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led to violence last week against the country’s Chinese minority. Their shops were looted and burned, and many went into hiding. Some fled abroad. Although they account for just 4 percent of the population, ethnic Chinese control around 70 percent of Indonesia’s wealth and are mostly Buddhist or Christian in a pre dominantly Muslim country. In response to the unrest, some Chinese shop owners began discounting prices, and a group headed by Chinese billionaire Liem Sioe Liong donated 100,000 parcels of basic foodstuffs to the poor.

Meanwhile, concern rose in nervous financial markets as Minister of Research and Technology B. J. Habibie won endorse ment from Indonesia’s powerful military establishment to become vice president in elections next month. Habibie is a close confidant of President Suharto and could easily become president given Suharto’s advanced age of 76. Habibie’s insistence on big ticket government spending has not gone down well with the International Monetary Fund, which demanded that one of Habibie’s pet proj ects—a profitless $2 billion effort to build a national aircraft—be scrapped as a condition of IMF loans.

Steven Butler in Tokyo



1)правильность перевода следующих слов и словосочетаний, учитывая их эмоциональную нагруженность, переносное значение в данном контексте;

2)правильность перевода грамматических структур, обеспе- чивающих компрессию текста;

3)наличие стилистических при¸мов при переводе (клише журнально-газетного информационного текста, ирония, метафора).

Brunt, plummet, flee, loot, demand, nervous financial markets, big ticket government spending, pet project, shop owners, IMF


loans, a profitless $2 billion effort, powerful military establishment, given Suharto’s advanced age, go down well with, win endorsement from, concern rose.


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üПроанализируйте игру слов в заголовке статьи FINANCE SCAN- DAL TARS MR. CLEAN (Cм. ниже). Дайте прогноз содержания статьи на основе заголовка.

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3)найдите единицы перевода, содержащие оценочную и эмоционально окрашенную лексику;

4)найдите грамматические средства, обеспечивающие компрессию текста: инфинитивные конструкции, причастные обороты, номинативные конструкции;


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6)найдите в тексте средства семантической и/или формальной когезии (связи), напр., added — добавил, although — хотя, however — однако, meanwhile — между тем, and, but è äð.;

7)укажите, есть ли в данном тексте элементы многословия и/или повторы.


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Japan’s widening probe into bribery and corruption in the finance industry claimed an unlikely victim last week. The suicide of Shokei Arai, a legislator in the ruling Liberal Democratic Party, shocked the nation in part because Arai, a former Finance Ministry official, had gained fame by attacking corruption among LDP leaders.

Arai was suspected of receiving favors from Nikko Securities, which allegedly gave him more than $230,000 in guaranteed profits on a VIP stock trading account. Although Arai admitted receiving the money, he denied to the end that he had made any illegal requests for special treatment from Nikko and claimed he was being framed. He hanged himself rather than face arrest.

The case could further complicate Japan’s efforts to clean up its nearly bankrupt finance system. Although Japan’s parliament last week approved more than $100 billion for capital injection into weak banks, actually disbursing the money could prove politically unpop ular as more institutions are tarred by the scandal

Steven Butler


üПроверьте по словарю правильность перевода следующих слов и словосочетаний, учитывая:

1)их эмоциональную окрашенность, оценочный характер, переносное значение;


2)правильность перевода грамматических структур, обеспе- чивающих компрессию текста;

3)наличие стилистических при¸мов при переводе (клише журнально-газетного информационного текста).

Tar, allegedly, unlikely victim, nearly bankrupt, probe into bribery and corruption, claimed a victim, shocked the nation, gained fame by attacking corruption; VIP stock trading account, finance system, clean up, frame.


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üПроанализируйте заголовок ECONOMIC SLUMP MAKES BOOMERS NERVOUS: POLL… (см. ниже) и дайте прогноз содержания текста, учитывая значения слов SLUMP, BOOMERS, POLL.

