1. You will hear a continuation of the radio programme about how to communicate with people. Before you listen, read through the multiple choice questions below and highlight what you consider to be the key information in the options.

1. How should the cake shop owner give orders to the male employee?

A Insist that he helps with the invoicing.

B Politely tell him exactly what she wants him to do.

C Persuade him over a period of time to do what she wants.

D Ask him directly why he won't do what she asks.

2. How should the mother deal with her son?

A Insist that he honours her wishes.

B Encourage him to be more honest with her.

C Give him a deadline to produce the money.

D Ask him directly when she can expect a contribution.

Task 2. Listen to the tape and put a pencil mark beside the most likely answer, then, again using Section A Task 3, tell a partner why you think the other options are not correct.

Now listen again and check that you have chosen the right answer.

Section D. Listen to two people, Susan and Dave, talking about how to communicate with each other and, as you listen, choose the correct option from A, B, C or D. You will hear the recording twice.

(Remember, before you listen, read through the multiple choice questions and options. Highlight the key information to listen for and do not make your final choice of answer until you have heard the whole piece twice.)

1. What initial statement does Susan make about men's and women's speaking styles?

A Both men and women mix 'business' and 'personal' conversation.

B Women think personal conversation helps working relationships.

C Men think personal conversation helps them to conduct business.

D Women think personal conversation inappropriate when talking to men.

2. According to Susan, what should a woman who works with men try to do?

A Never socialize with colleagues after work.

B Keep the 'small talk' for breaks at work.

C Never ask very personal questions.

D Avoid becoming involved with colleagues.

3. What mistake did one woman editor make?

A She indulged in too much 'small talk' with her female employees.

B She delegated too much work to the other employees.

C She appointed another manager to run the office.

D She underestimated the importance of the personal touch.

4. How did the woman editor rectify her mistake?

A She decided to recruit more male employees.

B She took on more responsibility herself.

C She modified a decision she had previously made.

D She allowed the other employees longer breaks during the day.

5. What final comment does Susan make?

A You should get the balance right.

B She doesn't know how to solve the problem easily.

C We would be better off separating the sexes.

D Whatever you do, you can't win.

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