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8. Переведите на русский язык.


Few (not many) of us own motor-cars.

A few (some) of the boys went by car, but most of them went by bus.

Harry has a large number of English books but very few (not many) French books.


Mrs Black likes a little (some, but not much) sugar in her tea; Mr Black likes a lot of sugar in his tea.

He has little (not much) time for reading.

Alice has only a little (some, but not much) money.

Mary has little (not much) money.

III. Вместо точек вставьте одно из местоимений little, a little, few, a few:

1) At the beginning of the meeting the chairman said ... words. 2) He is going away for ... days. 3) Though it was very late there were ... people in the park. 4) It is useless to ask him. He has ... knowledge on this matter. 5) He drank ... water and felt better. 6) You must be patient for there is ... hope that they will return soon. 7) Unfortunately, Peter takes ... interest in his lessons. 8) I can help you, as 1 have ... time now. 9) Don't bring me any books. I have ... time for reading now. 10) It was late and there were ... people in the park.

9. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на местоимения a) "that", "those"; b) "one", "ones".

a) 1. In the field of electronics the development of physics ran parallel with that of industry. 2. We consider the new system more convenient than all those that we previously used. 3. None of the systems of the past can be compared in simplicity and convenience to that of our days. 4. Our lab­oratory received some new instruments similar to those we got last month. 5. Practically all day-time students get grants, while those taking the evening courses have reduced working hours and paid leave for examinations. 6. The pres­sure in the cabin was less than that at the earth's surface.

b) 1. The efficiency of the new engine is much higher than that of the old one. 2. The simplest of the experiments are the ones you carried out yesterday. 3. Show me the tube, please. —Which one?—The plastic one. 4. The system of the London underground is a complicated one. 5. This machine is more powerful than the one we installed in our laboratory.

10. Переведите на английский язык. Ключ

1. Это смешной короткий рассказ. Он интересный? - Да.

It's a funny short story. Is it interesting? - Yes, it is.

2. Необходимо повторить весь грамматический материал.

It is necessary to revise all grammar material.

3. Именно моя сестра расска­зала мне об этом.

It was my sister who told me about it.

4. Не надевайте старые бо­тинки, наденьте новые.

Don't put on old shoes, put on new ones.

5. Тот, кто учит, называется учителем.

One who teaches is called a teacher.

6. Нужно знать свой долг.

One must know one's duty.

Контрольный тест. (см. Тест)

Вставьте необходимые местоимения

1. She washed... hands and face.

2. We invited Liz to stay with... in... house.

3. - Do you know that man? - Yes, I know....

4. That is his book. Give... to him.

5. Peter likes to eat. ... breakfast is always big.

6. The bag is heavy. What is there in... ?

7. Look at them! ... are playing like kids.

8. -Are... a teacher? –No ... am not.

9. They live in the country. ... house isn't big, but ... is comfortable.

10. Jeans always stay in fashion. People like....

11. She is mad about... car. She spends hours washing....

12. Pubs are an important part of life in Britain, but... aren't open to everyone.

13. - Can... help...? - Yes, please.... would like a pair of shoes.

14. That butterfly looks like a flower. Aren't... wings wonderful?

15. What's... phone number? May I phone you?

16. We know... well. They are friends of....

17. Give me... photo and I'll give you....