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From head to toe. Body language.

English has many colloquial expressions to do with the body – from head to toe! Here are some of the most common ones.

(1) To keep your head is to remain calm, but to lose it is to panic and do something foolish. If something is above or over your head it is too difficult for you to understand.

An egghead is an intellectual, and someone who has their head screwed on is very sensible.

(2) If you split hairs you are very pedantic, but if you don’t turn a hair you are very calm. To be scatterbrained is to be very forgetful, but to have a brain-wave is to have a very clever idea. If you have something on the brain, you can't forget it, and if you pick someone's brains, you talk a problem over with them to see if they have any good ideas.

(3) To pay through the nose is to pay a very high price for something, but if you turn up your nose at something you despise it. If you’re all ears, you listen very attentively, and if you keep your ear to the ground you listen and watch out for signs of future events. To see eye to eye with someone is to agree with them, and if you don't bat an eye, you show no surprise or excitement.

(4) If you are down in the mouth, you are rather depressed. A stiff upper lip is the traditionally British quality of not showing any emotion in times of trouble. To have your tongue in your cheek is to say one thing and mean something else. To have a sweet tooth is to have a taste for sweet food, and to do something by the skin of your teeth is to just manage to do it.

(5) To stick your neck out is to do something risky or dangerous, and to keep someone at arm's length is to avoid getting too friendly with them. To be high-handed is to behave in a superior fashion, but to lend someone a hand is to help them. If you have a finger in every pie, you are involved in a lot of different projects, and if you have a green thumb you are very good at gardening. To be all fingers and thumbs is to be very clumsy, and to be under someone's thumb is to be under one's influence.

(6) If you have a heart to heart with someone, you have an intimate talk, and if you learn something by heart, you learn it completely. To be half-hearted is to be not very enthusiastic about something, but to be whole­hearted is to be totally committed.

(7) To be thick-skinned is to be insensitive to criticism, but to be thin-skinned is to be oversensitive. If your blood boils, you are furious about something, and if it freezes in your veins, you are terrified. If something puts or gets your back up, it makes you annoyed, but if you put your back into something, you put a lot of effort into it.

(8) If you pull someone's leg, you tease them, and if you haven't a leg to stand on, you have no reason or justification for what you do. To put your foot down is to insist on something and to land on your feet is to be very fortunate. To find your feet is to become used to a new situation, but to get cold feet is to become frightened or nervous about something. If you put your foot in it, you say or do something to upset or annoy someone else, and if you tread on someone's toes you do the same without meaning to.

Task 1. Find in the text equivalents to the following words and phrases.

Paragraphs 1 and 2:

вдаваться в частности, заниматься ловлей блох; вне (выше) чьего-либо понимания; вскружить кому-либо голову; глазом не моргнуть, ничуть не смутиться; иметь голову на плечах; интеллектуал (отвлеченно мыслящий); испугаться так, что волосы стали дыбом; легкомысленный, ветреный; присваивать чужие идеи; растеряться, сохранять спокойствие; страстно увлекаться чем-либо; счастливая мысль, осенившая идея.

Paragraphs 3 and 4:

быть подавленным; быть сладкоежкой (сластеной); говорить неискренне, говорить с насмешкой, иронически; держать ухо востро (прислушиваться к общественному мнению); и глазом не моргнуть, и ухом не повести; относиться к чему-либо презрительно; платить бешеную цену; сохранять присутствие духа, проявлять выдержку; сходиться во взглядах с кем-то; умудриться что-то сделать, еле-еле сделать что-то (с большим трудом).

Paragraphs 5 and 6:

быть неловким; быть у кого-то под башмаком, всецело под влиянием у кого-то; быть хорошим садовником; властный, высокомерный; говорить по душам с кем-либо; держаться на расстоянии; идти на что-то нехотя, относиться нежеланием; искренне, от всей души; учить наизусть, помогать, подставлять свою голову; участвовать во всем, вмешиваться во все.

Paragraphs 7 and 8:

быть в бешенстве; вкладывать душу во что-либо; влипнуть, сесть в лужу; задеть чьи-либо чувства, наступить на больную мозоль кому-либо; кровь стынет в жилах (от этого); морочить, одурачивать кого-либо; настаивать на чем-либо; не иметь оправдания; нечувствительный (к критике, оскорблениям и т.п.), толстокожий; привыкнуть к новой ситуации; разозлиться, ощетиниться; раскусить человека; струсить, смалодушничать; счастливо отделаться, удачно выйти из трудного положения; чрезмерно чувствительный.

Task 2. Complete these sentences with the expressions.

