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5. Переведите на английский язык.

1. Я не ходил вчера в институт. У нас не было занятий. 2. Секретарь напечатала несколько документов на прошлой неделе. 3. Он позвонил вчера слишком поздно. 4. Текст был трудный, и мне пришлось пользоваться словарем. 5. Ты вчера слушал последние новости?- Конечно, я всегда слушаю новости по вечерам. 6. Вчера у нас было собрание. Мой начальник выступил с докладом. Его доклад всем понравился. 7. Сегодня я вышел из дома в 8.20 и пришел на работу на 15 минут раньше. 8. В прошлом году моя сестра уехала в Лондон. Она устроилась на работу и нашла друзей. 9. Летом мы отдыхали на море и получили огромное удовольствие.

II. Work with the text

1. Прочтите текст. Найдите в тексте глаголы в Past Simple Tense, объясните их употребление. Переведите текст и ответьте на вопросы после него.

Ernest Rutherford

Ernest Rutherford, a British physicist, was born in New Zealand in 1871 and died in England in 1937.

His father had a farm, so Ernest had to work on the farm when he was a young man.

He was very capable, entered New Zealand University where he became interested in physics and developed a magnetic detector of radio waves.

In 1895 he came to England to study at Cambridge University where he worked under J.J. Thomson.

Rutherford went to Canada where he lived for some time and then returned to England. There he began to work in the new field of radioactivity.

In 1914 Rutherford discovered that the simplest positive rays are the rays obtained from hydrogen and that these are positively charge particles. He called this particle — "proton".

  1. Where did Ernest work when he was a young man?

  2. What education did he get?

  3. What did he discover in 1914?

  1. Переведите письменно текст с английского языка на русский, обращая внимание на времена глаголов.

The Rise and Fall of the British Empire

In the 17th century Britain had a large fleet and established its first overseas colonies. Its ships carried the products of the British industries all over the world and brought back food and raw materials.

Large territories in India, Australia, America and Africa became parts of the British Empire. Britain sent soldiers and clerks to these overseas lands to look after its property. Many people from Britain moved to these lands to live there. Some colonies were self-governing or dominions, such as Canada, Australia and New Zealand. Others like India and Africa were ruled by governors from Britain. The English language became an official language of these countries. At one time the British Empire covered one fifth of the earth and had one quarter of the world's population.

At the end of the 19th century Britain began to lose industrial supremacy to the United States and Germany. The capitalists exported money to different countries, where labour and raw materials were cheap, but at home industry and agriculture were not progressing. The peoples of the colonial countries began to struggle for independence.

The major events of the 20th century intensified national liberation movement in India, Burma and Pakistan. After the Second World War these and many other countries in Africa became independent.

3. Time for fun

Boy or Girl?

In western countries a lot of boys and girls have the same kind of hairdos and many of them wear similar clothes. So it is often difficult to tell whether they are boys or girls. One day an old gentleman went for a walk in a park in New York, and when he was tired he sat down on a bench. A teenager was standing near a pond feeding the ducks.

"My goodness!" the old man said to the person sitting next to him. "Do you see that person over there, with the tight trousers and long hair? Is it a boy or a girl?" "A girl", was the prompt reply. "She's my daughter."

"Oh!" the old man answered quickly. "I'm sorry I didn't know that you were her mother." "I'm not', said the other person, "I'm her father."