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Health scares

Task 1. Do you know of any health scares in your country about any of the products like fast food or GM food, etc.? Do they make you anxious or are you complacent and take no notice of them?

Task 2. You are going to listen to two people, Alice and Robert, discussing health scares on a radio programme. Before you listen, read through the opinions below to check you understand the vocabulary.

  1. It's good to be aware of potential threats to health.

  2. The plague was the worst epidemic we have had to date.

  3. People will be able to live longer in the future.

  4. People worried more about their health in the past than they do now.

  5. It's relatively easy to prey on people's preoccupation with their health.

  6. Doctors can be irresponsible in their actions.

  7. It's easier to avoid heart disease than many other diseases.

Task 3. Now listen to the recording and decide whether these statements are made by the speakers or not. Write Yes or No after the questions.

Task 4. Work in groups to make a joint presentation about the following topic.

  1. Imagine that there is going to be an advertising campaign to persuade young people to keep fit and healthy.

  2. Decide what form the campaign should take in order to have the greatest impact, e.g. posters/TV/ cinema/magazines/talks in schools, colleges, etc.

  3. Also think about what aspect of health and fitness should be highlighted – should it be cigarettes/diet/ exercise/drugs, etc?

  4. You will need to give opinions, make decisions and evaluate the potential impact of the advertising campaign.

Slim chance

Task 1. Read the following extract from a magazine article, ignoring the spaces in the last two paragraphs. What points does the writer make about dieting?

Dieting is futile and downright dangerous reports Isabel Walker. In fact, many doctors now believe you would be better off staying overweight.

Cross your heart and swear in all honesty that you have never ever been on a diet. If so, lucky you! You must be supremely confident about your appearance, enviably restrained in your eating habits or blessed with an ability to eat what you like without gaining weight.

In a society whose most potent icons are abnormally thin models, fat has become, quite literally, a dirty word – one of the earliest epithets to be hurled around the school playground. These days, children begin to restrict their food intake as early as age nine. By fifteen, as many as one girl in three thinks she should be on a diet.

This obsession with losing weight fuels a multi-million pound slimming industry which grows ever more inventive in its attempts to persuade veteran dieters that ‘this one really works’. Meanwhile, it is obvious to many people that diets don't work – at least, not in the long-term! If they did, we would be getting thinner, but in fact we are getting fatter.

As many as nine (0) out of ten dieters needn't have bothered dieting at all as they put back the weight they lose; and up (1) __________ half end up weighing even (2) __________ than they did before.

Most of these people see their problem as a personal failure – they think they should (3) __________ been more strong-minded. This is a fallacy, however, for there is growing evidence (4) __________ many dieters get locked into a losing battle with (5) __________ own bodies, which fight like mad to resist the starvation process. There is also a good reason (6) __________ believe that dieting may be bad for you – particularly if it leads to regular fluctuations in weight. The phenomenon known (7) __________ ‘yo-yo dieting’ is now thought to represent as great a risk to health, (8) __________ some respects, as the obesity which (9) __________ is designed to conquer.

These days, disillusioned dieters (10) __________ advised by more and more experts to throw away their scales and calorie counters and come (11) __________ terms with their physical appearance. There are of course some people (12) __________ problems are more serious and who really must lose weight. For those people, a healthy eating programme combined (13) __________ regular exercise is seen as (14) __________ safer and much more reliable route to success (15) __________ simply going on a diet.

Task 2. Look at the last two paragraphs of the article and supply the missing words by writing one word in spaces 1 – 15. The first one has been done for you as an example.


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