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Обозначение хронологических дат в английском языке

In 1800 (In eighteen hundred)

В 1800 году.

In 1905 (In nineteen о [ou] five)

В 1905 году.

In 1952 (In nineteen fifty-two)

В 1952 году.

March 21, 1964 (the twenty-first of March, nineteen sixty-four; March the twenty-first, nineteen sixty-four).

Двадцать первое марта 1964 года.

On the tenth of February (on February the tenth)

Десятого февраля.


Тренировочные упражнения

1. Скажите словами.

2, 18, 80, 100, 90, 14, 5, 99, 19, 705, 3,679, 21st, 1992, 1.015; 16th, 60, 1876, January 5, 4 1/2.

2. Образуйте порядковые числительные.

25, 100, 21, 5, 12, 13, 20, 346, 31.

3. Подберите эквиваленты. (см. Ключ)

1. 567

a. Eleven million

2. 9th

b. The ninth

3. 1805

c. The twentieth

4. 0.36

d. Eighteen naught five

5. 11,000,000

e. Five hundred and sixty-seven

f. point thirty six

4. Запишите цифрами. Ключ

1. One thousand six. 2. Twenty-nine. 3. The fifteenth. 4. Nine-teen twenty-two. 5. Three thou­sand. 6. Two fifths. 7. Twenty five point four. 8. May the twen­tieth. 9. Point five. 10. Three hundred and thirty-nine.

1006; 29; XV; 1922; 3000; 2/5; 25.4; May 20; 0.5; 339.

5. Скажите по-английски. (см. Ключ)

5 процентов; 22 сентября 1959 года; 1, 5 часа; 5347 км; 0,37 метра; 23 июня 1943 года; 3/5 тонны, 24 часа; 43-й президент.

6. Закончите предложения.

I was born in.... Now I am a student. I am... years old. I began to go to school in 19… I finished ten-year school in... and went to college. In... I began to go in for sports. I took part in the competitions in... . I won... place. In... we have got a new flat. We live on the... floor.

7. Прочтите следующие обозначения времени и температуры.

1) 776 B.C. (Before Christ), 38 B.C. A.D. 393 (Anno Domini), A.D. 1000. 2)7.00; 8.30; 9.15; 10.45; 11.20; 12.55; 18.05; 0.30. (6.00 — it’s six o'clock; 7.30 — it’s half past seven)

3) T-10; -25 ; -30; +19 ; +26 ; -2 ; +4. (-12 twelve degrees below zero;+20 twenty degrees above zero)


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Lev Landau

Lev Landau was born on January 22, 1908, in the Caspian city of Baku, the son of a middle-class Jewish family. He was a prodigy in mathematics and other exact sciences even before he reached his teens.

He was 18 and a student at the University of Leningrad when he published his first independent theoretical work. For his subject, he chose quantum mechanics, then — in 1926 — the very newest, least known, most difficult route into the as yet unexplored depths of the micro-world. Next year he introduced into physics the concept of "matritsa plotnosti", or matrix of density, now common in quantum mechanics and statistical physics. While he was still 19, Landau was graduated from Leningrad University.

Later, he got his doctorate. In 1937, he began his association with Kapitsa at the celebrated Institute of Problems of Physics, as head of one of its departments. In 1943, he also became a professor at the University of Moscow.

He was elected a member of the Academy in 1946, when he was only 38, an unusually early age to reach that exalted rung (ступень) of Soviet scientific honours.

Landau had been a graduate of Leningrad University only three years when he predicted diamagnetism of electrons; it is now called "Landau's Diamagnetism". In 1935, he did pioneer work in ferro-magnetism, in 1936-37, in phase transformation of solids. His research in the late 1930s was concerned chiefly with building and proving his theory of the intermediate stage of superconductivity.

In 1940-41, Landau developed the macroscopic theory of superfluidity (сверхтекучесть) of liquid helium at temperatures close to absolute zero, continuing Kapitsa's earlier achievement (1938) of discovering the phenomenon of helium superfluidity. The 1962 Nobel Prize was awarded to Landau for his bold experimentation with con­densation, and for his liquid-helium theory in particular.