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Тренировочные упражнения

1. Образуйте от следующих прилагательных сравнительную и превосходную степень.

small, long, clean, large, dark, light, rich, poor, big, quick, slow, sharp, deep, high, strong, near, cheap, thin, thick, interesting, famous, easy, impor­tant, beautiful, weak, difficult, comfortable, early,' happy, pale, late, lazy, expen­sive, sad, practical, pretty, full, bright, dirty, fresh, nice, useful, talkative, pro­gressive, dangerous, bad, good, fat, much, powerful, wet, funny, little, many, far.

2. Напишите следующие прилагательные в положительной степени.

later, easier, fatter, earliest, deepest, longer, lighter, darkest, calmer, thin­nest, laziest, cheapest, quicker, sweetest, sharpest, better, more, worse, less.

3. Переведите предложения. Ключ *

1. The Baltic Sea is colder than the Black Sea.

Балтийское море холоднее Черного.

2. This book is as interesting as that one.

Эта книга такая же инте­ресная, как та.

3. The second text is not so long as the first one.

Второй текст не такой длинный, как первый.

4. The more we speak English the better.

Чем больше мы говорим по-английски, тем лучше.

5. The earlier you get up the more you can do.

Чем раньше вы встанете, тем больше сможете сде­лать.

(* здесь и в дальнейшем при наличии ключа закройте его листом бумаги, а затем сравните свой вариант с ключом)

  1. Поставьте прилагательные в нужной форме. (см. Ключ)

1. The Mississippi is (long) river in the world. 2. My cigarettes are (bad) than yours. 3. The battle of Waterloo was the (great) battle of all times. 4. This plan is (practical) of all. 5. She is not so (tall) as her sister. 6. He is (strong) than his brother. 7. Our house is as (low) as yours. 8. Elbrus is the (high) peak in the Caucasian mountains. 9. The Neva is (wide) and (deep) than the Moskva river. 10. This method is (efficient) than the common one. 11. Oc­tober is (cold) than June.

5. Ответьте на вопросы.

1. Are the cities in Scotland as large as the cities in England? 2. Is the Volga, longer than the Don? 3. Which is the shortest month of the year? 4. Which is the biggest city in Great Britain? 5. Which is the most beautiful square in Minsk? 6. Which season is the coldest? 7. Where is it better to spend a holiday: in the South or in the North? 8. Where is it better to live: in the city or in the countryside?

6. Составьте свои предложения по аналогии.

a) Our winter is colder than the English winter.

b) The Volga is the longest river in Europe.

c) Birmingham is not so large as London.

d) He works as hard as Peter.

e) The more we study, the more we know.

7. Закончите диалог, поставив прилагательные в скобках в нужной форме. (см. Ключ)

John: This grey car is (old) than the red one. Why is it (expensive) than the red one?

Salesman: It isn't (old). It's the same age as the red one. But it's in (good) condition. The red one is (cheap) in the garage at the moment, but of course it's not (good) as our other cars.

John: Is that blue car there the same model as the red one?

Salesman: No. It's similar to the red one but it's got a (powerful) engine than the red one, so naturally it goes much (fast). It's automatic too, so it's (easy) to drive than the others.

John: I suppose it's (expensive) of the three, isn't it?

Salesman: Yes and no. In one way it's (expensive) of all, because you'll be able to drive much (far) in it before you need to spend a lot of money on repairs.