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1. The following is a list of different kinds of friends (and a few associates and enemies). Put each one in the most suitable space in the sentences below. Some words must be used more than once.










bosom pal


old flame

fair-weather friend


  1. She comes from the same country as me. She's a ____.

  2. We carried on a friendship through letters. He was a ____.

  3. I'd rather not make the journey alone. I need a travelling-____.

  4. He and I own this business together. He's my ____.

  5. She didn't know what the homework was so she asked a class-____.

  6. I've known George for ages. We're really good old friends who spend a lot of time together. He's my ____.

  7. Henry Somers wants the manager's job and so do I. He's my ____.

  8. Wanted: sensible, well-mannered girl to act as old lady's ____.

  9. She used to be John's girl-friend. She's an ____.

  10. The assistant to a plumber, electrician or lorry driver is known as his ____.

  11. In the darkness the soldier couldn't see whether the approaching figure was friend or ____.

  12. She teaches in the same school as I do. She's a ____.

  13. He seems a good friend when things are going well, but when I'm in trouble he's nowhere to be seen. I'm afraid he's a ____.

  14. He's the person to whom I tell my most personal thoughts, problems and fears. He's my ____.

  15. If you can't afford to live on your own, you'll have to find a flat-____.

  16. I don't really know him very well. He's just an ____.

  17. I just meet him occasionally when his firm and my firm work together. He's just a business ____.

2. Which people from the list at the top of the exercise above would you ...

... talk business with?

... go to with personal problems?

... visit on holiday?

... go on holiday with?

... not trust?

... borrow money from?

... invite to your party?

... invite to your wedding?

Character reference

Task 1. Read this character reference. Would this person be an asset to a company, in your opinion? Which words and phrases in the text support your view?

To whom it may concern

Hilary Randle

I have known Hilary Randle for seven years and have collaborated with her on several projects during that time. My most recent association with her has been the Elwood Arts Festival, where she and I co-ordinated the publicity and marketing of the event.

Hilary brings two fundamental qualities to her work – single-mindedness and thoroughness. She always has a clear view of objectives and a flair for prioritizing. She shows dedication in willingly putting in extra hours if the need arises, so as not to compromise the quality of her work.

Her level-headed approach to problems is a positive and creative one. She is never daunted when things go wrong and generally remains self-possessed. In fact, I would go so far as to say that she is virtually unflappable under pressure.

As a team member, Hilary is sensitive to the views of other people, though she is undeniably a dominant individual. She usually takes on the role of team leader unasked, in order to fulfil her objectives as she sees them and to get things done. Her determination is in this sense both a strength and a weakness.

On a social level, Hilary has an outgoing personality and contributes a great deal to any occasion. Her unique sense of humour appeals to most people. I have always enjoyed being in her company.

For all the reasons I have given above, I am pleased to recommend Hilary Randle for a position in your organization.

Task 2. In a character reference, it is important to give a balanced picture of the person. No prospective employer would believe a description that was totally positive! At the same time, weaknesses are often played down, both in terms of how they are described and at what stage in the reference they occur. Find examples of this in the model.

What is the structure of this piece of writing? Write down the main point of each paragraph.

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