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Linking words and phrases

Read this article written by an anti-smoking campaigner. The linking words and phrases have been taken out. Choose the best word or phrase A, B, C or D to fill each gap, 1-12. One has been done for you as an example.

Smoking is known to be one of the greatest single causes of death in our society. Too little seems to be done, (0) ………C………., to stop young people taking up the habit in the first place.

(1) ………………, cigarettes are openly on sale in many public places and laws governing the minimum age at which they can be bought often seem to be ignored. (2) ………………, cigarette advertising continues to figure largely in some parts of the media, (3) ……………… recent moves to outlaw this, and is, (4) ………………, often targeted at young people.

(5) ……………… anti-smoking campaigns have been organized in recent years, these seem not to have been particularly effective, (6 ) ……………… the rise in the numbers of young people, especially girls, who take up smoking each year. (7) ……………… supporting such campaigns in principle, I would like to propose an alternative approach.

(8) ………………, I think that the advertising of cigarettes should be completely banned from all aspects of the media.

(9) ………………, the sale of cigarettes should be more tightly controlled to ensure that the law regarding underage smokers is respected. And, (10) ………………, cigarettes should not be sold in places such as cafes and supermarkets frequented by young people and families. Their sale should (11) ……………… be restricted to licensed tobacconists and sharp penalties should be imposed on those breaking the law, particularly those selling cigarettes on the black market.

(12) ………………, I would like to add that, of course, it is the duty of parents, teachers and other responsible adults to set a good example; by not smoking!

0. A Although

  1. A Likewise

  2. A however

  3. A otherwise

  4. A what's more

  5. A Despite

  6. A resulting

  7. A However

  8. A Although

  9. A Furthermore

  10. A to sum up

  11. A however

  12. A In addition

B Despite

B To begin with

B Moreover

B thanks to

B likewise

B However

B especially

B Whilst

B Whilst

B Therefore

B secondly

B nonetheless

B Consequently

C however

C Whilst

C nonetheless

C despite

C therefore

C Furthermore

C instead

C Finally

C Firstly

C Instead

C in addition

C instead

C Therefore

D Moreover

D Therefore

D though

D however

D even though

D Although

D given

D Therefore

D Especially

D Otherwise

D in spite of this

D likewise

D Finally

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