1. We got up so late this morning that we had to run to the station, and we just caught the train ... .

2. All the children had to learn the poem ... .

3. I've got a problem I'd like to discuss – can I come and ... this afternoon?

4. John does everything his mother says – he's certainly ... .

5. Tom and his sister disagree about everything – they simply don't ... .

6. I never know whether Sam is being serious or whether he's ... .

7. Sue certainly has ... – her plants grow very well.

8. You really ... – you're involved in so many things!

9. James is very sensible – he certainly ... .

10. I can't forget that song – I've got it ... .

  1. by heart

  2. by the skin of our teeth

  3. a green thumb

  4. has his head screwed on

  5. have a finger in every pie

  6. on the brain

  7. pick your brains

  8. pulling my leg

  9. see eye to eye

  10. under her thumb

Task 3. Match expressions having the same meaning.

  1. keep one's head

  2. keep a stiff upper lip

  3. have one's hair stand on end

  4. blood boils

  5. be down in the mouth

  6. have something on the brain

  7. get cold feet

  8. put one's feet in it

a. put one's back up

b. think about something all the time

c. not to turn a hair

d. not to bat an eye

e. be in a bad mood

f. move away because of fear

g. make blood freeze in one's veins

h. do or say the wrong thing

Task 4. Give Russian equivalents to the following:

1) brave; 2) simple-minded; 3) unreasonable; 4) industrious; 5) unreliable; 6) frank; 7) trustworthy; 8) unfair; 9) broad-minded; 10) persistent; 11) obedient; 12) trait; 13) quick-tempered; 14) selfish; 15) greedy.

Task 5. Match the following words and expressions from column A with those in column B.


1. cheerful

2. a good sport

3. hypocrite

4. to bear smb ill-will

5. witty

6. chatter-box

7. split-personality

8. coward

9. tactful

10. to be capable of (doing) smth.

11. generous

12. awkward


а. славный малый

b. относиться к кому-либо недоброжелательно

с. быть способным на что-то

d. болтушка

е. противоречивый характер

f. тактичный

g. трус

h. веселый

i. остроумный

j. лицемер

k. неуклюжий

1. щедрый

Task 6. Give the English equivalents to the following:

1. чувство юмора;

2. сдержанный, даже скрытный человек;

3. скромная простодушная девушка;

4. мудрый старец;

5. лентяй;

6. зануда;

7. романтическая натура;

8. материально обеспеченный мужчина;

9. неуравновешенный честолюбивый юноша;

10. медлительный туповатый человек.

Task 7. Ask your fellow student about his acquaintance or an imaginary person.

  1. What he is like, what sort (kind) of man he is;

  2. if he is an honest, clever man;

  3. if he is easily pleased;

  4. if your friend thinks that he is not of a forgiving nature;

  5. if he is easy or hard to deal with;

  6. if he is a man of character;

  7. if he takes everything easy;

  8. if he is of cheerful disposition;

  9. if your friend can form an idea of his character.

Task 8. Give the opposite to:

  1. sincere;

  2. a very cold reception;

  3. a person who doesn't see a joke;

  4. stingy;

  5. villain;

  6. boastful;

  1. sly;

  2. honest;

  3. polite;

  4. dull;

  5. firm;

  6. a person who is really what he wants to pass for.

Task 9. Fill in a suitable word or phrase from the list below:

generous; temper; smart; selfish; rude; gentle; cruel; to be on friendly terms with;

frank; shy; stingy; energetic; greedy; sharp; honest;

kind; independent; well-behaved; cheerful; workaholic; lazy-bones.

  1. Don't you think she is of a ... nature?

  2. She is a lovely ... girl with a bright spirit.

  3. He easily loses his ... .

  4. She is not the kind of woman ... .

  5. My type is a .. ... ... guy.

  6. In addition to being selfish, he is ....

  7. He has good traits as well – let's say – he is goal oriented, ... ... .

  8. I hate this guy, he is so ... ... ... .

  9. I like ... ... ... women.

  10. She wanted to praise his kids; they were so ... .

  11. He is married to his work, he is just a ... .

  12. Would you prefer to have a ... as a husband?

Task 10. Answer the following questions, using the words below. What would you say of a person:

affectionate, braggart, bright, confident, defiant, detached, frank, hard-working,

ill-bred, ill-mannered, kind, modest, persistent, reliable, sociable, suspicious,

outgoing, quarrelsome, quick to take offence, unreasonable, unreliable, withdrawn

  1. Who always says what he thinks?

  2. Who never boasts?

  3. Who is always ready to share what he has got with others?

  4. Who is fond of praising himself?

  5. Who always achieves his aim?

  6. Who is hard to get along with?

  7. Who is easily hurt?

  8. Who grasps things easily?

  9. Who makes friends easily?

  10. Who is never shy with strangers?

  11. Who works a lot?

  12. Who cannot behave?

  13. Who never says what's on his mind?

  14. Who cannot be trusted?

  15. Who you cannot rely on?

  16. Who easily obeys other people's wishes, orders?

  17. Who refuses to obey or accept orders?

  18. Who feels or shows kindness?

  19. Who is pleasant and friendly?

  20. Who doesn't show any personal opinion?

  21. Who suspects that one cannot be trusted?

  22. Who is (seems) interested only in his own thoughts?

Task 11. Translate the sentences from English into Russian.

