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Exercise 34

Fill in needed pronouns:

She has a car. It’s her car.

  1. He has a family. It’s ............. family.

  2. They have a computer. It’s ................... computer.

  3. ........ have a big house. It’s our house.

  4. ........ have a boat. It’s my boat.

  5. It’s her dog. The dog is ............ .

  6. They are my children. The children are ........... .

  7. You have a telephone. It’s ............. telephone.

  8. She has a mobile phone. The mobile phone is ............. .

  9. We have an office. It’s .................. office.

  10. ............. has an English book. The book is his.

  11. I like ….job.

  12. Tom likes ….job.

  13. My sister likes …… job.

  14. You like …….job.

  15. John and Mary like …….jobs.

  16. We like …….job.

  17. I saw Mary with ….children.

  18. I saw Ted with …… wife.

  19. I saw Ann with …….friend.

  20. I saw Ann and Ted with …… parents.

  21. I saw you with …….husband.

  22. They saw me with …….students.

Exercise 35

Form the negative and the interrogative sentences.

You are from Egypt.

You are not from Egypt.

Are you from Egypt?

  1. He is from Germany

  2. They are in England

  3. Your name is John

  4. James is from Italy

  5. She is a manager

Exercise 36

Answer the questions.

  1. What’s your surname?

  2. What’s your name?

  3. What’s your address?

  4. What’s your nationality?

  5. What’s your telephone number?

  6. Are you married or single?

  7. Where are you from?

  8. Can you spell your surname please?

Exercise 37

Translate into English.

  1. Меня зовут Хелен.

  2. Он из Англии.

  3. Откуда ты?

  4. Как тебя зовут?

  5. Вы женаты или холосты?

  6. Ваш адрес?

  7. Ваша национальность?

  8. Ваша профессия?

  9. Как вы поживаете?

  10. Они из России.

  11. Это английская компания.

  12. Главный офис компании находится в Лондоне.

  13. Как называется ваша компания?

  14. Ваши продукты дорогие? (products), (expensive).

  15. Ваша супруга менеджер?

  16. Мой муж – управляющий директор.

  17. Cкажите по буквам, пожалуйста.

Presentation: some countries and nationalities

  1. Argentina – Argentinian 11.Greece – Greek

  2. Austria – Austrian 12.India – Indian

  3. Belgium – Belgian 13. Italy – Italian

  4. Brazil – Brazilian 14. Canada – Canadian

  5. China – Chinese 15. Britain – British

  6. Egypt – Egyptian 16. Japan – Japanese

  7. England – English 17. Mexico – Mexican

  8. Finland – Finnish 18. Spain – Spanish

  9. France – French 19. Pakistan – Pakistani

  10. Germany – German 20. The USA – American

Exercise 38

Complete the sentences:

1. I am from Germany. I’m .......................... .

2. He is from Russia. He’s ............................ .

3. They are from Japan. They’re ............................. .

4. You are from Canada. You’re ............................... .

5. She is from China. She’s .............................. .

6. We are from France. We’re ............................. .

7. You are from Greece. You’re ........................... .

Exercise 39

Read and translate

  1. Hello. My name is Tessa Saunders. I’m 29. I’m British, I’m from Britain. I live in 12 Greenwood Street, Wimbledon, London, SW19 9DQ, England.

2. Hi, I’m Roger Mitchum. I’m 30. I live and work in the USA, but I come from Britain. My address is 474 Gonzalez Avenue, San Francisco, California, 94103, USA.

Answer the questions:

  1. What’s her name?_______________________________________________

  2. What’s his name?_______________________________________________

  3. Where is she from?______________________________________________

  4. Where is he from?______________________________________________

  5. How old is she?________________________________________________

  6. How old is he?_________________________________________________

  7. What is her address?____________________________________________

  8. What’s his address?_____________________________________________

  9. What nationality are they?_________________________________________

Lesson 4 Урок 4

Occupations Профессии

Active vocabulary


  1. writer – писатель

  2. businessman – бизнесмен

  3. businesswoman – деловая женщина

  4. fisherman – рыбак

  5. student – студент

  6. shop assistant – продавец

  7. teacher – учитель

  8. farmer – фермер

  9. engineer – инженер

  10. lawyer – юрист, адвокат

  11. nurse – медсестра

  12. dentist – зубной врач

  13. architect – архитектор

  14. doctor – врач

  15. accountant – бухгалтер

  16. guide – гид

  17. housewife – домохозяйка

  18. manager – менеджер

  19. managing director – управляющий, директор

  20. sales manager – менеджер по сбыту

  21. personnel manager – нач. отдела кадров

  22. secretary – секретарь

  23. personal secretary – личный секретарь

  24. receptionist – секретарь в приёмной

  25. sales representative – торговый представитель

  26. sales assistant – помощник по сбыту

  27. chief accountant – главный бухгалтер

29. editor – редактор

30. flight attendant – стюардесса

31. software devеloper – программист

32.market research – исследование рынка


33. to present – предствлять

34. to involve – включать в себя

35. to deal with – иметь дело с


  1. tiring – утомительный

  2. boring – скучный

  3. satisfying – удовлетворительный

  4. violent – жестокий


  1. mentally – умственно

Grammar notes

Артикль – самый распространённый определитель существительного в английском языке. Неопределенный артикль а/аn произошел от числительного “one”, поэтому он употребляется с исчисляемыми существительными в единственном числе.

This is a video cassette. Это видеокассета.

Неопределенный артикль употребляется, когда мы описываем профессию, работу человека.

My husband is a manager. Мой муж – менеджер.

Мы используем определенный артикль “the”, если человек – единственный в компании имеет данную должность.

Fred McLean is the Managing Director of BOS.

Фред Маклейнуправляющий директор.

Exercise 40 (We Mean Business ex 3, p 3)

Listen to the tape. The editor of the BOS magazine is talking to Howard Spencer. Here are the names of some of the BOS staff and a list of jobs. Put the right name with the right job.

Names Jobs

  1. Fred McLean a) a sales manager

  2. Luisa Middle b) a managing director

  3. Simon Young c) a secretary

  4. Sheila Baker d) a sales representative

  5. Mary Mackie e) a receptionist

  6. Paul Johnson f) a personnel manager

  7. Joy Bradley g) a personal secretary

  8. Howard Spencer h) a sales assistant