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Unit 1. Health

Health is the second blessing that we mortals are capable of, – a blessing that money cannot buy.”Izaak Walton

Introduction Fighting Fit

Food and fitness

How much do you know about keeping fit? Do this quiz with a partner. Read the following statements and say whether they are true or false.

  1. If you take more exercise, your appetite will increase and keep you from losing weight.

  2. Exercise changes fat into muscle.

  3. A good way to lose weight is to take exercise which makes you sweat heavily.

  4. Vitamin pills can give an extra burst of energy.

  5. Physical exercise is not necessary for losing weight. Dieting alone is enough.

  6. To burn up the calories contained in a 4 oz (approx. 110 g) bar of chocolate you must walk for over 2 hours at 4 m.p.h. (approx, 6.5 km.p.h.).

  7. A high protein, low carbohydrate diet is ideal for losing weight.

  8. People who do not eat meat, fish or poultry are not as healthy as those who do.

  9. When dieting you should avoid starchy foods such as bread and potatoes.

  10. Eating between meals is bad for you.

  11. A large lunch will not cause you to put on as much weight as a meal of the same size eaten in the evening.

  12. If your diet is varied you must be getting proper nourishment.

  13. A glass of wine or a glass of scotch will help you sleep well.

  14. Most people need eight or nine hours of sleep a night.

  15. Sleeping less than five hours a night shortens your life expectancy.

  16. Laughter helps you keep fit.

How did you score?

If you answered all 16 questions right, you know all about keeping fit.

If you have more than 12 right answers you have quite a good idea about keeping yourself in top shape.

If you have less than 12 right answers you are the victim of quite a few common misconceptions and may well not be as fit as you could be.

Health and Fitness

Task 1. Match an item on the left with an item on the right. Use each item once only.

1. come out in

2. get over

3. put on

4. strap up

5. take out

6. take up

7. tone up

8. write out

A your arm so you won't be able to use it.

B your muscles with these simple exercises.

C the operation and start work again.

D a prescription for the patient.

E a sport to keep fit.

F a rash all over my chest.

G weight if you eat such sweet food.

H my wisdom teeth if they hurt too much.

Task 2. Now do the same with these items:

1. The anaesthetic

2. My ankle

3. His hair

4. The infection

5. The patient

6. My stomach

7. Her temperature

8. The wound

A cleared up when I took the antibiotics.

B fell out because he was so worried.

C healed up but there's still a small scar.

D pulled through because she'd been looked after so well.

E settled down but I decided not to eat for a while.

F shot up as the fever got worse.

G swelled up and I couldn't put my shoe on.

H wore off but he felt very strange when he woke up.

Task 3. Test yourself by covering one of the columns.


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