  1. She is a careless and two-faced person. I consider her very unpleasant, but not at all stupid.

  2. She can't be called attractive but she is very warm-hearted and generous. Handsome is as handsome does, you know.

  3. You don't know him as well as I do. He is well-bred and pleasant to deal with, though he's a bit pretentious.

  4. They make a strange couple. She is full of joy and gaiety and he looks so sullen.

  5. He was an eccentric, arrogant, exuberant, vain and charming fellow.

  6. His most engaging trait was his good humour.

  7. He could not bear to throw his money about. He was not exactly mean, but he was not generous. "Neither a borrower nor a lender be", he quoted from Polonius.

  8. She has a wonderful charming personality.

Task 12. Complete the following sentences:

  1. My best friend has the most engaging traits all...

  2. If you want to be popular with others you must be ...

  3. I think that what makes a student unpopular with others is ...

  4. In my opinion, the traits of character which people appreciate in their political leaders are ...

  5. To make a good friend (чтобы стать хорошим другом) one has to be ...

Task 13. Translate the character descriptions:


The new man in the office seemed very agreeable and confident in himself. He was certainly ambitious but at the same time respectful of his co-workers. His self-reliant and straightforward mannerisms gave him a competitive advantage when compared with his co-workers.

One of his co-workers was obviously selfish and arrogant. He was the salesman of the team and was expected to be detached and practical-minded. Rather, he was subject to such mood swings as to make him totally unpredictable. At times he could even appear to be casual, warm-hearted, self-blaming, regretful, submissive and withdrawn. He could be almost affectionate.


- I had one student last year, a girl. She's pretty, but not a movie star; bur her personality is really something.

- What do you mean?

- Well, she is always prepared with her work and very willing to recite in class. She is always smiling and, in general, seems very good-natured.

Task 14. Render the story in English.

Рекомендательные письма

Один джентльмен подал объявление о том, что ему нужен помощник в офисе. Около 50 юношей ответили на рекламу. Джентльмен вскоре выбрал одного, остальным отказал.

Его друг спросил: "Хотел бы я знать, на каком основании ты выбрал этого юношу. Ведь у него не было ни одной рекомендаций?

"Ты ошибаешься, – сказал джентльмен, – их было много. Он вытер ноги, когда вошел, закрыл за собой дверь. Ясно, что он аккуратен и любит порядок. Он немедленно уступил место старому человеку, показывая, что он добр и предупредителен. Он снял шляпу, когда вошел, и отвечал на мои вопросы быстро и уважительно, показывая, что он вежлив. Он поднял книгу, которую я намеренно положил на пол до этого, и положил ее на стол, тогда как все остальные перешагивали через нее. Это показывает, что он очень внимателен. Он спокойно ждал своей очереди, а не расталкивал других. Это говорит о том, что он скромен. Когда я говорил с ним, видел, что его одежда чистая, волосы причесаны, зубы белые, когда он писал свое имя, я заметил, что у него чистые ногти. Разве ты не назовешь все эти вещи рекомендательными письмами? То, что я могу увидеть собственными глазами за 10 минут, стоит больше, чем все прекрасные письма, которые ты можешь принести с собой."

Task 15. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.

