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Exercise 179

Talk about those things:

  • Roger’s job

  • His company’s plans or hopes for the future

  • The reason he doesn’t see Tessa any more

  • Some of the differences between Tessa’s job and Roger’s job.

Exercise 180

Read and translate the texts.

Miss Brown

I arrive in the office at nine o’clock with Mr Green. We talk about five minutes and then we start work. Mr White arrives late, at about ten o’clock. At eleven o’clock I go out of the office to take my report to the director. I talk to her for about twenty minutes and come back to the office at 11.25 a.m. I stay in the office for another twenty five minutes and then I go out to have coffee. I come back to the office after ten minutes. Finally I go for lunch half an hour after that.

Mr White

I arrive at ten o’clock and start to work immediately. I make several phone calls. I talk on the telephone for an hour. Then I spend twenty five minutes typing a letter. I leave the office to take the letter to another department. I am out of the office for about half an hour. I come back to the office and do some work. I leave at the same time as Miss Brown.

Exercise 181

Fill in the missing words.

Hello. My (1) ……….. is Linda Hobbs. I’m married. My (2) ………………… name is John. He (3) ……………….in a bank. We have three (4) ……………., two girls and a boy. My (5) ………………….. names are Lucy and Anne. My (6) ……………. name is Kevin.

We get up at half (7) …………….. seven every weekday and we (8) …………..breakfast at eight (9) ……….. . John (10) ……………. to work at nine o ‘clock and he (11) ……………….at (12) ……………….to five. The girls (13) ……………..to school at nine also and they (14) …………….. home at half past three. Kevin (15) ……………… go to school because he’s only three.

John has (16) …………….. in a cafe near the bank. The girls have lunch at (17)……………….. . We usually have (18) ………………….at about half past six in the (19)……………. . The children (20) ……………….. television after dinner. Kevin goes (21) ………………… bed at eight o’ clock and Lucy (22) ……….. Anne (23)……………… to bed at nine o’ clock.

We go shopping at the (24)………………. . On Sunday (25) …………go for a walk.

Exercise 182

Read this e–mail.

Subject: Planning for Mr. Ito’s Visit

Dear Mr. Heenan:

Thank you for your e–mail. Here is the information you requested about our company president’s daily routine.

Mr. Ito always gets up at 5 a.m. He usually goes jogging before breakfast. He always gets to work by eight o’clock. Please do not schedule appointments before 8:30. He likes to read his e–mail and do paperwork before lunch. After lunch, he likes to have meetings. He almost always has a light lunch, so he usually likes to have dinner at seven or eight o’clock. He never likes to go to bed late, so do not plan any events for late in the evening. On weekends, Mr. Ito usually plays golf or tennis, but he often enjoys going to concerts or plays.

I hope this information helps you to plan Mr. Ito’s schedule during his visit to your company next month.

Exercise 183

Write an e–mail reply to a company you plan to visit.

Describe your daily routine.

Lesson 14 Урок 14

Transport Транспорт

Active vocabulary


  1. bus – автобус

  2. trolleybus – троллейбус

  3. tram – трамвай

  4. car – автомобиль

  5. taxi – такси

  6. van – автофургон

  7. coach – мягкий автобус

  8. Metro/Underground/Tube – метро

  9. train – поезд

  10. electric (suburban) train – электричка

  11. bicycle – велосипед

  12. motorbike – мотоцикл

  13. ship – корабль

  14. boat – лодка

  15. liner – лайнер

  16. aeroplane/plane – самолет

  17. aircraft – воздушное судно

  18. lorry/truck – грузовик

  19. stop – остановка

  20. stopover – остановка в пути

  21. travel – путешествовать, путешествие

  22. trip – поездка

  23. journey – путешествие

  24. road – дорога

  25. way – путь

  26. means – средство

  27. passenger – пассажир

  28. ticket – билет

  29. check–in desk – стойка регистрации

  30. flight – полет, рейс

  31. delay – отсрочка, отложить

  32. arrival – прибытие

  33. departure – отправление

  34. lounge – фойе

  35. gate, terminal – выход

  36. holiday – отпуск, каникулы

  37. announcement – объявление

  38. message – сообщение

  39. timetable – расписание

  40. luggage – багаж


  1. to cycle – ехать на велосипеде

  2. to walk – идти пешком

  3. to drive – вести машину

  4. to fly – лететь

  5. to go by – ехать на ……

  6. to run – бежать

  7. take off – отправляться, срываться с места

  8. board – борт судна

  9. to come down/land – приземляться

  10. to wait – ждать

  11. to check in – зарегистрироваться на рейс

  12. to appologise – извиниться

  13. to keep – держать


  1. outside – снаружи

  2. while – пока, в то время как

  3. another – другой

  4. immediately – немедленно

  5. further – далее, дальнейший

Exercise 184

Match the words with the definitions:

Flight journey travel voyage trip

  1. __________ verb: to go from one place to another place

  2. __________ noun: a word we use when we are talking about traveling a long distance, usually by land

  3. __________ noun: a journey or a trip by air

  4. __________ noun: a journey or a trip by sea

  5. __________ noun: a word we always use when we travel for business, pleasure or for shopping.

Exercise 185

Can you put these words in two groups?

Go arrive get to land come depart leave take off

  • Starting a journey

  • Finishing a journey

  1. Which of these words can we use only for planes?

  2. Which words can we use for trains, buses or ships?

Exercise 186

Read and translate the text.

This is London airport. Many people are waiting to go on holiday. The woman at the check–in desk is taking the passengers’ tickets and she is asking them some questions. At “Passport Control” a man is looking at everyone’s passports. Some people are sitting on chairs and while they are waiting they are reading newspapers and magazines. There is a bar where some people are drinking tea or coffee. Outside, a plane is taking off and another one is coming down. Some men are putting the passengers’ bags onto another plane. A man who is leaving is saying goodbye to his family.

Ask questions about the text.

  1. Where is the airport?