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Two Americans were travelling in Spain. One morning they came into a little restaurant for lunch. They did not know Spanish and their waiter did not know English. They wanted him to understand that they wanted some milk and sandwiches.

At first they pronounced the word "milk" many times. Then they spelled it. But the waiter could not understand them. At last one of them took a piece of paper and began to draw a cow. He was finishing his drawing, when the waiter looked at it and ran out of the restaurant.

"Do you see", said one of the travellers, "what a pencil can do for a man who has difficulties in a foreign country?"

The waiter was back again soon, but he brought no milk. He put down in

front of the two men two tickets for a bull-fight.


London is the capital of England, of Great Britain and the British Commonwealth.

Modern London is not one city, it is a number of towns and villages that have grown together. London stretches for nearly thirty miles from North to South, and nearly thirty miles from East to West. The City of London is a very small part of the whole: it's only one square mile in area. The City is the financial centre of London.

Trafalgar Square is the centre of London. There is Nel­son's Column in the centre of Trafalgar Square.

The river Thames divides London into two parts known as the North Bank and the South Bank. There are the Ho­uses of Parliament, built on the banks of the Thames at Westminster.

Shops and art-galleries and museums are in the West End of London. Working class of London is centered in the East End. In this part of London there are main docks and fac­tories.

There are many parks in London. St. James' Park is one of the most beautiful parks of London. It is situated almost in the middle of the city.


К упр. 2 (I. 4).

  1. a

  2. an, the, a, the

  3. a, -, a, a

  4. a, the

  5. the, the, the, an

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  7. the, the a, a, the

  8. -, the

  9. a, the, -

  10. a, a

  11. a, the, the

  12. the, -

  13. – (some)

  14. – (any)

  15. the

  16. the, a, the, a

  17. the, a

  18. a

  19. an, a

  20. a, a, the, a

  21. the, a, a

  22. a

К упр. 3 (I. 4).

  1. -, the

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  4. the

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  6. some

  7. the

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  9. the, some

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  15. -, -

  16. some

  17. any

К к упр. 4 (I. 4).



William Shakespeare was born in the year 1564 at Stratford-on-Avon in England. Stratford is a small town in a farming district near the centre of England. The Avon, which is a pretty river with grass and trees all along its banks, runs through Stratford. Not much is known of Shakespeare's father. He was a farmer who sold meat and bought and sold wool. He was poor and was often in money difficulties. Very little is known about the life of his only son William also. The little house in which he was born still stands. It is now a museum. He went to school in Stratford. Shakespeare arrived in London about the year 1586. Probably the first work he did was at one of the two theatres that were in London at that time. Then he became an actor and soon began to write plays for the com­pany of actors to which he belonged.

Shakespeare bought the largest house in his native town in 1597; but he didn't spend much time there till 1610. He spent the last years of his life mostly at Stratford, but he often visited London and his friends among the actors and the poets there. He died in 1616. A/the monument with his bust by a London sculptor was put up to him in Stratford a few years later.



A poor man had a parrot. The man taught it to say the following words: "There is no doubt about it." The parrot knew only these words. So when people asked the parrot a question he always answered: "There is no doubt about it"

One day the poor man went to the market to sell the parrot. "Who will buy my parrot?" he cried. "Twenty pounds for my parrot." A man, hearing the high price, looked at the parrot and said: - "Will anybody pay twenty pounds for you?" "There is no doubt about it," was the parrot's answer. The man liked the answer very much and bought the parrot.

Some time later he was sorry that he had bought the parrot. Standing near the parrot's cage he said: "It was silly of me to pay so much money for a parrot." "There is no doubt about it," cried the parrot. And this time the par­rot was right.
