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Time Matters

Task 1. The theme of this section is time and the human body. Answer the following questions.

- How many hours' sleep do you ideally need each night?

- Are you a morning or an evening person?

- When are you most efficient during the day? When are you least efficient?

- Would you say that your daily routine suits you?

Work in a group. Discuss your answers.

Task 2. Work in pairs. Make a list of jobs that people do at night. How do you think working at night affects a person's life? Think about the following points.

family life



social life



Would you be prepared to do any of the jobs on your list?

Task 3. You are going to hear two people who work at night talking about their jobs and how night work affects their lives. Listen to the recording. Decide what the people's jobs are and if they have adapted satisfactorily to night work.

Task 4. With your partner, discuss your answers to the following questions about the speakers in activity 3.

- Are they married or single?

- Why did they choose their jobs?

- Are there any advantages in working at night?

- What are the main disadvantages?

- Would they like to change jobs?

- How does their work affect their social life?

Listen to the recording again and check your answers.

Task 5. You are going to hear two people explaining how specific time changes affect them. Listen to the recording. What situations are the speakers talking about?

Listen to the recording again. Note down how the speakers were affected and how long it took them to adapt and/or recover. Check your notes with your partner. Have you ever experienced these time changes? If so, tell your partner about your experiences.

Task 6. You are going to hear an expert talking about human biological rhythms. She mentions the following points.

- the influence of the sun and the moon

- genetic research and new drugs

- the biological clock

- disturbed biorhythms and health problems

- the advantages of putting the clocks forward in northern countries

- what body organs regulate our body rhythms

Now read the question in activity 7 carefully. In answer to which questions do you think she mentions the above points?

Task 7. You will hear an interview between a radio presenter and a biologist who studies human biological rhythms. Answer the questions by choosing the best answer A, B, C or D. You will hear this piece twice.

1. How do most people feel about putting the clocks forward?

A they are indifferent

B they disapprove

C they find it hard to adapt

D they approve

2. What governs most human biological functions?

A the interaction of the sun and the moon

B the length of day

C the circadian rhythms

D the body temperature

3. When are human biological rhythms disturbed?

A when we put the clocks forward

B whenever the biological clock does not match the environment

C when we do shift work

D when we are ill

4. Why is the study of biorhythms useful to medicine?

A it can help prevent heart attacks

B it can help researchers develop new drugs

C doctors can treat disturbed sleep patterns

D doctors can choose the best time of day to operate on or administer drugs to patients

5. How does the increase in daylight affect people?

A it contributes to their general well-being and efficiency

B it makes people feel happier

C people who work get more leisure time in the evenings

D it helps prevent a number of diseases

6. What is the main reason for changing the clocks?

A social

B medical

C economic

D biological


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