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1)определите тип публикации;

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3)найдите единицы перевода, содержащие оценочную и эмоционально нагруженную лексику, лексику, передающую реалии культурной среды, идиоматические выражения, табуированную лексику;

4)найдите грамматические средства, обеспечивающие компрессию текста: инфинитивные конструкции, причастные обороты, номинативные конструкции;

5)найдите в тексте языковые клише, характерные для стиля газетно-журнального информационного текста;

6)найдите в тексте примеры использования метафоры как стилистического при¸ма, продумайте варианты соответствия на языке перевода;

7)найдите в тексте средства семантической и/или формальной когезии, напр., added — добавил, even though — даже если, at the same time — в то же время, however — однако, meanwhile — между тем, and, but è äð.;

8)укажите, есть ли в данном тексте элементы многословия и/или повторы.


But other Canadians are facing the downturn with confidence

üСделайте письменный перевод текста, пользуясь словар¸м.

OTTAWA — Most Canadians are weathering the current eco nomic storm with surprising confidence, but baby boomers are deeply nervous about their future, according to a new national poll.

The survey, conducted by EKOS Research Associates Inc. for The Toronto Star, CBC and La Presse, found that the public’s out look remains rosy despite stock market turbulence and a raft of alarming layoffs.

At the same time, the pollster said the federal Liberals are reap ing the benefits of Canadians’ persistently optimistic view of the


economy. That optimism helps explain the continuing strong stand ing of the Liberals, who received 52.6 per cent of decided voter sup port in the national survey, the pollster said.

The poll found boomers and those of pre retirement age are a glaring exception to the optimism of the rest of the population, with many of them fearing for their jobs, their pensions and their ability to recover from staggering losses in stock markets.

EKOS found that 40 per cent of those between the ages of 45 and 64 believe they have “lost all control” of their economic future.

“When they think about retirement and the idea of freedom 55, comparing their meagre savings against the prospects of trying to maintain their lifestyle, they’re probably thinking about freedom 95 now,” EKOS president Frank Graves said.

Young people, though, exhibit pronounced optimism. Only 21 per cent of those below the age of 25 told pollsters they had lost con trol of their economic future.

“Over all, we find that optimism on economic security — and, in particular, confidence in labour markets — remain remarkably strong,” Graves said.

At the same time, nearly three quarters of Canadians are con cerned that the country is turning into a more divided society of haves and have nots as it becomes increasingly like the United States, EKOS found.

The company surveyed 3,004 Canadians across the country in August on their economic outlook, making the findings accurate within plus or minus 1.8 percentage points, 19 times out of 20.

Of those surveyed, 46 per cent said they had not “lost all con trol” of their economic future, while 33 per cent said they felt they had. (Twenty per cent had no response.)

And, when asked if they expect to lose their job in the next few years, 57 per cent said they had no such worry, while 28 per cent of respondents expressed concern. (Thirteen per cent had no opinion.)

The findings were in keeping with a general long term decline in Canadians’ economic fears since 1997, when nearly half of all Canadians felt they were in danger of winding up unemployed, the pollsters said.


“Canadians don’t seem to be particularly panicked by the tur moil that’s going on on equity markets,” Graves said.

Since last year, the Toronto Stock Exchange has wiped out bil lions of dollars in value in a tumble that has eliminated fully one third of its total worth.

And the economy has been shedding thousands of jobs in recent months even though the unemployment rate has remained steady at 7 per cent because some people have stopped looking for work.

Canadians “are cognizant of the fact that there is something perhaps amiss and we see some rise in the uncertainty levels,” Graves commented. “But it’s less impressive than the continued level of sustained confidence out there.”

He said this is particularly striking considering approximately half of all Canadians have investments in the stock market.

“This period of confidence is one that was very hard fought for by Canadians. (They) went through enormous turbulence and inse curity throughout the nervous ‘90s and apparently they’re not ready to abandon that sense of confidence and well being that rapidly,” according to Graves. He said it would take “a major shock” to dis rupt this pattern.

Another question in the poll sought to measure Canadians’ feel ings about the growing divide in recent years between society’s rich and poor. Respondents were asked to agree or disagree with this statement: “I really worry that we are moving to a more divided soci ety of haves and have nots.”

A strong majority — 71 per cent — said they were worried about this trend, while 13 per cent said there was no reason for concern. (Fifteen per cent had no response.)

Concern in Ontario — at 73 per cent — was in line with the rest of the country.

While large, the percentage of those expressing alarm about the polarization of society is gradually shrinking from an 81 per cent level in 1996, EKOS noted.

“There’s a sense of hopelessness and resignation” about the affects of free trade, globalization and market driven economic policies on society, Graves explained.


