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III. Supplementary reading

1. Place names in America

The first people who arrived in America from Holland built a town that they named New Amsterdam. But forty years later, when Holland was at war with England, an English fleet under the command of the Duke of York appeared before New Amsterdam. The town had no army; the Eng­lish occupied the town and renamed it New York. And this, as we know, is the name that has remained to this day.

The first people who came to America did not try to think of new names for the towns they built, but often gave the new place the same name as the place they had come from. Along the east coast of the United States, we find such English names as Plymouth, Cambridge, London, Boston. English names often appear with the word "new" as a prefix: New England, New York, New Britain.

When the first English inhabitants left their homes on the east coast and moved to the west, they gave the new places the same names as those they had left behind. As a result, there are twenty-two towns in the United States that are called London, eighteen towns named Bristol, many named Chester, Windsor or New Windsor. This, of course, created a lot of difficulties for the postal service. There are towns named Philadelphia in four states, besides the Philadelphia that is the largest city in the state of Pennsylvania. This explains the Amer­ican tradition of writing the name of the state as well as the name of the city when addressing letters. If the sender does not do this, he can never be sure that his letter will go to the right address.

2. The Only Man Who Ever Walked From America to Russia

Colonel (полковник) Russel Farnum walked from America to St. Petersburg in Russia in 1812—1813. He walked, carrying a 20- pound pack and a gun, following the Missuri River to the waters of the Columbia River, then up the Pacific Coast to Alaska. He crossed the frozen Bering Strait to Siberia and continued his hike (путешествие пешком) to the Russian capital. This achievement has not equal in history. Farnum died in 1832.

1.3. Простое будущее время

The future simple (indefinite) tense (active)

Формула образования: shall, will + v




I shall (I’ll)

You will (you’ll)

He will

She will

It will buy computer.

We shall

You will

They will

I shall not (shan't)

You will not (won't)

He will not

She will not

It will not buy computer.

We shall not

You will not

They will not

Shall I

Will you

Will he

Will she

Will It buy computer?

Shall we

Will you

Will they

Используется для выражения:

  1. действия, которое состоится в будущем

The students will take their exams in June.

  1. намерения выполнения действия

He will call you tomorrow.

Индикаторы времени:tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, tonight, next day, next year, in 2011, etc.

Note: в современном английском языке вспомогательный глагол shall может заменяться на will.

  1. Grammar Practice Section

1.Прочтите и проанализируйте времена глаголов. Переведите предложения.

1. Alice will be away for a month. 2. I'll be back in half an hour. 3. We'll invite twenty people to the party. 4. I'll be in Rome next week. 5. I'll have French classes three times a week. 6. The professor will give some lectures. 7. Victor won't come because he is busy. 8. Mike will book the tickets. 9. She will study art. 10. They'll pay him 3000 dollars. 11. I'll be at the library at 4.

2. Поставьте вопросы к выделенным словам

1. I shall get up at seven o'clock tomorrow. 2. We shall go to the library after classes. 3. We shall be glad to see you in our house. 4. Our students will be engineers. 5. He will translate this text for the next lesson. 6. We shall not work on weekends. 7. You will ring me in some days.

3. Выразите свое несогласие по поводу того, что вам говорят

1. We shall go to the theatre after work. 2. I'll go to the swimming pool on Sunday. 3. He will do it tomorrow. 4. The teacher will give us the test next lesson. 5. I'll be at home at eight.

4. Раскройте скобки и употребите глаголы в будущем времени

It is five o'clock now. At six I (to phone) for a taxi. The taxi (to take) us to the Underground and then we (to take the tube) to King's Cross. I hope Kate (not be late). If she (to be late), we (to have to take) a taxi all the way to the station. That (to be) expensive. We (to be) in Cambridge at ten past ten. It (to take) an hour to get there by train. Mr. Brown(to ask) his secretary to meet us. She (to take) us to the office. I (to go) with him to the conference and Jane (to go to do) shopping. I think the conference (to be) very interesting and Jane (to be) pleased with her new things.