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Тренировочные упражнения

1. Переведите следующие словосочетания.

a) my brother's name, these students' names, his parents' names, our teacher's bag, your parents' house, his friends' books, her sister's report, my children's room, Tom's bicycle, my relatives' flat, the girls' school, a day's work, today's paper, two years' pay.

b) a hall door, a dining-room table, a street lamp, a kitchen table, a kitchen towel, Minsk transport, Liverpool Cathedral, tennis shoes, football ground, summer holidays, winter sports, detective stories, adventure stories.

2. Переведите предложения и определите притяжательный падеж существительных.

а) 1. I'm Mrs Smith's sister. 2. This evening my sister's family celebrates my nephew's birthday. 3. Next month we are going there to visit my brother's family. 4. We are staying with his wife's family. 5. Are my aunt and uncle your parents' friends? 6. My parents' friends don't know Mr. and Mrs. Dick. 7. Their parents' home's in Devon. 8. Today is my nephew's birthday. 9. The shop's closed now.

b) 1. Yesterday I had supper at my friend's; 2. He came home after a month's holiday in the Crimea. 3. Peter's best friends came to see him. 4. As it was Peter's birthday his friends brought him presents. 5. Peter liked his friends' presents. 6. He liked his friends' jokes very much. 7. Every­body liked his wife's songs very much. 8. Yesterday's meeting of the friends continued till late at night. 9. Mrs. Sunbury's first name was Beatrice. 10. Mr. Sunbury was a clerk in a lawyer's office. 11. "No one has ever had a better son than our Herbert. Hardly a day's illness in his life and he's never given me a moment's worry," said Mrs. Sunbury.

с) 1. This is my friend's hostel. 2. Let your sister's friend help them. 3. Do you see these men's work? 4. I do not see your driver's car. 5. Where is these women's laboratory? 6. The earth's resources are immense.

3. Замените, где возможно, существительное с предлогом of существитель­ным в форме притяжательного падежа. (см. Ключ)

1) The voice of my brother. 2) The plays of Bernard Shaw. 3) The watch of my father. 4) The books of the boys. 5) The end of the book. 6) The parents of Peter. 7) The birthday of my daughter. 8) The signature of Mr. A. 9) The new club of the workers. 10) The boats of the fishermen. 11) The letter of my brother. 12) The wall of the garden. 13) The centre of the town. 14) The novels of Tolstoi. 15) The secretary of Mr. D. 16) The hats of the women. 17) The beginning of the meeting. 18) The teacher of my children. 19) The legs of the table. 20) The car of Peter. 21) The opinion of the director.

4. Ответьте на вопросы, обращая внимание на употребление притяжа­тельного падежа существительных.


А — Whose book is this?

Is this your friend's book?

В — No. it is not my friend's book. It's Nick's book.

1. What is your friend's name?

2. Where does your friend's family live?

3. Has your friend's family a large flat?

4. Is this your sister's room?

5. Where is your parent's room?

6. Whose son works at the plant?

7. Whose daughter goes to college?

8. How long haven't you seen Ann's family?