1. Как славно, что мама такая веселая, а какая она умница, и какой у нее тонкий вкус! 2. Бойкие, неугомонные, они у всех путались под ногами, но были оба жизнерадостные и приветливые. 3. Он был человеком благородным и щедрым. 4. Эти большие темные глаза казались опасно всезнающими, куда более проницательными, чем живые круглые глаза его нынешнего наставника. 5. Похоже, эта умница смотрит на него свысока, но он решил не обижаться. 6. У меня, дорогая, хватает мудрости понять, что гордость – не лучший спутник одинокой жизни. 7. На лице чуть-чуть намечаются морщинки и придают ему достоинство, которого прежде так не хватало, выдают своеобразный и сильный характер. 8. Он умница и весьма проницательный малый. Хоть с тобой и не знаком, но понимает тебя куда лучше, чем я. 9. Он весь вечер был безупречен и держался так естественно и непринужденно, что она чувствовала себя нужной. 10. Гости сплошь были важные персоны, но самые заурядные люди. 11. Просто я легкомысленна, как всегда. Извини за резкость. 12. Мне просто захотелось немного сочувствия, вечно я забываю, что ты очень уязвима и только с виду толстокожая. 13. Лион очень милый человек, но я никогда ни в одном мужчине не встречала такого бескорыстия, какое тебе в нем мерещится. 14. Я всегда верил, что терпеливый в конце концов побеждает. 15. Какой же ты хитрец! Почему было просто не сказать, что ты меня любишь? 16. Я слишком не уверена в себе. Всегда в себе сомневалась. И может быть, никогда не перестану сомневаться. 17. Она чуткая и гордая. Он, должно быть, жестоко обидел ее. 18. Пэдди, добрая душа, был верен себе и оплакивал сестру, а Фиа была такая же равнодушная, как всегда. 19. Почти всегда он улыбался, и нрав у него был своеобразный – удивительная смесь, спокойствия и глубокой тихой радости. 20. Он никогда ни от чего не злился и не терялся. 21. С Фионой они были неизменно добры и полны сочувствия, с Мэгги и мисс Смит – сама любовь и нежность. 22. В Джастине подруг больше всего поражало редкое самообладание, ничто не могло выбить ее из колеи. 23. В первый год он просто не замечал Джастины – новенькая была тиха и скромна и исполняла все, что ей велели.

Task 16. Read the classified ads and:

a) write a letter to the agency to make a personal appointment with the candidate.

b) imagine you met her/him, get acquainted and try to know more about the person

c) send your ad to the newspaper.


The International Partnership Agency in Europe

Matching The Right Partners Is My Business.

Personal Individual Assistance Is My Service.

Confidence Is My Highest Priority.

Head Office: Frankfurt

Paris Office

U.S.A. Office: New York

Personal Appointments Are Also Possible In:


Young American Beauty With Class....

An admirable personality – Based in New York and Paris. Full of vitality and cheerful. She has long hair. A wonderful feminine appearance and a graceful model-like figure. In her young 30's with a great temperament and a lot of charm. She is a manager (MBA) in an INT'L well-known fashion company. Very successful and WITH GREAT CHARISMA. A stunning beauty who loves culture and sports activities: she has a great passion for watersports – sailing. This enchanting woman is looking for the partner to share great aspects of life based on love and trust. European Aristocrat....

This admirable Italian gentleman (old aristocratic family) is based in the North of Italy and his wonderful island in the Mediterranean Sea, etc. He has an excellent European highschool background. He has a very successful business life in South America – Europe and he is running his own INT'L enterprise. With great sense of responsibility. A strong charismatic man. WITH LOTS OF CHARM. An elegant, masculine and dark-haired appearance. Active and dynamic. With a big heart. Generous and considerate. A man of a great temperament, tender and strong with good sense for tradition. His great interest is for fine arts, antiques, sports activities and he is very engaged in humanitarian projects. He wishes to offer the best of everything to the woman at his side.

A Fantastic Charming Spanish Lady....

She is young (34), beautiful and classy with an easy, graceful, elegance and enchanting nature. A BRIGHT PERSONALITY, from an upper class traditional family. With an excellent educational background (MBA, degrees in INT'L law, several languages, piano) and a lot of interests: deep sea diving, horseback riding, music, writing, etc. A very cosmopolitan and sophisticated woman, smart, vivacious and with a great sense of humor. She feels at home everywhere with a right partner.

Proverbs and Sayings

  1. A dog in the manger. Собака в яслях. Собака на сене.

  2. A good name is better than riches. Добрая слава лучше богатства.

  3. A word is enough to the wise. Умному и слова довольно. Умный слышит с полуслова.

  4. All sugar and honey. Весь из сахара и меда. Сахар Медович (о слащавом неискреннем человеке).

  5. An ass in a lion skin. Осел в львиной шкуре.

  6. As busy as a bee. Занятой (трудолюбивый) как пчела.

  7. As melancholy as a cat. Меланхоличный как кошка (т.е. очень грустный).

  8. As merry as a cricket. Веселый словно сверчок.

  9. As slippery as an eel. Скользкий как угорь (изворотливый).

  10. As true as steel. Верный как сталь (предан душой и телом).

  11. Custom is a second nature. Привычка – вторая натура.

  12. Fortune favours the brave. Удача благоприятствует смелым.

  13. Handsome is as handsome does. Красив тот, кто красиво поступает (т.е. судить нужно по делам).

  14. Не will never set the Thames on fire. Ему никогда не зажечь Темзу. Он пороху не выдумает.

  15. Still waters run deep. Тихие воды имеют глубокое течение. В тихом омуте черти водятся.

16. То wear one's heart upon one's sleeve - Носить свое сердце на рукаве. Душа нараспашку.

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