It also reflects the integration of Canada with the United States. The pollster finds many Canadians “directly connect things like the growing gap between rich and poor to rising levels of Americanization and rising levels of individualism versus collec tivism” in Canada, he said.

But he added Canadians are nonetheless genuinely concerned about this issue. He said poverty, especially among children, still sur passes tax cuts when the public is polled on government priorities.

Commenting on the current level of economic optimism. Graves said it appears “a little bit exaggerated” at a time of sliding stock markets and a prolonged economic slump.

Unless the economy picks up, the federal Liberals could begin to see an erosion in their support over this issue. Graves said.

By Les Whittington, Ottawa Bureau


üПроверьте правильность переводческих соответствий следующим единицам перевода, пользуясь словарем и при этом учи- тывая:

1)их эмоциональную окраску, оценочный характер, переносное значение, социолингвистическую роль, идиоматику;

2)правильность перевода грамматических структур, обеспе- чивающих компрессию текста;

3)наличие стилистических при¸мов при переводе (метафори- ческий перенос, табуированная лексика, клише журналь- но-газетного информационного текста).

Turmoil, turbulence, alarming layoffs, a raft of layoffs, glaring exception, staggering losses, remarkably strong, meagre savings, this is striking (strong words); slump, downturn, layoffs (taboo words); baby boomers, freedom 55 (culturals); are cognizant (formal style); decided voter support, reap the benefits (metaphor and paper set expressions); the findings were in keeping with, danger of winding up unemployed, wiped out billions of dollars in value, there is some thing amiss (idioms, phrasal verbs); haves and have nots (substanti-


vated nouns); stock market, equity market, unemployment rate, uncertainty levels, tax cuts, government priorities (nominative constructions); …with many of them fearing for their jobs, their pensions and their ability to recover from staggering losses in stock markets

(absolute participial construction), making the findings accurate, when asked…, while large…, commenting on the current level of economic optimism (participial constructions); freedom 95, rosy out look (irony); the percentage is shrinking, the economy has been shedding jobs, sliding stock markets, erosion in …support, unless the economy picks up (metaphor).


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üЧто стоит за заголовком U.S. HYPOCRISY IN INDONESIA ?

üВыскажите свое предположение, как настоящий переводчик, какое отношение имеет США к Индонезии?


üСделайте переводческий анализ текста:

1)выпишите юридические и бизнес термины и словосочетания с ними, а также обороты речи, характерные для официального стиля и найдите варианты соответствия на русском языке;


2)найдите в тексте эмоционально окрашенные и оценочные единицы перевода, позволяющие автору выразить сво¸ отношение к сообщаемой информации;

3)выпишите идиоматические выражения и фразовые глаголы и найдите для них варианты соответствия.

üСделайте письменный перевод текста, пользуясь словар¸м и сравните свои предположения о содержании текста, сделанные на основе заголовка, с информацией, полученной в результате перевода. Проанализируйте причины расхождений.

By Kenneth Roth

NEW YORK Following the spate of recent business scandals in the United States, President George W. Bush called for “a new ethic of personal responsibility in the business world.” Yet the State Department has recommended dismissal of a lawsuit alleging cor porate complicity in violent human rights abuse in Indonesia. Its actions suggest that the administration’s concern with corporate responsibility ends at the U.S. borders.

The lawsuit was filed in federal court in Washington by 11 resi dents of Aceh, the westernmost province of Indonesia and site of a vicious war between separatist guerrillas and the Indonesian military. In the suit, the plaintiffs charge that they were raped, tortured or kidnapped — or their relatives murdered — by Indonesian soldiers paid to protect a big Exxon Mobil natural gas plant in the province.

On a visit to Aceh a year ago for Human Rights Watch, I heard first hand about atrocities by both sides. Often in reprisal for abusive guerrilla attacks, Indonesian troops shot and beat civilians and torched villages. The issue in the lawsuit is whether Exxon Mobil is complicit in these abuses through alleged “logistical and material” support given to Indonesian troops protecting operations it runs in north Aceh. Exxon Mobil denies the allegations.

The suit was brought under various U.S. federal statutes includ ing the Alien Tort Claims Act of 1789. This law has been interpret ed to permit victims of serious human rights violations abroad to seek civil damages in U.S. courts against their alleged abusers who


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