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Тренировочные упражнения

1. Напишите следующие существительные во множественном числе и про­читайте их.

pencil, map, wall, window, door, shop, week, friend, girl, clock, pen, street, river, plate, fork, spoon, lamp, hat, coat, town;

dress, watch, glass, bus, match, mass, bench, fox, bush, branch, speech, dish, language, place, bridge, rose, case;

party, army, country, colony, play, key, toy, day, way, family, dictionary, story, copy, laboratory, journey, library, university, faculty, ministry;

leaf, life, thief, shelf, wife, half, loaf;

man, woman, child, tooth, foot, goose, mouse.

2. Напишите следующие существительные в единственном числе.

wolves, libraries, copies, shelves, ladies, ways, lives, watches, days, babies, universities, matches, flies, ministries, halves, colonies, keys, knives, brushes, men, bodies, lorries, women, children.

3. Назовите существительные во множественном числе.

Positions, news, box, seas, problems, clothes, level, bus, coun­tries, women, phenomenon, theses, money, crises, people, glass, class.

4. Поставьте следующие предложения в форму единственного числа. Не забудьте сделать все необходимые согласования. (см. Ключ) Здесь и во всех аналогичных случаях ключи даются в конце раздела.

Образец: These students receive free education in Belarus. This student receives free education in Belarus.

1. These students study at the institute. 2. My friends prepare their lessons in the evening. 3. In the morning my friends go to the institute. 4. My sisters play tennis well. 5. The teachers deliver lectures every day. 6. The engineers get new magazines from the library twice a week. 7. These experiments give good results. 8. These mechanics use some new instruments. 9. These men cross the plain again. 10. These texts have interesting information.


Работа с текстами

Прочтите следующие тексты. Определите число всех имеющихся там существительных.

The English Character

English are naturally polite and are never tired of saying “Thank you and I'm sorry". They are generally disciplined, you never hear loud talk in the street. They do not rush for seats in buses and trains. They will never shut the door in your face but will hold it open for you.

English people do not shake hands when meeting one another, they just smile and say "Hello". They say "How do you do" some­times, but not very often, only to people they meet for the first time.

Englishmen do not show their emotions even in tragic situ­ations. They seem to remain good-tempered and cheerful under difficulties.

Royal Kindness

John Lowe, the English scientist and writer of the 15th century, was very poor in his old age. He asked the king for help. The answer was not long in coming.1 Henry VII wrote:

"Considering that Lowe has devoted forty years of his life to historical works by which he has brought fame2 to his country, we give him our royal permission to beg on the roads of England for one year. He can spend all the money thus collected on himself without paying taxes."


1. the answer was not long in coming— ответ не заставил себя ждать

2. to bring tame — принести славу