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Kita Systems, Inc.

Fax: (650) 997–8511 10 Buena Vista Way

Phone: (650) 993–5820 Palo Alto, CA 94303


To: Anna Lopez From: Joe Young

Fax: (650) 681–9729 Pages: 1

Company: Northstar Holdings Date: February 12, 2001

Re: New Office Design

Dear Ms. Lopez:

We want to redesign our office space at 10 Buena Vista. Here is the general layout of the space now and a diagram. Please forward this information to your architect.

The entrance is between a meeting room on the right and a reception room on the left. There are two rows of desks near the window on the right side of the office area. A work station is on the left side of the room. There’s a copier next to a fax machine and printers. Across from the work station is a long table, in the middle of the room, is a row of filing cabinets. The director’s office is in the left corner of the room, near the work station.

Please let me know when the architect can inspect the site.

Thank you,

Joe Young

Exercise 114

Write a fax to your building’s manager. Describe your office and ask for a plan for a new design. Use at least eight location words (next to, near, in the corner, etc.)

Exercise 115

Ask and answer each other’s questions about places in the picture.

A: Where’s the coffee shop?

B: It’s on the first floor, in the corner.

Lesson 9 Урок 9

In the Office в офисе

Active vocabulary


  1. medical room – мед. кабинет

  2. postroom – почтовая комната

  3. basement – подвальное помещение

  4. canteen – столовая

  5. department – отдел

  6. floor – этаж, пол

  7. customer – заказчик

  8. visitor – посетитель

  9. someone – кто–то

  10. magazine – журнал


  1. upstairs – наверх (–у)

  2. downstairs – вниз (–у)

  3. at the moment – в данный момент

  4. now – сейчас

  5. around – вокруг

  6. probably – вероятно

  7. which – который, какой


  1. to have lunch – обедать

  2. to welcome – принимать (гостя)

  3. to read – читать

  4. to visit – посетить

  5. to take shorthand – стенографировать

  6. to interview – брать интервью

  7. to type – печатать

  8. to send – посылать

  9. to talk on the phone – говорить по телефону

  10. to call somebody – звонить кому–либо

Exercise 116 (We Mean Business p 18)

Joy is showing Anne around the BOS building. Listen to the tape, read and translate.

Joy: The medical room is upstairs, on the second floor. This is Paul’s office.... Oh, he isn’t here at the moment. Look, he’s having lunch. He’s probably in the canteen.

Anne: Where’s that?

Joy: It’s downstairs, in the basement. The postroom is in the basement, too... Come on. I think, you know Mary, Fred McLean’s secretary... Where’s Fred, Mary?

Mary: He is visiting a customer.

Joy: And this is the personnel department... Good, Helen isn’t busy.

Helen: No, I am only reading tha BOS magazine.

Joy: Helen is Howard Spencer’s secretary.

Anne: Hello, Helen. I’m Anne, Sheila’s new secretary.