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Chapter 20: Ten Ways to Use an iPad with Logic Pro X 339

\3.\ Browse or search for the key command.

\4.\ Tap the key command.


The key command is added to the space.

Figure 20-4:

Logic Remote key commands.



Several commands to split regions will save you from having to switch to the


scissors tool. You can add key commands to set your locators, nudge regions,


and go to markers so you can edit your arrangement and your tracks quickly.

Using Your iPad Mixing Console

Tap the view icon and choose the mixer. In my opinion, the mixer, shown in Figure 20-5, is worth the entire price of the iPad. I’ve spent a lot more money on various MIDI controllers and control surfaces to get the same functionality that I get from a simple and elegant free iPad app. And I never found a solution that was as easy to set up and use as Logic Remote.

340 Part VI: The Part of Tens

Figure 20-5:

The mixer.


The mixer shows you level meters; icons for automation, record, mute, and solo; pan knobs; faders; and the track names and numbers. You can swipe across the track names or meters to show different groups of faders. To view effects sends in the mixer, tap the Sends 1-4 icon beside the master fader.

\Many audio engineers like to listen to their mix from right outside the control room to test how it sounds from a distance. But not every engineer can listen

from outside the room and make changes from an iPad. And with smart controls, you have the most important controls at your fingertips.

Recording Remotely

For many laptop artists, the computer is inseparable from the art. Unfortu­ nately, so is the laptop fan noise. And as you add professional mics and preamps to your studio, they get better at picking up all the imperfections of your recording environment. With Logic Remote, you can leave the computer where it won’t impede the quality of your recording.

To begin recording on the selected track, tap the record icon on the transport. Tap the stop icon when you’re finished. Tap the cycle mode icon to record multiple takes, as described in Chapter 6.

Chapter 20: Ten Ways to Use an iPad with Logic Pro X 341

Commanding Logic Pro

Tap the settings icon to open the edit and track submenus, as shown in Figure 20-6. On this menu, you can undo and redo edits, create and duplicate tracks, adjust the velocity range of the touch instruments, and open Logic Remote Help.

Figure 20-6:


Remote settings.


\It’s probably a good idea to add a key command to save your project. (See “Editing Tracks and Your Arrangement” section to find out how to add custom

key commands.) In addition to adding a key command to save your project, you can add other project commands such as New Empty Project, Close Project, and Close Project without Saving.

Navigating Logic Pro

The control bar display shows you the location of the playhead in musical time or clock time, depending on the general project settings. Tap the control bar display, and a ruler opens below the control bar, as shown in Figure 20-7. Swipe left or right in the ruler or display area to move the playhead.

342 Part VI: The Part of Tens

Figure 20-7:

The ruler.


\The benefit of having a computer keyboard with a numeric keypad is that the numeric keys are assigned to marker numbers. If you’re working on a laptop or

with a keyboard that doesn’t have a numeric keypad, you can create key commands in Logic Remote that go to marker numbers. (See the “Editing Tracks and Your Arrangement” section for information on creating key commands.) If you want to edit a key command, tap it with two fingers to remove or replace the key command or give it a color.

Sketching Songs with GarageBand

You can start any project in GarageBand for iOS (iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch), import it to GarageBand on your Mac to work on it a little more, and then import it to Logic Pro. The workflow is smooth. One benefit of using all three apps is that you have a version of the project saved on your iOS device, in your GarageBand projects folder, and in your Logic Pro projects folder. Redundant backups will save the day.

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