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5.3 Лексика

proprietorship - право собственности

to own - владеть

owner - владелец

sole proprietorship - частное предпринимательство

partnership - партнерство, товарищество

profit - прибыль

profitable - прибыльный, рентабельный

unlimited liability - неограниченная ответственность

real estate - недвижимость

to establish - учреждать

share - доля, часть, акция

shareholder/stock-holder - акционер

to issue stock - выпускать акции

advantage - преимущество

to invest - вкладывать деньги

research - исследования

to include - включать

volume - объем

corporation - корпорация

to run a company - управлять компанией

overseas - за границей

to expand - расширяться (о производстве)

to hold a meeting - проводить собрание

a board of directors - совет директоров

to choose the company’s officers – выбирать административных исполнителей компании

annual meeting - ежегодное собрание

insurance - страхование

to distribute profits and losses – распределять доходы и убытки

enterprise - предприятие, фирма, компания

distributing enterprise - торговое предприятие

financially autonomous enterprise – хозрасчетное предприятие

joint venture - совместное предприятие

non-profit enterprise - некоммерческое предприятие

parent company - головное предприятие

subsidiary company - дочернее предприятие

Формы организации бизнеса

Мы постоянно слышим слово «бизнес», и часто в него вкладывают различные понятия. Однако обратимся к фактам. Какой вклад вносит частный бизнес в экономику США?

Он обеспечивает более 75% рабочих мест.

Он способствует появлению на свет 75% новых изобретений.

Он ежегодно выплачивает свыше 100 миллиардов долларов в виде подоходного налога.

Он ежегодно жертвует миллиарды долларов на высшее образование.

А теперь рассмотрим три основные хозяйственно-правовые формы организации бизнеса, cуществующие в настоящее время.

Индивидуальное предпринимательство

Individual Proprietorship (амер.)

Sole Proprietorship (англ.)




Corporation (амер.)

Company (англ.)

5.4 Текст

Types of proprietorship

  1. A business may be privately owned in three different forms. These forms are the sole proprietorship, the partnership and the corporation. The sole proprietorship is the most common in many western countries. But it is evident that sole proprietorships do not do the greatest volume of business. What kind of business is likely to be a sole proprietorship? First of all, service industries, beauty shops, different repair shops, restaurants.

  2. A partnership is an association of two or more persons to carry on a business for profit. When the owners of the partnership have unlimited liability they are called general partners. If partners have limited liability they are “limited partners”. Any business may have the form of the partnership, for example, in such professional fields as medicine, law, accounting, insurance. Limited partnerships are a common form of ownership in real estate, oil prospecting industries, etc.

  3. A business corporation is an institution established for the purpose of making profit. It is operated by individuals. Their shares of ownership are represented by stock certificates. A person who owns a stock certificate is called a stock-holder. There are several advantages of the corporate form of ownership. The first is the ability to attract financial resources. The next advantage is the corporation attracts a large amount of capital, it can invest it in plants, equipment and research.

In Britain there are only a few successful large companies, but many successful small companies. The large companies often invest a lot money in research and development. Successful small manufacturing companies in Britain often make expensive products. These companies are successful because they use first-class materials, have excellent quality control and the workers are proud of what they make. They include J. Barbour & Sons, which make waterproof jackets; the Morgan Motor Company which makes elite cars; Quad Electroacustics, which makes top-quality hi-fi equipment.

Many foreign companies have opened factories in Britain. The Japanese car company Nissan opened a car factory near Sunderland in 1986. Toyota and Honda also have their main European factories in Britain. The Korean electronics company Samsung opened a factory in Sunderland in 1995. All major car manufactures in Britain are owned by foreign companies. Rover is owned by the German company, B. M. W. The foreign companies give jobs to many local people.